# Hyperdrive Simulations 1. LP Profitability - Scenarios 1. Large long is opened. Time elapses. LP joins. Long is closed. - Required Features - Geometric Brownian variable APR with and without drift - Rational and irrational agents - Rational agents trade long and short according to the variable rate. - Irrational agents random longs and shorts (poisson distributed) - Should be able to configure the ratio and bankrolls of the rational and irrational agents. Should be able to do purely rational and purely irrational. - Gameplan 1. Improve variable APR so that it can represent an arbitrary function of time. Implement GBM. 2. Implement irrational agents. 3. Write LP profitability simulation with irrational agents only. 4. Implement rational agents. 5. Add rational agents to the simulation and generalize config.