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2023/06/03 Drone taxis


  • cargo (n.)貨物
  • initiative (n.)新措施/倡議、判斷、主動權 (adj.)初始的、創始的
  • collapsible (adj.)可折疊的
  • subsidiary (n.)子公司
  • uncrewed (adj.)無人駕駛的
  • regulatory(adj.)監管的、控制的
  • collaborative (adj.)合作的/共同的
  • legislative (adj.)立法的
  • takeoff (v.)起飛
  • land on (v.)降落
  • relevant stakeholders (n.)相關利益者
  • infrastructure (n.)基礎設施
  • aerial routes (n.)航線
  • endeavour (n.)努力
  • on active duty 現役
  • pilot site (n.)試驗地點
  • bypass (v.)繞行 (n.)分流
  • ease (v.)緩解、減輕 (n.)舒適


  • as well as
  • up to 最遠/最高
  • throughout the country 在全國各地
  • take place 發生
  • lies in 在於

Good Sentence

  • The overall aim of (the project) is to
  • This is the first initiative of its kind in the world
  • including the transportation of cargo and later, people.
  • The significance of these demonstrations lies in
  • provides them with a competitive advantage in the global market

The Internet of Things (IoT) connects physical devices, objects, and systems to the internet, enabling them to communicate, collect and exchange data. This network of interconnected devices, equipped with sensors, software, and connectivity, forms a robust ecosystem where information flows seamlessly between the physical and digital realms.

IoT has found applications in various domains, including home automation, healthcare, transportation, agriculture, manufacturing, and more. For example, in a smart home, IoT devices such as thermostats, lights, appliances, and security systems can be interconnected to provide seamless control, energy optimization, and enhanced security. In healthcare, wearable devices can monitor vital signs and transmit real-time data to healthcare providers for remote monitoring and timely intervention.

In conclusion, IoT is a transformative technology that connects physical objects to the digital world, enabling data-driven decision-making, automation, and innovation across various sectors.