--- tags: eds-book, show-and-tell --- *This HackMD is adapted under a CC-BY license from [_The Turing Way_ collaboration cafe template](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/blob/master/book/website/community-handbook/templates/template-coworking-collabcafe.md)* # _The Environmental Data Science book_ β›° 🌳 πŸ™οΈ ❄️ πŸ”₯ 🌊 online Show & Tell [PUBLIC ARCHIVE] ## 25 January 2022 Thank you for joining the _The Environmental Data Science_'s online Show & Tell 🎬 πŸ’¬ ! We're delighted to have you here πŸŽ‰ **What?** The Environmental Data Science is a community aiming to learn and discuss scientific software practises/developments fostered by AI and data science for a better understanding of our Planet Earth and environmental systems. [Show and Tell](https://the-environmental-ds-book.netlify.app/community/coworking/coworking-showtell.html) are **online coworking calls** to gather feedback informally, but more importantly, it's a celebration once every two months of what you, your team and/or someone else in the community has accomplished. *Read more about it here: https://the-environmental-ds-book.netlify.app/community/coworking.html* **Who?** ***Everyone** interested in reproducible, ethical, and inclusive data science and research for environmental studies are welcome to join the full or any part of The Environmental Data Science project, community, and/or this call.* **When?** 25 January 2022, 13:00 - 14:00 UTC ([see in your time zone](https://arewemeetingyet.com/London/2022-01-25/13:00)) **Next call:** 22 March 2022 **How?** **Join Zoom Meeting** https://turing-uk.zoom.us/j/6779579342?pwd=L25scnhXUUNmVjFsc0hRWTAzTVJ1dz09 ***All questions, comments and recommendations are welcome!*** ### Useful links * All about [online Show and Tell](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/environmental-ds-book/blob/master/book/community/coworking/coworking-showtell.md) ### Code of conduct * [Take a moment to read this](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/environmental-ds-book/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) ### Sign up below **Name + The most funny word/expression you've found from a language different to your mother tongue + an emoji to represent it ([emoji cheatsheet](https://github.com/ikatyang/emoji-cheat-sheet/blob/master/README.md))** *(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)* * Alejandro + Doggy bag + :dog2: * Tim + Black moon + :new_moon_with_face: * Evangeline + Γ­sbΓ­ltΓΊr (driving around and eating icecream) + :ice_cream: * Achintya: cul-de-sac :handbag: * Arielle: tallrikar :knife_fork_plate: * Jen: pamplemousse :tangerine: * Pier Lorenzo + chickpea ### Conversation Starters *Advertise and promote your event, or anything exciting you're working on.* ✨ * Pangeo EGU session (Deadline: 26th Jan), https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU22/session/42428 ### Schedule https://cuckoo.team/environmental-ds | Duration | Activity | | ---- | -------- | | Start | πŸ‘‹ Welcome, code of conduct review | | 10 mins | Introductions and goal settings | | 10 mins | 🎬 Show and Tell 1 | | 5 mins | πŸ’¬ Show and Tell 1 - Q&A | | 5 mins | β˜•οΈ Break | | 10 mins | 🎬 Show and Tell 2 | | 5 mins | πŸ’¬ Show and Tell 2 - Q&A | | 10 mins | Open discussion: celebrations, reflections and future directions | | 5 mins | πŸ‘‹ Close | ### Show and Tell proposals *If you have an idea for a topic you'd like to discuss in a show and tell slot, please add it below and put your name next to it. If you like one of the topics that is already suggested, please add your name next to that one. For more information about show and tell slots see [the description on GitHub](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/environmental-ds-book/blob/master/book/community/coworking/coworking-showtell.md#show-and-tell-sessions).* Name(s) / Topic * Alejandro Coca-Castro / How to submit your demonstrator/notebook to The Environmental Data Science Book * Timothy Lam / Using a Pangeo platform on Azure to tackle global environmental challenges ### Notes and questions * Links from Alejandro: * [Submission guidelines](https://the-environmental-ds-book.netlify.app/community/guidelines/guidelines-submission.html) * [Reviewing guidelines](https://the-environmental-ds-book.netlify.app/community/guidelines/guidelines-reviewing.html) * [Anaconda Webinar: open-source packages for handling and visualising geospatial data](https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/console/EventConsoleApollo.jsp?&eventid=3296081&sessionid=1&username=&partnerref=&format=fhvideo1&mobile=&flashsupportedmobiledevice=&helpcenter=&key=71BDD53E21EC72B3ACA24FEC98EE2A7C&newConsole=true&nxChe=true&newTabCon=true&consoleEarEventConsole=false&text_language_id=en&playerwidth=748&playerheight=526&eventuserid=473278761&contenttype=A&mediametricsessionid=440223319&mediametricid=4619229&usercd=473278761&mode=launch) * Links from Tim: * [Overview of the Turing-funded Pangeo project](https://www.turing.ac.uk/research/research-projects/supporting-pangeo-community-driven-platform-big-data-geoscience) * [Project website for my PhD](https://kali-project.com/) * [Poster for my PhD](https://jceei.org/wp-content/uploads/TLam_Poster_EI2021.pdf) * [My PhD work is based on a BAMS paper, which also utilised the Pangeo platform](https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/bams/102/12/BAMS-D-20-0117.1.xml) * [Output of Grand Challenge 2021 - Storymap](https://arcg.is/1TqzSm1) * [Output of Grand Challenge 2021 - Network map](https://graphcommons.com/graphs/0e371c13-5806-43e7-8fc7-58e486033cf8) * [Pangeo on JASMIN](https://help.jasmin.ac.uk/article/4797-cluster-as-a-service-pangeo) * Q & A * Alejandro * Which is the added value of EnvDS book instead of having a notebook in my personal GitHub repository? * Collaborative and transparent (open) reviewing * Visibility * Tim * Which other communities will you reach at the Turing? * Future directions * EnvDS book * collaborate further with the community to increase the content * Tim * explore deployment of Pangeo in Jasmin ### Request for reviews! * * ### Feedback at the end of the call * Remove 5-min break?