# EPF Week 14+15 Update (NC Navie Chan) ## Summary For the last two weeks, I winded down on the Lighthouse block reward project as it is almost coming to an end, and started winding up on [EIP-6110](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-6110) as mentioned in [EPF Repo](https://github.com/eth-protocol-fellows/cohort-three/blob/bdfdc609fc85ed854e1e8841cd5aec554af45867/projects/project-ideas.md?plain=1#L20). For Lighthouse, after finishing the implementation on the block reward endpoint, I have done some functionality testing on it and is now awaiting for @Sproul to code review. Special thanks to [@Alex88](https://github.com/alex88) for thouroughly testing my code and caught a lot of mistakes I've made. As for unit testing the endpoint, @Sproul suggested it might not be as straightforward and will take some time hence the [PR](https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse/pull/3907) will not be including any unit test. After a brief discussion with Mikhail, I have decided to take care of the EL side of EIP-6110 by implementing it on Besu. Since my EPF project has always been about CL, EL is an unknown world to me and felt like I am back to day 1 of EPF. I have read up some documentations on CL & Besu (Besu has some excellent docs I will lin them beow), as well as [execution-spec](https://github.com/ethereum/execution-specs) and [execution-api](https://github.com/ethereum/execution-apis). I have also opened a very early stage [PR draft](https://github.com/hyperledger/besu/pull/5055) on Besu to facilitate any discussions. If you are reading this, I am shamlessly letting you know that I am thinking of working on client dev on a full time basis. If there is any opportunity (whether it's a company hiring or financial support in any form) please shoot me a dm on discord: `NC#0558` ## What I Did - Finished coding and testing on block reward endpoint for Lighthouse - Taking on EL side of EIP-6110 by learning about the EIP, CL and Besu ## Goal Next Week - Would be awesome if my block reward PR is approved and merged into Lighthouse - Continue reading and researching about EIP-6110 ## Further Reading - Besu Book: https://besu.hyperledger.org/en/stable/public-networks/ - Besu Wiki: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/besu