Firebase Setup

Chat SDK Firebase

  1. Go to the Firebase website and sign up or log in
  2. Go to the Firebase console and make a new project
  3. Click Add project
  4. Choose a name and a location
  5. Click Settings (the gear icon). On the General tab, click Add App -> Add Firebase to your Android app
  6. Enter your package name - found in your app's build.gradle file, app name and SHA-1 key (required for phone sign-in)
  7. Download the google-services.json file and add it to your app project. It should be added inside the app folder.
  8. In the Firebase Console click Database, scroll down and create a new Realtime Database -> Start in test mode
  9. In the Firebase dashboard click Authentication -> Sign-in method and enable all the appropriate methods
  10. Enable push notifications: Push Notifications
  11. Enable the security rules: Enabling Security Rules.
  12. Setup storage rules: Storage rules