# What causes swelling after hip replacement Swelling after hip replacement surgery can be concerning and uncomfortable. Discover the causes and solutions to manage this common post-operative issue effectively. Let's explore the different factors [What causes swelling after hip replacement](https://www.draashisharbat.com/what-causes-swelling-after-hip-replacement/) and discuss the steps you can take to alleviate it. ## Understanding Foot Swelling After Hip Replacement DVT ( Deep Vein thrombosis) can swell the foot after the hip replacement. That's why my foot is swollen after hip replacement. It is a blood clot that happens in the deep vein. It can occur due to decreased blood circulation and activity after the surgery. In some cases, inflammation also can be the reason for foot swelling after hip replacement surgery. ## What Causes Swelling After Hip Replacement & Its Complications Swelling is one of the most common hip replacement swelling complications after hip replacement surgery. However, it can lead to some other complications that become reason for What causes swelling after hip replacement. Such as DVT, delay in healing, and increased infection risk. Physical therapy and medication can prevent swelling after hip replacement surgery. You Might Refer Reading: [Joint Replacement Surgeon in Pune](https://www.draashisharbat.com/) ## Ideal Duration for Leg Elevation After Hip Replacement Leg elevation is a crucial physical therapy after hip replacement surgery. But how long should I elevate my leg after hip replacement? Elevating your leg approximately 20-30 minutes, 3-4 times daily, for the first few weeks is recommended. It can help to decrease swelling and increase blood circulation in the legs. The doctor's supervision is required for such physical therapy for better results. ## Managing Fluid Build-up After Hip Replacement Surgery Water retention after hip replacement surgery is another common side effect. It can occur due to several factors, such as changes in medication, inflammation, and decreased mobility. Water retention can cause discomfort, swelling, and a limited range of motion. To prevent water retention after hip replacement surgery, follow your doctor's instructions on medication, physical therapy, and activity level. Or you can consult **[Orthopedic Doctor in Pune](https://www.draashisharbat.com/)**. ## Practical Techniques for Reducing Leg Swelling After Hip Replacement Leg swelling can happen due to several reasons. But how to reduce swelling in the leg after hip replacement? There are numerous methods to alleviate swelling post-hip replacement surgery, such as Ice application, proper medication, physical therapy, and leg elevation under the doctor's supervision. ## Swelling Two Years After Hip Replacement Swelling in the leg swelling 2 years after hip replacement surgery is uncommon but possible. It can occur due to infection, DVT, implant complications, arthritis, or injury. Seek medical help to prevent further complications. Doctors may perform an ultrasound or blood test to verify the reason for swelling. ## What is Considered Normal Swelling After Hip Surgery? Swelling is a common side effect after hip surgery, and some degree of swelling is average. But how much swelling is normal after hip surgery? The swelling can vary depending on the individual and the type of surgery performed. However, mild to moderate swelling is generally expected and may persist for several weeks to a few months after surgery. If you are experiencing swelling or discomfort after hip replacement surgery, Look no further! Dr. Aashish Arbat is here to help. With years of experience and expertise in hip replacement surgery and What causes swelling after hip replacement, Dr. Arbat is the best **[hip replacement doctor in Pune](https://www.draashisharbat.com/hip-replacement-surgery-in-pune/)** for managing swelling issues and performing successful hip replacement surgeries. Do not allow swelling or discomfort to hinder you from living your best life. Get in touch with the best Joint Replacement Surgeon in Pune -Dr. Arbat today and arrange for a consultation to start your journey toward recovery.