# POLEMOS BOOK SERIES (2006-2012) We started the Polemos series (at Tutkijaliitto publishing house) to create a new language and sense to our experience of biopolitical economy to which the existing concepts and approaches did not seem to talk anymore. The concepts and openings introduced in the series looked at first perhaps exceptional or even extravagant. Yet concepts such as *immaterial labor, multitude, mental ecology, precariat, basic income, semiocapitalism, feminization of work, attention economy, copoiesis, cognitariat, arbitrary powe*r were mapping the already changed social and political territory on which we are standing. The series tried to find words for things which existed, but which were still lacking them. It tried to build a new language and sense to our experience. *Polemos* (Gr. war, battle) is a means of creation. It is a creator of ideas and cooperation, their father and king, as Herakleitos said, others it makes Gods and others men, others it makes slaves, others free. The titles in the series include, among others: Christian Marazzi: Pääoma ja kieli [Capitale & linguaggio] 2006 Akseli Virtanen: Biopoliittisen talouden kritiikki [Critique of Biopolitical Economy] 2006 Maurizio Lazzarato: Kapitalismin vallankumoukset [Les revolutions du capitalisme] 2006 Jakonen-Peltokoski-Virtanen (eds.): Uuden työn sanakirja [Dictionary of New Work] 2006 Paolo Virno: Väen kielioppi [Grammatica della moltitudine] 2006 Franco Berardi: Tietotyö ja prekaari mielentila [Infolabour and precarious states of mind] 2006 Jean Baudrillard: Terrorismin henki [L’esprit du terrorisme] 2007 General Intellect: Vasemmisto etsii työtä [Left without work] 2008 Anna Kontula: Punainen eksodus [Red Exodus] 2008 Jussi Vähämäki: Itsen alistus [Submission of Self] 2009 Félix Guattari: Kolme ekologiaa [Les trois écologies] 2008 Bracha Ettinger: Yhdessätuotanto [Copoiesis] 2009 Félix Guattari: Kaaosmoosi [Chaosmose] 2010 Pekka Piironen: Epävarmuuden talous [Economy of Insecurity] 2012 ![](https://i.imgur.com/lCe7054.png)![](https://i.imgur.com/OK0aKrG.png)![](https://i.imgur.com/WxBhJ16.png)![](https://i.imgur.com/jPg9lBE.png)![](https://i.imgur.com/5JkpmSz.png)![](https://i.imgur.com/cOrUIEk.png)![](https://i.imgur.com/cbODk4K.png)![](https://i.imgur.com/SmOFUmw.png)![](https://i.imgur.com/XBPfrY4.png)![](https://i.imgur.com/sZDEdG3.png)![](https://i.imgur.com/s1XytdV.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/BeEGL1S.png)![](https://i.imgur.com/u6qmIt3.png)![](https://i.imgur.com/sjtweV4.png)