# Chat SDK v5 - Example Firebase JSON This JSON shows a typical Firebase database schema with one chat thread with one message. Two users, one of which has the other user as a contact and also blocked. ```JSON { "threads" : { "-MBtATOUMrdVcf00dKM8" : { "details" : { "creation-date" : 1594392177181, "creator" : "NX6mGPCkR3NcNiJJxBzNrsR2Anz2", "creator-entity-id" : "NX6mGPCkR3NcNiJJxBzNrsR2Anz2", "name" : "", "type" : 2, "type_v4" : 2 }, "messages" : { "-MBtAUWXGAfptOca757W" : { ".priority" : 1594392181233, "date" : 1594392181233, "from" : "NX6mGPCkR3NcNiJJxBzNrsR2Anz2", "meta" : { "text" : "Hi" }, "read" : { "9tJUx1iT5LQ1bC1J952No6sNZjZ2" : { "date" : 1594392181743, "status" : 1 }, "NX6mGPCkR3NcNiJJxBzNrsR2Anz2" : { "status" : 2 } }, "to" : [ "9tJUx1iT5LQ1bC1J952No6sNZjZ2" ], "type" : 0, "user-firebase-id" : "NX6mGPCkR3NcNiJJxBzNrsR2Anz2" } }, "meta" : { "creation-date" : 1594392176550, "creator" : "NX6mGPCkR3NcNiJJxBzNrsR2Anz2", "creator-entity-id" : "NX6mGPCkR3NcNiJJxBzNrsR2Anz2", "name" : "", "type" : 2, "type_v4" : 2 }, "users" : { "9tJUx1iT5LQ1bC1J952No6sNZjZ2" : { "status" : "member" }, "NX6mGPCkR3NcNiJJxBzNrsR2Anz2" : { "status" : "owner" } } } }, "users" : { "9tJUx1iT5LQ1bC1J952No6sNZjZ2" : { "last-online" : 1594392150028, "meta" : { "availability" : "available", "email" : "2@d.co", "name" : "Andy", "name-lowercase" : "andy", "pictureURL" : "http://identicon.sdk.chat?value=9tJUx1iT5LQ1bC1J952No6sNZjZ2&size=400.png" }, "online" : true, "threads" : { "-MBtATOUMrdVcf00dKM8" : { "invitedBy" : "NX6mGPCkR3NcNiJJxBzNrsR2Anz2" } } }, "NX6mGPCkR3NcNiJJxBzNrsR2Anz2" : { "blocked" : { "9tJUx1iT5LQ1bC1J952No6sNZjZ2" : { "uid" : "9tJUx1iT5LQ1bC1J952No6sNZjZ2" } }, "contacts" : { "9tJUx1iT5LQ1bC1J952No6sNZjZ2" : { "type" : 0 } }, "last-online" : 1594391749332, "meta" : { "availability" : "available", "email" : "1@d.co", "name" : "Ben", "name-lowercase" : "ben", "pictureURL" : "http://identicon.sdk.chat?value=NX6mGPCkR3NcNiJJxBzNrsR2Anz2&size=400.png" }, "online" : true, "threads" : { "-MBtATOUMrdVcf00dKM8" : { "invitedBy" : "NX6mGPCkR3NcNiJJxBzNrsR2Anz2" } } } } } ``` ## Firestream Example JSON ```JSON { "chats" : { "-MCw525wN7BBuycJ5UX0" : { "messages" : { "-MCw53dwaUZqimC0b-yC" : { ".priority" : 1595514833932, "body" : { "text" : "0", "type" : "" }, "date" : 1595514833932, "from" : "liedgpMs2thMhkZjphkc3dH5VcV2", "type" : "message" } }, "meta" : { "created" : 1595514827588, "data" : { "Key2" : 999, "TestKey" : "TestValue" }, "image-url" : "https://chatsdk.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/image_message-407x389.jpg", "name" : "Test" }, "users" : { "6TB34PbMqdU67KHvIuGrekMCIOk2" : { "role" : "banned" }, "9tJUx1iT5LQ1bC1J952No6sNZjZ2" : { "role" : "admin" }, "liedgpMs2thMhkZjphkc3dH5VcV2" : { "role" : "owner" } } } }, "users" : { "6TB34PbMqdU67KHvIuGrekMCIOk2" : { "messages" : { "-MCw52Fu3NEUszVjFYfn" : { ".priority" : 1595514828219, "body" : { "id" : "-MCw525wN7BBuycJ5UX0", "type" : "chat" }, "date" : 1595514828219, "from" : "liedgpMs2thMhkZjphkc3dH5VcV2", "type" : "invitation" } } }, "liedgpMs2thMhkZjphkc3dH5VcV2" : { "chats" : { "-MCw525wN7BBuycJ5UX0" : { "date" : 1595514828551 } } } } } ```