EPF Dev Update #12

This update contains my work done on weeks 15 and 16 of the EPF (2023-10-23 to 2023-11-05).


  • Iterated my Engine API article.
  • Started preparing my devconnect talks.

Finalized engine API guide.

Mikhail Kalinin gave me feedback on my engine API article. I solved the issues he raised, and now the article is ready!

He opneded a pull request to have the article included in the API spec. After the PR is merged, it will be found on the readme.

Preparing my devconnect talks.

I will be giving two talks at devconnect. One will be with Jason Carver on the Ethstaker Staking Gathering; the other will be my final presentation on the EPF day.

I decided to start with the one for the EPF day. I have the slides almost ready, but I will probably make some changes in the coming week while I write my final dev update.