# Pinebook Pro Manjaro ARM
- Install Manjaro on a microSD card so you don't have to overwrite your custom Debian that came with your Pinebook Pro.
- Go [here](https://www.manjaro.org/download/#pinebook-pro) to download and install to a microSD card using Etcher.
### General Tips & Tricks
- Install man pages (from terminal)
- sudo pacman -S man-pages
- sudo pacman -S man-db
- Update The System (from terminal)
- sudo pacman -Syu
- Install Flatpak (from terminal)
- sudo pacman -S flatpak
- flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
- restart computer
- Install Snaps ([Click Here](https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snap-on-arch-linux))
> [name=pb1051] I had to install $pacman base-devel on my system to finish this install
- Enable AUR
- Open menu bottom left
- Type 'software'
- Choose 'Add or Remove Software'
- This will open pamac-manager
- On the menu bar toward right side you will see 3 dots in a line click on this and choose 'preferences'
- Click on AUR and enable
- Now you can use the paman-manager to install software including packages from AUR
- Use yay in the terminal to search for AUR packages Ex: yay -Ss firefox
### CPU Power
- To set CPU governer to performance install the following programs and GUI.
- sudo pacman -S cpupower
- sudo pacman -S cpupower-gui
- Open GUI and set to performance
### Alternate CPU Power
- sudo systemctl enable cpupower.service
- sudo systemctl start cpupower.service
- sudo pacman -S xfce4-cpufreq-plugin
- Go to panel and add new item, search CPU and add CPU Freq Monitor.
### Software I've installed
- Mega.nz (cloud back-up)
- Audacity (audio editing)
- Chromium (browser)
- Bomber (game arcade bomber)
- Filezilla
- Hexchat
- Openshot (video editor)
- Telegram (social chat)
- Geany (lightweight IDE)
- Phoronix Test Suite
- Visual Studio Code OSS
- Audacious