**Welcome!** Link to this document: https://hackmd.io/@dianai/uppmax-intro/ Course webpage: https://www.uppmax.uu.se/support/courses-and-workshops/introductory-course-summer-2023/ :::info - project dir: /proj/introtouppmax - project number: naiss2023-22-793 ::: :::warning *Please note that this is an open document. Do not add any sensitive information!* ::: ## Day 4: Intro to Python - course website: https://uppmax.github.io/uppmax_intro_python/ ## Day 1: Intro to Linux and UPPMAX ### Icebreaker - What is you field? Add an ``o`` where suited. Feel free to add sub-field - arts: - education - languages - law - medicine and pharmacy - public health and caring - immunology, genetics and pathology - surgical - women's and children's health - medical biochemistry and microbiology - medical cell biology - medical science o - medicinal chemistry - pharmaceutical biosciences - science and technology - mathematics - computer science - physics - astronomy - other physics : o - technology - electrical engineering - material science - civil and industrial engineering - chemistry - biochemistry :o - other chemistry - biology - cell and molecular o o - single-cell sequencing oo - ecology and genetics oooooo - organismal - plant ecology - earth sciences - atmospheric - geophysics - social sciences - economics - peace and conflict - business - informatics and media - psychology - socialogy - statistics - government - theology ```mermaid flowchart TD python[Python] uppmax[UPPMAX] uppmax --> |teaches intro to| python ```