# Episode 41 ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJ4zSTYN2.jpg =500x700) # Breaking: - [Durham probe concludes, confirms what we all already knew, and recommends no charges.](https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/john-durham-releases-final-report-concluding-fbi-had-no) Wow, can you believe that! Two more weeks wigga wagga waga my niggers! ## The continued shenanigans of George Santos ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByB4_6kSn.png =300x200) - He fucked up real good this time! [13-count indictment for wire fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds, and making false statements to the U.S. House of Representatives.](https://www.mediaite.com/politics/breaking-george-santos-charged-with-whopping-13-counts-in-sweeping-federal-indictment/) He's looking at up to 20 years in prison. - More specifically, Santos is alleged to have “embezzled contributions from supporters, fraudulently obtained unemployment benefits, and lied in disclosures to the House of Representatives.” - "Santos allegedly sent prospective donors one or more text messages or emails requesting donations, claiming the funds would be used for TV advertisements to support his candidacy for the House of Representatives, according to the indictment. Santos allegedly received two $25,000 donations from funders who were under the false impression that Santos would use the funds to put his advertisements on TV" - "Funds were then transferred into bank accounts controlled by Santos before being spent "for his personal benefit, including to make cash withdrawals, personal purchases of luxury designer clothing, credit card payments, a car payment, payments on personal debts, and one or more bank transfers" - Collected 24k in NYS unemployment payments, while actually being employed, with a 120k yearly salary. ### [Improved list of petty and retarded lies (and thefts!) so far:](https://www.mediaite.com/opinion/a-complete-ish-ranking-of-the-many-many-lies-and-fabrications-of-george-santos/) - [Claimed to be a college volleyball star on a team that beat Harvard, and had to have BOTH knees replaced as a result.](https://nypost.com/2023/01/17/santos-claims-he-played-on-baruch-volleyball-team-in-2020-interview/) - contains yet another claim that he *could have* played basketball, too. You know. If he felt like it. - Santos never even attended the college in question (Baruch College) - In his written rebuttal to the federal charges, attributed a quote to the wrong author (Churchill vs Victor Hugo) - The quote: "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." (Discuss how bullshit this attitude is.) - [Hired a campaign staffer to impersonate Kevin McCarthy's cheif of staff to make fundraising calls](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/01/george-santos-worst-lies) - Claimed he attended the Met Gala, and comissioned artwork for NYC museums. - Claimed to have one of the first ever cases of Covid - Claims he survived a brain tumor - Claims he never performed in Brazil as a drag queen named “Kitara Ravache” ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1n86a1B2.png =400x400) *Hey there big boy, wanna do some wire fraud?* - Stole a scarf from his roommate which he then wore on live TV. "His former roommates also have accused Santos of stealing a Burberry shirt, an iPhone, as well as stealing three checks from a checkbook and attempting to cash them for $10,000 each." - Has an extensive list of fake names used at some point (Anthony Santos, Anthony Devolder, George Devolder, George Anthony Devolder, George A.D. Santos, George Anthony Santos-Devolder, and Anthony Zabrovsky.) - Claimed four of his employees were killed in the Pulse nightclub shooting. - Pretended his mother was in the World Trade Center on 9/11 and that she died (*she wasn't even in the country at the time lmao!*) - Stole money meant to save a disabled veteran’s dog - He set up a gofundme to pay for the dog's surgery, then took the money and ran. The dog died and the owner became suicidal. - [Stole an actual dog from an Amish farmer](https://www.newsweek.com/george-santos-co-sponsors-dog-bill-accused-stealing-puppies-1781402), in the process of writing 15k in bad checks, *while working on a bill that is essentially yet another pet charity grift, this one called Working Dog Commemorative Coin Act.* *Dude literally cannon open his mouth without telling some absolutely absurd lie. Must be a Brazilian thing.* ## Diversity Fire ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJ8E3hYEh.png =400x300) Quick rundown: https://files.catbox.moe/hnlaf3.mp4 [A women only firefighters conference](https://www.rmoutlook.com/banff/womens-fire-conference-in-banff-aims-to-break-down-barriers-in-male-dominated-industry-6910735) in Canada started a controlled burn to prove they were "just as good as the MEN!!!!" ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SyXi8Qxrh.png =250x250) The controlled burn broke containment and is now a raging wildfire, the conference itself is currently in the process of purging proof of it's existence from the internet.![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJv0Lygr3.png =400x300) - "Park and other female colleagues face constant questions about their right to be in this field of work." (ya don't fuckin say!! LOL) - Parks Canada literaly [blamed the wind](https://thecountersignal.com/feminist-firefighters-accidentally-set-banff-ablaze/) - “Around 1600, due to an unexpected shift in wind direction and speed, the fire escaped the predetermined boundary,” Canada Parks stated. *Oh man, if only there had been some FIRE FIGHTERS on hand to manage it...* ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SyEuw7lBn.png =400x500) *oopsies, tee hee!* # Clip OVERKILL - How DARE you end the pandemic? What about muh vaccine shekels??: https://files.catbox.moe/k8j9ix.mp4 - FatshamingGPT: https://files.catbox.moe/mxn7aa.mp4 - Creating money out of thin air: it's ok when WE do it: https://files.catbox.moe/eibkr4.MP4 - Don't buy into the leftoid/normie moral framework: https://files.catbox.moe/h21gth.mp4 - Kid's shows get an upgrade: https://files.catbox.moe/8nye8r.mp4 - OY VEY DERE'S NO PRIMARY BECAUSE OF WHITE MEN: https://files.catbox.moe/ujeqeq.mp4 - Back to Apefrica you go: https://files.catbox.moe/ld5cnh.mp4 - Mario movie selects its pronouns: https://files.catbox.moe/fm6rr0.mp4 - Tictoc thots get redpilled: https://files.catbox.moe/9az91f.mp4 (First two and 0:49) - Absurdly based Biden, take the chimps off the streets: https://files.catbox.moe/f09c9v.mp4 - Round table: Should AI be regulated?: https://files.catbox.moe/vkj1c5.mp4 - Oliver Klothesoff arrives at the function (**show roll call**): https://files.catbox.moe/9k96ds.MP4 - Only YOU can prevent muttoids: https://files.catbox.moe/w0e00s.mp4 - #metoo, cash gets catcalled: https://files.catbox.moe/5n9wwb.mp4 - Racist Mt Dew: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wqm__wKzc-s - We need all white power!: https://files.catbox.moe/0gi5rq.mp4 - Facing the reality of wahmen drivers: https://files.catbox.moe/yyk0mq.MP4 - Postwallhelena in every thread: https://files.catbox.moe/j5z26c.mp4 - NatGeo chimpout special: https://files.catbox.moe/smxs64.mp4 - God hates fags: https://files.catbox.moe/t9y5a7.mp4 - Jew detected: https://files.catbox.moe/0cbvda.MP4 - Chimpout report: https://files.catbox.moe/susvrm.mp4 - Hog tied & buck broken: https://files.catbox.moe/dtrv03.mp4 - That's one a them jew names: https://files.catbox.moe/6uhevf.MP4 - New squeeze? Don't forget to ask her this question early: https://files.catbox.moe/9facx8.mp4 ## Simps catch a buzz ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rknZ2oYVh.png =450x500) https://archive.is/6LXIF - muh pollination - muh caterpillar control (forget the fact that caterpillars grow into other pollinators) - wait for it.... - "Wasps can even be a valuable food source - their larvae are already harvested for food in some countries." ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r10YkxgB2.png) *You WILL eet zem!* - "In a previous study, we found that the hatred of wasps is largely due to widespread ignorance about the role of wasps in ecosystems, and how they can be beneficial to humans." *Yeahh bull fucking shit. People hate them because they're dickheads with extremely painful stings.* - "Here, we have reviewed the best evidence there is, and found that wasps could be just as valuable as other beloved insects like bees, if only we gave them more of a chance." **Does this sound familiar? Why not make more honeybees, who serve the same function without the danger?** ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJ8XbleB3.png =400x400) *Just give them a chance, goyim!* *They're so underappreciated!* ## TNB of the Week ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1GgIkjV3.png) https://www.wisn.com/article/stolen-camera-transmitting-from-burglars-home/43370505 - "The two men snatched thousands of dollars worth of tools from the house. They apparently also unwittingly grabbed a security camera that is still transmitting from their kitchen table." - "They took around $8,000 in tools. They also took a camera which was hidden, which they did not know would operate pretty much anywhere, so it's operating on their dining table right now. We can see everything," - "We're seeing people doing drugs. We're seeing people talk about how they sold the stuff, where the money went." - "Milwaukee police tell WISN 12 News they're continuing to investigate but have made no arrests." (How the fuck not?? They're all on camera!) #### Bonus coonery: AYO WHY U BE MAKIN CARS THAT EASY TO BREAK IN TO?? Maybe because Asian car designers don't live near niggers? [Baltimore sues Kia, Hyundai for inadequate security systems amid auto theft surge: 'Left residents vulnerable'](https://archive.is/iilMS#selection-1511.0-1511.110) - "The city of Baltimore has added its name to the list of cities suing car manufacturers Kia and Hyundai for not doing enough to prevent its cars from being stolen amid an explosion of vehicles being stolen in Baltimore and across the country." - "Baltimore Mayor Brandon M. Scott, a Democrat, claimed in the press release that the car company "left our residents vulnerable to crime and are significantly burdening our police resources." *Eye roller of the year.* Bonus BONUS coonery- Aw sheeeit, muh keedz be failin cuz dey readin da newspapuh!: https://files.catbox.moe/itz23k.mp4 ## [Roastie pwns herself because she can't put the cell phone down for one single night](https://www.newser.com/story/335112/cops-cite-phone-data-in-case-of-poisoned-husband.html) - Cops Cite Phone Data in Poisoned Husband (fentanyl) Case, say Kouri Richins was using her cellphone during time she said she was asleep - "The Utah realtor accused of fatally poisoning her husband, then writing a children's book about grief inspired by his death." - "She told police that on the night her husband died in 2022 she had gone to sleep in one of their children's rooms because the child had a night terror, then woke up at 3am to find her husband "cold to the touch" in their bedroom." - "She'd used it during the time she was supposedly asleep in the child's room: locking and unlocking it several times, moving around, and sending and receiving messages that were later deleted" - "The records reveal Eric Richins, 39, believed his wife of nine years had tried to poison him on at least two prior occasions, but that he stayed in the marriage for the sake of the couple's three young sons." **simp alert!