Meeting Minutes === :::spoiler Document Usage This document is used for all minutes of the WoT CG. After the meeting, the contents will be copied to the GitHub with a PR. === ###### tags: `Meetup` :::spoiler Document Usage This document is used for all minutes of the WoT CG. After the meeting, the contents will be copied to GitHub with a PR. For one week, changes can be requested and then the PR will be merged. After the PR is merged, the content here can be deleted. Document Access: - Everyone has read and commenting access - Cristiano Aguzzi and Ege Korkan can edit the document - Other people can request write access for a meeting - The scribe of the meeting will have write access <!-- Do not change this spoiler container when writing an instance document --> <!-- See for list of emojis --> ::: :::info :date: **Date:** 23 May 2024 ### :bust_in_silhouette: Participants <!-- This list will copied over from the meeting tool --> - Ege Korkan - Cristiano Aguzzi - Vignesh V - Michael Koster - Josh Cohen - Jan Romann ### :scroll: Agenda - News from the CG - Introduction of the Speaker - Presentation - Q&A - Discussion :writing_hand: **Scribe:** Ege :computer: ::: Cris: We do this as a normal W3C. Vignesh: I work in LASER applications at LMU in Munich. Cris: We peaked at around 25 people. 6 meetups so far. 26 more subscribers, 800 more views. Ege: We have a license issues but we are working on it. The new wave has storyboard is coming. Cris: New bindings. Two from cg, 2 in bindings repo, 1 in Thingweb project. Cris: OPC Foundation is adopting WoT. Also, DTDL is converging to TD. Josh: Can you explain matter binding? Ege: Two were discussed in Matter meetup: There is an initial proposal. Cris: Any updates from Focus Groups? Josh: For HA, I have reviewed the previous emails on Shelly. > Josh share screen Josh: Shelly needs OTA FW updates. Sonoff can be opened and flashed as you wish. Josh: Even then, Sonoff makes more sense. Cris: The idea is to flash WoT code into it? Josh: Sort of. For ?? I have used the wot-py library. Josh: We had a breakout in TPAC and there were interested people. Cris: We can even reuse the tutorial website for blog posts. Vignesh: I also want to contribute to node-wot documentation Josh: What is it? Vignesh: Node-wot application to interact with lab instruments. Cris: I'm working on node-wot for browser and improving typing. ---- Do not delete the remaining part ### Introduction Ege: Welcome to the 18th meetup! ### News Cris: We don't have another meetup planned, let us know if you have something to present. Cris: please join the community group. Cris: We also have a small survey. Please fill if you can. #### Speaker Introduction Cris: Marco Di Felice is a Full Professor at the University of Bologna where he founded the IoT Prism Lab, which focuses on scientific and industrial research in pervasive and mobile systems. He is also faculty member of the international PhD program in Engineering and Information Technology for Structural and Environmental Monitoring and Risk Management (EIT4SEMM) and affiliated to the Advanced Research Center on Electronics Systems (ARCES). He has served as an associate editor for the IEEE Internet of Things journal and the Ad Hoc Networks journal. Currently, he is an associate editor for the Computer Networks journal. He authored more than 160 scientific articles on wireless, pervasive and mobile systems, interoperability and IoT data processing and platforms. Cris: Luca Sciullo is a Junior Assistant Professor who authored more than 30 papers in both international conferences and journals. He was a Visiting Researcher at the Huawei European Research Center of Munich, Germany. His research interests include wireless systems, Internet of Things (IoT) Systems, Web of Things (WoT), Digital Twin, Industry 4.0, and Blockchains. ### Presentation Marco: We will present research activity of our lab, focusing on IoT and WoT. Marco: I lead IoT Prism Lab. > Shows IoT Prism Lab team Marco: We develop interop to other standards like FIWARE, Arrowhead. We bring WoT to constrained devices, and develop WoT tools. Marco: We have a real system and we monitor it. We generate a DT so that we can do stuff like what if analysis, correlation, system state prediction. Marco: In the first part, we will focus on monitoring and second part will be digital twin generation and research. #### Monitoring Marco: We focus today on smart buildings but we did agriculture and healthcare as well. Marco: We call this structural health monitoring. It is important in Italy since we have critical infrastructure but a lot of cultural heritage as well. Marco: We have tower of Pisa but also one in Bologna as well. Marco: We did three projects in this domain. In these, we were asked to create the digital structure. Marco: The initial thinking was simple. Put some sensors, get IoT Data, run an AI algorithm to detect. Marco: It was not simple. Big data management is difficult to scale to multiple GB. Computation is challenging since we cannot transfer that much data to the cloud and edge does not have enough resources. Marco: Training the AI was not easy since we do not have damage at this point. Marco: Last challenge was interoperability. There can be different sensors from different manufacturers. Also data processing is done by other entities. Marco: So we provide a TD for each sensor. Marco: So we came up with a more generic approach. We can abstract from physical things now. Marco: We also created MODRON where we adapted WoT Store that we had developed before. You can interact with Things and edit TDs etc. Marco: We used it for a vibrating table where a concrete structure is placed on it. > Shows the video Marco: We have simulated an earthquake happened 10 years ago in Birria. Marco: Now Luca, the floor is yours. #### Digital Twin Generation Luca: Since 2022 we are working on generating digital twins, called WoTins. Luca: We build a transition between states, using Markov Decision Process and then we can interact with DT through an API like a real Thing. > Shows a MDP generated SM. Luca: MDP states are TD properties. MDP actions are TD actions. Luca: By observing the real thing, we can generate the digital twin. Luca: We compared our method to: frequency based, machine learning, and hybrid. Luca: We used a ground rover which can have unknown obstacles. We evaluted by looking at the grid side and type of estimator. Luca: We looked at relativistic digital twins. I ##### Goal 2: Automate DT generation Luca: we can train the model from different sources Luca: We propose to extend the TD with model relevant keywords > Shows the terms with the description of values it can take > Shows a TD snippet with model > Shows plots with data from digital twin Luca: We can also do a DT for a drone. We learn the parameters from ### Q&A ege: are you using modellica as language for your model expressions? luca: We are using the python syntax. fady: How do you model the action effect on properties? ls: we did a simplification. Writeproperty modifies the property. We need to add such modeling aspects. ek: it would be cool to add how an action input influences the model keyword ca: events are also not part of the models right? ls: yes. We can consider this a start. mf: We can generate the model purely from data or from physical model. lb: (missed this part due to phone call) lb: you can submit a use case. ls: I will add the hidden variable problem. External temperature affecting the internal one. mf: This is a real problem. We need to extend in this case. ca: is this information in the td of the physical thing? or is it in the dt td? lb: it is the first one. We did not want to increase the complexity. ag: What consists in the digital twin (door rang, missed the answer) ek: in a previous meetup, we have shown the robot example whose input space is too complex. So the digital twin helps with that mf: a digital twin is a bit different in this case. lb: You can make a prediction about the future. What will be the future state basically. lb: In the robot example, you are hiding the complexity. A bit like a validator. ## :ballot_box_with_check: Resolutions ## :exclamation: Action Items ## :envelope_with_arrow: Feedbacks - They have a bluetooth binding template -> public in a paper ## Presentation Summary