# Data Wrangling Challenge [Shared] **Positions**: * Junior Software Engineer * Junior Data Engineer **Expected outcome**: * **A git repository** with dataset and script located in either GitHub or GitLab. * **A short (~2-3 minutes) video presentation** of your git repository explaining what you have done and how it works. Please, use https://loom.com/ or similar software. We would like to assess your presentation skills so having your camera on would be a good advantage. ## Challenge Write a script to get normalized CSV data file of Road Safety Facts and Figures in the EU. Please publish your results in a git repo (GitHub). Include both script and your resulting data. The documentation should be included in the `README.md` file and it must be clear to follow. More details: * Use the following Wikipedia page and get the data from the "European Union Road Safety Facts and Figures" table: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_safety_in_Europe * Resulting CSV file should only include the following columns: Country, Year, Area, Population, GDP per capita, Population density, Vehicle ownership, Total road deaths, Road deaths per Million Inhabitants. * Note that "Year" column value is always 2018. * Data should be sorted by "Road deaths per Million Inhabitants" column. * We want a script for this and we want this script to be in python or nodejs so that you can demonstrate your knowledge of the given programming languages. * Your git repo should include all dependencies in standard way so that it can be run in the CI/CD. * Please, use simple and built-in libraries where possible rather than use a framework. Bonus items (optional - extra kudos if you do either of these!): * Make your repository into a Tabular Data Package - here's a [guide](http://datahub.io/docs/data-packages/publish-tabular) * Build a chart from the data to display some interesting insight. Feel free to play around with the visualization. * Make sure your chart is deployed to GitHub pages or somewhere else so we can take a look.