--- tags: sop, contract upgrade --- # Upgrade DAOhaus base summoner SOP owner safe: https://app.safe.global/transactions/queue?safe=base:0x1aCFF11474B9C6D15966Da7A08eD23438CDE23D4 ## Walkthrough 1) deploy new implementation (I did this through remix) example on base addr 0xD2E2E9D26d5C5D4E9d64547D831145BCa0D1AE54 https://basescan.org/tx/0x3a9f0f85b101e2793f88fe97e7b14ebb697f837442a56852f0d654ce1da6baec - details on what this specific upgrade does: it changes the new treasury safe config to use a nonce so it can be precalculated - upgrading base summoner 0x22e0382194AC1e9929E023bBC2fD2BA6b778E098 - imp to be upgraded at 0xB2B3909661552942AE1115E9Fc99dF0BC93d71d0 2) run upgrade on summoner address with new addr 3) use transaction builder 4) get abi from implementation on etherscan if not prompted by transaction builder 5) function to call is upgradeTo 6) argument is the new deploy 0xD2E2E9D26d5C5D4E9d64547D831145BCa0D1AE54 4) get signers on safe 5) execute 6) example simulation 7) test > note: Baal and Vault summoner > baal and vault summoner is a higher order summoner that has a dependancy on the function that is changed in this upgrade. It is a function that configures the new vault, in this case there is a overloaded function signature to capture and keep backwards compatibility. The vault summoner could also be upgraded in the future to use the newer function sig base addr imp 0x763f5c2e59f997a6cc48bf1228abf61325244702 proxy 0x2eF2fC8a18A914818169eFa183db480d31a90c5D ## Sepolia Upgrade advanced summoner 0xD69e5B8F6FA0E5d94B93848700655A78DF24e387 base summoner 0xB2B3909661552942AE1115E9Fc99dF0BC93d71d0 base summoner current imp 0xe0f33e95af46ead1fe181d2a74919bff903cd5d4 base summoner upgrade to 0x5563436B100bee3F1806703e94eA7bfa94d50fDD owner safe 0x1aCFF11474B9C6D15966Da7A08eD23438CDE23D4 safe transaction https://app.safe.global/transactions/queue?safe=sep:0x1aCFF11474B9C6D15966Da7A08eD23438CDE23D4 signed and executed here https://sepolia.etherscan.io/tx/0xdd2cbdac133bcbf02fae6ead1eb678c9e4edf95321f1bc7a010cc950845d8783 summon dao test https://sepolia.etherscan.io/tx/0x22f870f951c2a29ec2a83b2838917d7d14a9cfa203c1cdedcbc46901a4b05104 not loading? (graph error?) https://admin.daohaus.fun/#/molochv3/0xaa36a7/0x1E6632c790CC50FC1624112ff5BCc20B7b303e0C