# Add Additional Modules to Chat SDK ### Add modules to your app-level `build.gradle` file [ ![Version](https://api.bintray.com/packages/chat-sdk/chat-sdk-android/Core/images/download.svg) ](https://bintray.com/chat-sdk/chat-sdk-android/Core/_latestVersion) **Android Auto Support** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:mod-auto:[latest-version]" ``` **Allow users to have multiple profile pictures** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:mod-profile-pictures:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable drawer mode** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:mod-ui-extras:[latest-version]" ``` **Allow users to search and invite using their contact book** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-contact-book:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable audio messages** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-message-audio:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable file attachment messages** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-message-file:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable sticker messages** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-message-sticker:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable video messages** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-message-video:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable end-to-end encryption** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-encryption:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable blocking for Firebase** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-firebase-blocking:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable last online indicator for Firebase** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-firebase-last-online:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable display of nearby users** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-firebase-nearby-users:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable read receipts for Firebase** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-firebase-read-receipts:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable typing indicator for Firebase** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-firebase-typing-indicator:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable read receipts for FireStream** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-firestream-read-receipts:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable typing indicator for FireStream** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-firestream-typing-indicator:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable typing indicator for FireStream** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-firestream-blocking:[latest-version]" ``` **Enable read receipts for XMPP** ``` implementation "sdk.chat:pro-xmpp-read-receipts:[latest-version]" ``` ### Licensing Modules are available to users who sponsor the project. For more information visit our [Module Licensing Page](https://hackmd.io/@dyR2Vn0UTFaO8tZjyiJyHw/ryODENucU) for more details. ### Compatibility | Module | Firebase | FireStream | XMPP | Tier | Gif | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | firebase-adapter | x | | | Free | | | firestream-adapter | | x | | Free | | | pro-xmpp-adapter | | | x | Diamond | | | mod-auto | x | x | x | Free | | | mod-profile-pictures | x | x | x | Free | | | mod-ui-extras | x | x | x | Free | [link](https://giphy.com/gifs/eNRDygZZ7q9n4Yqk3b) | | mod-firebase-ui | x | x | | Free | | | pro-contact-book | x | x | x | Silver | [link](https://giphy.com/gifs/TgbLHgDIwcuGX9SDuV) | | pro-message-audio | x | x | x | Silver | [link](https://giphy.com/gifs/hQPw2GZ7dXKlnW8gBb) | | pro-message-file | x | x | x | Silver | [link](https://giphy.com/gifs/chat-sdk-file-message-ihAaHtT8POJElt47A7) | | pro-message-sticker | x | x | x | Silver | [link](https://giphy.com/gifs/chat-sdk-LmlI3CJtrHhhTkVGAY) | | pro-message-video | x | x | x | Silver | [link](https://giphy.com/gifs/chat-sdk-video-message-U72VXhWW9wIdMcRX4D) | | pro-encryption | x | x | x | Silver | | | pro-firebase-blocking | x | | | Bronze | [link](https://giphy.com/gifs/blocking-chat-sdk-SSiqIHMBddhbyt5US9) | | pro-firebase-last-online | x | | | Bronze | | | pro-firebase-read-receipts | x | | | Bronze | | | pro-firebase-typing-indicator | x | | | Bronze | [link](https://giphy.com/gifs/typing-chat-sdk-KxcLVS0IFrRtsM2OjR) | | pro-firestream-read-receipts | | x | | Bronze | | | pro-firestream-typing-indicator| | x | | Bronze | [link](https://giphy.com/gifs/typing-chat-sdk-KxcLVS0IFrRtsM2OjR) | | pro-firestream-blocking | | x | | Bronze | [link](https://giphy.com/gifs/blocking-chat-sdk-SSiqIHMBddhbyt5US9) | | pro-firebase-nearby-users | x | x | | Bronze | | | pro-xmpp-read-receipts | | | x | Diamond | | >**Note:** >The each tier includes all lower tiers. So Diamond tier includes Silver and Bronze tiers etc...