# Offline Access Recognizing that stable internet access isn't always possible, we've made HackMD accessible offline. This feature ensures you can continue editing your notes, uninterrupted by connectivity issues. :::info :information_source: **Note:** HackMD, a web-based cloud service, does not currently support a full offline mode. A stable internet connection is required to access all features. ::: ## How it works? When unable to sync your note with the cloud instantly, the system switches to offline mode. This lets you continuously view or edit data saved prior to losing connection. An "offline" alert will appear on the toolbar to indicate you're in offline mode. Any further edits will be stored locally in your browser, and the "offline" will show the last time you were connected. ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1rqLUu2R.png =500x) **▲ Hover over the words "offline" to display the time you went offline.** ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByTk9U_nR.png =500x) **▲ Click offline to learn more about offline mode.** ## Limitations of offline access Offline mode is designed as a backup for when your connection falters, meaning not all features will work as usual. Here's what's not available offline: - Creating new notes - Using templates to start notes - Searching notes - Editing note titles, settings, tags, and permissions - Uploading images in notes - Liking, bookmarking, and subscribing in preview mode - Creating or replying to comments - Changing note language settings - Mentioning users - Inserting emojis with `:` syntax - Previewing Plant UML diagrams - Inserting external resources with `{% %}` syntax ## Sync and Security Once you're back online, HackMD automatically updates your edits to the cloud, ensuring data remains intact and consistent across offline and online modes. Should version conflicts occur from multiple users editing or extensive changes made offline, the system will help you identify and fix these issues with a diff tool, guaranteeing your edits are accurately merged back into the note. :::warning :warning: **Note:** - There's a risk of losing edits if you refresh, log out, clear your cache, or close the browser before changes fully sync. - In offline mode, simultaneous edits on the same document by multiple users can risk affecting some edits. ::: ### Automatic Sync Once you're back online, the system automatically updates your offline edits to the note's latest version. You can monitor the sync progress on the toolbar. --- ![Offline access-Change saved](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HkyOP8dnC.gif =500x) **▲ When reconnecting, HackMD will automatically sync the content from the offline period.** ### Version Conflicts You may encounter version conflicts due to multiple people editing or extended offline editing times. The system will notify you, and you can decide whether to apply the conflicting editing records. ![version conflict](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hyiu_L_30.png =500x) ![Offline access-version conflict](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJ3sO8d2R.gif =500x) **▲ When a version conflict occurs, a red warning <i class="fa fa-exclamation" aria-hidden="true"></i> will be displayed.** You can choose to apply all offline editing records at once, or click the arrow button to apply only a part. ![Offline access-apply all changes](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJ8jYL_n0.gif) **▲ Click the button below to apply all.** ![Offline access-sync one change](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJ4YYIdhC.gif) **▲ Click the arrow to apply.** ## Help Improve Offline Experience :postal_horn: If you have any feedback regarding the offline access experience, please feel free to provide feedback through the following questionnaire to help us improve HackMD's offline experience! - [Offline Access Feedback](https://tally.so/r/wkYMDj)