# CAPE QA List ## Links - Ongoing bug board: https://github.com/orgs/EspressoSystems/projects/13#card-80838288 - Official Asset List: https://github.com/EspressoSystems/cape-ui/issues/242 - Demo script: https://www.notion.so/espressosys/CAPE-Demo-Script-343bb292567b42c095631c3066e92165 - Testing spreadsheet: `https://translucence.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/Product/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B7a1d74f2-af7b-470f-b2b4-193856f966c4%7D&action=default&cid=f0a544ee-b4a9-482e-9eae-decb3f811101` ## Bugs - [x] Issue [#17](https://github.com/EspressoSystems/cape-ui/issues/17) - [x] Issue [#18](https://github.com/EspressoSystems/cape-ui/issues/18) - [x] Issue [#313](https://github.com/EspressoSystems/cape-ui/issues/313) - [x] Issue [#316](https://github.com/EspressoSystems/cape-ui/issues/316) - [x] Issue [#317](https://github.com/EspressoSystems/cape-ui/issues/317) - [ ] Issue [#320](https://github.com/EspressoSystems/cape-ui/issues/320) - [ ] Issue [#327](https://github.com/EspressoSystems/cape-ui/issues/327) - [ ] Issue [#343](https://github.com/EspressoSystems/cape-ui/issues/343) - [ ] Issue [#359](https://github.com/EspressoSystems/cape-ui/issues/359) - [ ] Issue [#395](https://github.com/EspressoSystems/cape-ui/issues/395) ## Navigation - @ecwireless - ✅ - [x] All sidebar links should route to the correct pages - [x] Docs are accessible: https://www.notion.so/espressosys/bacd568c26da4cdc93e32bffb68b7916?v=c298c3c6da184038aa5d4fb23c9df08a&p=b9d72e4dd0ab4ef9a282631fa2acc5a8 - [x] All modal links should render the correct modals - [x] CAPE logo should link to My Wallet page - [x] "Connect Metamask" should launch wallet connection modal - If wallet is connected, clicking the button should disconnect the user - [x] CAPE status badge should not be selectable: https://www.notion.so/espressosys/bacd568c26da4cdc93e32bffb68b7916?v=c298c3c6da184038aa5d4fb23c9df08a&p=2abfef277b62472484fbf1db4a5e4edf - [x] When docker is connected, status should read "CAPE Connected" - [x] When docker is disconnected, status should read "CAPE Disconnected" - [x] When docker is disconnected, all inputs and buttons should be disabled - [x] When CAPE is syncing, the status badge should show an appropriate animation and copy @Ian - [x] All navigation should be responsive down to `800px` - [x] Social links: https://www.notion.so/espressosys/bacd568c26da4cdc93e32bffb68b7916?v=c298c3c6da184038aa5d4fb23c9df08a&p=1dcb7515632c48da87f4f7e2279a32da ## Onboarding - @ecwireless - ✅ - [x] Make sure "Try again" button is functional - [x] If no docker connection, start page should link to docker instructions - [x] If no wallet detected, start page should link to wallet creation start - [x] "Go to dashboard" should link to homepage - [x] All views should be responsive down to `800px` - [x] Check all spelling and grammar - [x] All inputs should be wrapped in a form - [x] Back buttons should correctly link to previous step - [x] Overall flow: https://www.notion.so/espressosys/bacd568c26da4cdc93e32bffb68b7916?v=c298c3c6da184038aa5d4fb23c9df08a&p=d82516d7d02f41d0aceeb4de92249796 ## Login - @ecwireless - ✅ - [x] All views should be responsive down to `800px` - [x] All inputs should be wrapped in a form - [x] A user should be able to login with keystore besides the last keystore - [x] "Forgot password" should link to recovery flow - [x] "Wrong password" should display if wrong password is used - [x] User should be able to login successfully - [x] Overall flow: https://www.notion.so/espressosys/bacd568c26da4cdc93e32bffb68b7916?v=c298c3c6da184038aa5d4fb23c9df08a&p=a64e79eadf914e079c1fa4dd29549c7f ## Recovery - @ecwireless - ✅ - [x] All views should be responsive down to `800px` - [x] All inputs should be wrapped in a form - [x] Make sure all copy is correct - [x] Error handling should reveal exactly what went wrong - [x] Should be able to login with reset password - [x] A user should be able to recover account with keystore besides the last keystore - [x] Overall flow: https://www.notion.so/espressosys/bacd568c26da4cdc93e32bffb68b7916?v=c298c3c6da184038aa5d4fb23c9df08a&p=636245b74410490a8bcc101c33323171 ## Faucet - @ecwireless - ✅ - [x] Remove twitter check - [x] View should be responsive down to `800px` - [x] Can't request without an input value - [x] Should throw error toast if address is not found - [x] Can actually request CAPE - [x] Success screen - [x] Overall flow: https://www.notion.so/espressosys/bacd568c26da4cdc93e32bffb68b7916?v=c298c3c6da184038aa5d4fb23c9df08a&p=31b2a7ec7d2947f6bf336aa5b191efad ## My Wallet - @Ian - [ ] View should be responsive down to `800px` ## New CAPE Asset - @ecwireless - [x] If the user is not connect, prompt connection - [x] ERC-20 Asset - [x] Issue with only address and symbol - [x] Include description - [x] Include icon (only allow PNGs) - [x] Enable viewing of transaction amounts - [x] Enable viewing of transaction addresses - [x] Enable freezing of asset transactions - [ ] Domestic CAPE Asset - [x] Only allow integers - [ ] Issue with only symbol and amount - [x] Include description - [x] Include icon (only allow PNGs) - [x] Enable viewing of transaction amounts - [x] Enable viewing of transaction addresses - [x] Enable freezing of asset transactions - [x] Disable wheel inputs - [x] Overall flow: https://www.notion.so/espressosys/bacd568c26da4cdc93e32bffb68b7916?v=c298c3c6da184038aa5d4fb23c9df08a&p=683e3b07ac134a7488ed743a4f9738f4 ## Modals ### Receive - [x] Should render first address in wallet - [x] Should be able to copy the displayed address ### Wrap - [x] Only ERC-20 asset should be selectable - [x] User should be able to approve token, if it is their first time wrapping - [x] User should not be able to deposit more than their balance - [x] User should be able to wrap asset ### Send ### Unwrap ## Asset Library ## Import Asset ## Account - @ecwireless - [x] View should be responsive down to `800px` - [x] Make sure all data on tables and modals is correct - [x] Generate buttons should be functional for addresses, viewing keys, and freezing keys - [x] "Forgot password" should link to recover page - [ ] Password should be checked for validity - [x] Correct private key should render when password is given - [x] All inputs should be wrapped in a form - [x] Account flow: https://www.notion.so/espressosys/bacd568c26da4cdc93e32bffb68b7916?v=c298c3c6da184038aa5d4fb23c9df08a&p=35142b81eab5444cb2f84ad2bc511f6c - [ ] Private key flow: https://www.notion.so/espressosys/bacd568c26da4cdc93e32bffb68b7916?v=c298c3c6da184038aa5d4fb23c9df08a&p=53b716c5f23b4a21a5a70f3dcb48efea ## Check console warnings on all views & 404 redirect - [ ] Remove TODOs - [ ] Add `TransactionPending` component - [ ] Types need to be in their own folder ## a11y Testing