** - "The relatives also say Eric Richins had switched his power of attorney and the beneficiary of his life insurance policy from his wife to his sister prior to his death, and also took his wife off his will, as he started considering divorce. Now Kouri Richins is in a legal battle with his sister, as she claims a prenuptial agreement entitles her to her late husband's estate." ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1-Ni0kr2.png) ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJ6F3RkHn.png) *No, not anymore! Some crazy biatch poisoned me to death!* - [My favorite review so far](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/123277319-are-you-with-me?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=RwBKPVRtF4&rank=7): "This book is a killer! It will take your breath away, so good that it’s simply murder. The author clearly knows all about death on a deeply intimate level. When I finished I felt like I’d be poisoned to death with fentanyl by a loved one. It’s that powerful."" ## Just text me, ok? [Hiker remained lost on a mountainside for over 24 hours because he didn't bother to answer his phone when rescuers tried calling him.](https://archive.is/wmKjN) - "The hiker told authorities he had lost his way around nightfall and “bounced around on to different trails trying to locate the proper trailhead” before finally reaching his car the next morning, about 24 hours after setting out on the hike. Lake county search and rescue said the man reported having “no idea” anyone was out looking for him." - “One notable take-away is that the subject ignored repeated phone calls from us because they didn’t recognise the number,” the agency added. **Absolutely based** ## Fag pwnage of the week ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sy92XyeHn.png) ## Biden admin dipshit of the week [KJP: "It's not rational, rationable. It's not reasonicable and it's not practible for Congress to be doing what they're doing."](https://files.catbox.moe/51s8fc.mp4) ## Absolute degenerate of the week ["I was just walking into the room with my mouth open, and someone's toe got in the way"](https://nypost.com/2023/05/05/tennessee-hotel-guest-wakes-up-to-night-manager-sucking-on-his-toes-police/) ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJFK9JgSn.png) - Dishonorable mention: ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rk6FIgeHh.png =400x400) ## Misc/more lulzy woke bullshit - ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sy9u31eBn.png =300x400) - https://www.dailywire.com/news/woke-college-puts-professor-on-leave-for-handing-out-jeremys-chocolate - https://www.espn.com/olympics/story/_/id/37565391/spain-women-race-apologizes-food-processor-nonfat-gifts - Here's your "conservative" AI, bro ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1j5rlxS3.png) - Who was this?? ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hy8PdlgH2.png) - Normie media claims it was a "verger"(antiquated church minister position) - Or was it someone running late for the *other* ceremony... **FUCK THE REDCOATS** ## AI - Humanity's Final Boss ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJsx8SxHn.gif) [The AI Dilemma](https://radio.foxnews.com/2023/05/13/rundown-extra-5-13-23-the-a-i-dilemma/) > 50% of A.I. researchers believe there's a 10% or greater chance that humans go extinct from our inability to control AI ### Timeline #### "First contact" with AI Recommendation engines on instaham, jewtube, and thikthot - Attention harvesting algorithms - The shortest, dumbest, instant gratification content rises to the top #### "Second contact" with AI All AI fields are tradtionally isolated (eg. robotics, vision, natural language processing, recommendation engines). But [Transformers](https://www.marktechpost.com/2023/01/24/what-are-transformers-concept-and-applications-explained/), introduced into 2017 changed the game. **Any type of input can now be encoded as "language"**. Include images, audio (voice), video, and text- even code. - ChatGPT3 can model your behavior as well as a 9 year old (already surpassing @Conspirologist) - ChatGPT4 can model your behavior as well as 20something year old (already passing @Anus_Expander) **^^ Doubly exponential growth. Why?** - Meta leaked a LLM into the wild and the public ran with it. - All research is going to improving the same universal model - Rat race between Big Tech, US Government, and China - The model can improve itself and add unexpected capabilities - [Teach it english, but it also learns persian](https://files.catbox.moe/taiz3x.mp4) ### The Impending Robocalypse We barely scraped by nuclear fallout. Can we stop AI via mutual agreement? Or for you nerds, we will throw the ring of power into the volcano? *Discuss*. [Or this will happen (v/clusterbitches)](https://files.catbox.moe/4zq0qf.mp4). #### AI Trolling in the Wild - **MUST PLAY**: [Salvation for Butter Faces](https://files.catbox.moe/raq2x7.mp4) - https://www.bizpacreview.com/2023/05/15/paper-duped-by-ai-generated-op-ed-retracts-woke-spray-tan-article-accusing-irish-women-of-racism-1359263/ ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJ6LcSlS3.png)