Meeting Minutes === :::spoiler Document Usage This document is used for all minutes of the WoT CG. After the meeting, the contents will be copied to the GitHub with a PR. === ###### tags: `Meetup` :::spoiler Document Usage This document is used for all minutes of the WoT CG. After the meeting, the contents will be copied to GitHub with a PR. For one week, changes can be requested and then the PR will be merged. After the PR is merged, the content here can be deleted. Document Access: - Everyone has read and commenting access - Cristiano Aguzzi and Ege Korkan can edit the document - Other people can request write access for a meeting - The scribe of the meeting will have write access <!-- Do not change this spoiler container when writing an instance document --> <!-- See for list of emojis --> ::: :::info :date: **Date:** 14 February 2024 ### :bust_in_silhouette: Participants <!-- This list will copied over from the meeting tool --> - Ege Korkan - Till Langen ### :scroll: Agenda - News from the CG - Introduction of the Speaker - Presentation - Q&A - Discussion :writing_hand: **Scribe:** Ege :computer: **Intro Slides:** ::: ### Introduction Ege: Welcome 15th meeting! We will have a short news section and then we are going to give the floor to Till presentatio about matter. ### News Ege: New meetups planned scheduled for March 28, from a previous attender. Ege: Feel free to propose a theme for a next Meetup. Just ping us on discord. #### Speaker Introduction Ege: Since 2020, Till is working as a part of the MagentaZuhause app team in Deutsche Telekom. Initially, he has worked with Thread and then with Matter. After working on a proof of concept for the integration in the MagentaZuhause architecture, he realized that an abstraction from Matter to Web of Things would make the solution more resource efficient and lightweight. ### Presentation Till: Dual student at Deutsche Telekom. Till: Shows agenda #### Matter Intro Till: We use WoT in the cloud and have the integrations in the gateway. Till: The source code is on Github and standardized by CSA. It is local networks and uses IPv6. Till: Matter uses known networking layer protocols. Till: a device can have multiple nodes. Till: a node then has multiple endpoints. Till: each endpoints has clusters, can be server or client and has device type has requirements. Till: Clusters are checked in the certification process. Till: the spec says that a device type must implement these clusters. Till: A special one is the root node. It has basic information and general commissioning. Importantly it contains the list of all endpoints. ##### Example Till: on off light bulb has root node and then an on off node ##### Composition Till: You can create compositions by linking via semantic tags. A device that has refrigeration and freezer function. ##### Bridging Till: You can put endpoints of non matter devices ##### Security Till: Defines access rights like read write and invoke and each has levels of attributes. #### WoT Concept Till: each endpoint is a TD. It separates the functionality. Till: Relations can be abstracted with the links of the TD spec. Till: But matter relationships are unilateral. Till: I have done a context extension and used matter provided ontology Till: I had to add an Aggregator rel type. Till: Collection and item from TD spec works really well here. Till: For security, I have thought of repurposing the oauth2 since it has the nice scopes concept. Till: I have mapped some affordance types. Attributes are properties, commands actions, events events. Till: events are a bit harder. Till: We can extend the XML provided by matter ##### Matter Protocol Binding Till: What do we need? Cluster name, affordance or characteristic name, node id, endpoint id. These I have understood from the CLI library. Till: This helps with the uri scheme definition ##### Thing Models Till: We can have a library of thing models since there are a lot of reusable stuff. #### Implementation Till: I have used node-wot. Thanks for answering the questions on Discord. Till: I have also done discovery. Then there is a restful interface. It is on top of Telekom Matter Controller. Till: Shows the video. ### Q&A Farshid: How did you go with the implementation? Till: On top of Telekom Matter Controller. I am not using the chip tool. Robert Winkler: Based on some open source tools but we have done some stuff ourselves. We use the chip C sdk. Jochen: Yes we use the Matter SDK and a rest interface on top of it. Vignesh: Link for implementation? Till: Ege: Why not one TD? Till: Naming collisions but it can be done. Farshid: How about commissioning? Thread and WiFi would differ in commisioning. Do you plan to tackle this? Till: Not really. They will be in the root node. Vignesh: The matter implementation itself is not open source? Till: No it is not. Vignesh: What language? Jochen: C++ provided by the CSA. Ege: This protocol binding can be a spec? Till: I do not have contacts Jochen: Is there a liaison? Ege: sadly not but it is a good idea. SK: The wish is there. We can present in the main call. Maybe you can present it to the matter? Till: We can find the correct subteam, taiga team to contact. Rachid: From DT. There is a taiga team about making matter available for internet usage. That can be a good starting point. I will send it to you. Ege: The library is available somewhere? Till: In the models folder in the link above. Robert: We currently use Eclipse Smart home in the gateway and this was just a PoC. Juergen: Is the thesis available online? Till: Not yet but I can post in the discord server. Ege: Matter ontology for links. Is it public as well? Does it resolve to triples nicely? Till: Only XML usage sadly... Ege: What are the next steps? Till: Not much from my side. Rachid: We need to evaluate it further on our side. Vignesh: Any usage outside of smart home? Till: It is not limited to it. Robert: It can run anywhere actually Till: We could abstract everything to WoT. Ege: Where can you use WoT more in Matter? Till: Going out of the spec with device types. They cannot describe everything, even when they add more types. ## :ballot_box_with_check: Resolutions ## :exclamation: Action Items ## :envelope_with_arrow: Feedbacks - The scope feature of oauth2 is actually usable in other places. ## Presentation Summary