tags: eds-book, coworking-session
# _Environmental Data Science book_ β° π³ ποΈ βοΈ π₯ π Publishing working group [PUBLIC ARCHIVE]
## Meeting 03-02-23
### Sign-up
- Alejandro
- Thijs
### Agenda and notes
- Visualisation package for reproducible figures (RFs)
- Motivation
- Multipanel
- Time-efficient
- Reproducible and traceable figures
- Features
- Shared axis
- Imported images into code-generated RFs
- Principles
#### Next steps
- [name=Thijs]
- Explore potential of notebooks metadata to automatically generate thumbnails
- [name=Alejandro]
- Read more about notebooks metadata
- [name=All]
- Meeting after Notebook File Workshop
## Meeting 21-09-22
### Sign-up
- Alejandro
- Nick
### Agenda and notes
#### Post-print, Land cover notebook
- [Notebook PR](https://github.com/Environmental-DS-Book/general-exploration-landcover_io/pulls)
- Steps
- PR
- All reviewers recommend the notebook for publication
- Check all cells generate outputs in Binder
- Open ReviewNB, solve comments except TODOs (typos, minor changes)
- write: "closing conversation", resolved, so that there is a record of who closed each discussion.
- All ok, next step is merging to the main branch
- Main branch
- Wait until GH action runs, inspect Render branch
- Create post-print branch
- refactor files
- move environment.yml file to .binder folder
- in .github/workflows/publish.yml, change path `environment-file` to ``.binder/environment.yml`
- create lock files and move to .lock folder
- install conda-lock
- pip install conda-lock
- conda install -c conda-forge conda-lock
- `conda-lock -f .binder/environment.yml -p osx-64 -p linux-64 -p win-64`
- Generate outputs (figures and/or tables)
- Add cell at the end of the notebook
- All interactive plotting should be declared as a variables, including when opts.
- Create Zenodo Repository
- Date should be same the expected release/publication date
- Create a RoHub RO
- register the notebook using [`register.py`](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/environmental-ds-book/blob/master/misc/rohub/register.py)
- Add Citation cells
- Add RoHub and Binder Badges
- Replace Rohub link in README, verify other items
- Replace reference using reference.bib
- Set cells tags using jupyter book
- Check spelling, typos, grammars
- Inspect the notebook in Binder
- Merge branch
- Check render locally
- check all outputs ok
- Update submodule in EDS book PR
- Confirm all ok with author
- Create twitter
- Create animation
- Thread
#### Next steps
- [name=anyone]
- create a bash to facilitate post-print preparation
- [name=anyone]
- are outputs valuable?
- automated in HoloView, see https://holoviews.org/user_guide/Exporting_and_Archiving.html#exporting-notebooks
- [name=Alejandro] > hvplot developers
- why saving hvplot outputs as PNG
## Meeting 25-08-22
### Sign-up
- Alejandro
- Nick
- Tim
### Agenda and notes
#### Updates
- CDE Expert Network Recruitment 2022 - [CDE](https://digitalenvironment.org/home/digital-environment-expert-network/cde-expert-network-recruitment-2022/)
- [FOSS4G Pangeo 101]
- [GitHub](https://github.com/pangeo-data/foss4g-2022)
- [Jupyter Book](https://pangeo-data.github.io/foss4g-2022/intro.html)
- [AGU22](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DbohhvspwsAwKfTB4UKll2Wj4KNzfnFnCFCfGx53wt8/edit)
#### Discussion
- [Diagram for submission](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EVRkj4Ju-gcbSKOaGjgJuWtLWVtpcXeemWMYYUGnz7k/edit#slide=id.p4)
- [Issue](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/environmental-ds-book/issues/115)
- Dependencies
- Version
- OS (Tim), e.g. conflict(s) found using Windows 10 https://github.com/Environmental-DS-Book/wildfires-exploration-fires_modis/blob/main/wildfires-exploration-fires_modis.ipynb
- Packages
- pipgrid (dependencies)
- also requirements.txt
- pyvis.network
- pygeon uses pipgrid, scrappes from anaconda (number of libraries),
#### Next steps
- [name=Nick]:
- check pipgrip to inform the available OS.
- make public the repo
- [name=Tim]
- participating in MetOffice community in practice
#### Resources
- [Pangeo 2i2c Binder](https://us-central1-b.gcp.pangeo.io/hub/login?next=%2Fhub%2F)
- [Fill form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqKncKG-s365pC_Lfe4_UetJ-wcFfjOSyHhYYQjXbKRHzswQ/viewform)
## Meeting 25-07-22
### Sign-up
- Alejandro
- Nick
- Tim
### Agenda and notes
* Communication, Twitter
* EnvDS book, navigate to project folder
* gmail
* Tim: timo0thylam@gmail.com
* Nick: Nick.homer@ed.ac.uk
* Dashboard
* pygeons
* Ecosystem
* Discussion on GEE
* https://stacspec.org/en/tutorials/access-sentinel-2-data-aws/
* Minor issues of Tim's notebook
* environment > yaml, yml
* training, public repository - not part of any previous trainings, but may be deployed in the future
* Notebook is not within a public repo, but is under the same funding stream as the public repo https://github.com/informatics-lab/causality/tree/master/causality_paper (check acknowledgement of BAMS paper for funding details)
### Actions
- [name=Nick]: experiment with `environment.yml` of the notebooks
- [name=Alejandro]: how to serve panel in HTML
- hosted as jupyter book
## Meeting 27-06-22
### Sign-up
- Alejandro
- Nick
- Tim
### Agenda and notes
* Timβs notebook revision and publication
* [name=Nick] feedback:
* Clone locally
* But it would be better if Binder badge can be used
* ReviewNB
* ok
* Communication
* make clear how reviewer communicate with editors and authors
* [name=Tim] feedback:
* Copy existing notebook as the templates weren't available in March 2022
* Ok to set roles: editors, authors and reviewers
* [name=Alejandro] Role of the editor
* Contact corresponding author
* Responsability all co-authors are happy to be listed and citation with DOI
* Stress it in the submission guidelines
* Discussion of the dashboard related to Nickβs research
* Present prototype of dashboard
* Working on dataset
* Proposed approach:
* Separate repository per theme dashboard
* Test if the App can be saved as HTML, then we can render in a new branch and call it as a submodule in the main EnvDS book repo
* Updates of the submission guidelines according to Timβs submission
* Tim asks about future co-working sessions
* Joint show and tell with the Pangeo Europe community
* Set a monthly date for general co-working/collaboration cafe session with the community for new notebooks, ideas, etc.
* Presentations of the EnvDS book
* [Fireside chat](https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/reflections-replications-and-perspectives-from-the-turing-way-tickets-368582268487), 30 July, 4 pm
* [CEDS](https://wp.lancs.ac.uk/ceds/), 4-6 July
* ASG community meeting, 6-7 July
#### Actions
- [name=Tim]:
- complete review round 2
- [name=Nick]:
- prototype with small database
- make a public repository
- [name=Alejandro]:
- send invite the next meeting 25th July
- update guidelines for submission and reviewing
- set a new date for collaboration cafe/co-working session