# 9.4.1 fixes in order of importance/severity ---- FIX: Search results in the Products app are now correctly filtered by catalog permissions. **Explanation:** When using the newly introduced product search in the backoffice, in some cases users could access products that they would otherwise not have permissions for. ----- FIX: Pricegroups not indexing to Lucene or Elasticsearch when saved, edited or removed. **Explanation:** When saving/editing/removign pricegroups the changes will not update the storefront until reindexing which can (possibly) take long and it has to be done manually. ----- FIX: Perpetual loading indicator if no primary or thumbnail image were selected when editing a product variant. **Explanation:** When editing a product variant, if there was no image selected for it, there would be a continuous spinner not letting users continue. ------ FIX: Inherited definition fields were ignored when editing stores in the Stores App. **Explanation:** When setting up the taxonomy of stores (defining what fields there would be to edit on a store), fields from inherited definitions would not show up in the new Stores app.