30 January 2024
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## Yellow sticky notes
No yellow sticky notes online. Put your name + " | " and add a "*" each time you solve a challenge (see below).
## Participants
Name | Challenges
--- | ---
Damiano Oldoni |
Pieter Huybrechts |***
Nele Mullens | *
Wouter Depaepe |**
Patrik Oosterlynck |
Dirk Maes | **
Ward Langeraert |***
Margot Vanhellemont |**
Rhea Maesele | *
Adriaan Seynaeve |
Jorre Vannieuwenhuyze | ***
Anja Leyman | *
Emma Cartuyvels| **
## Challenge 1
### Ward
# Look at data
#color_ring: column containing the color rings
#metal_ring: column containing the metal rings
#1.Get the length of the metal rings.
#2. Do the color rings start with a "C"?
all(str_starts(birds$color_ring, "C"))
#3. Do the color rings end with a "R"?
all(str_ends(birds$color_ring, "R"))
#4. Are the color rings uppercase?
all(str_detect(birds$color_ring, "[a-z]", negate = TRUE))
#5. Solve all the anomalies found in (4) by setting all color rings uppercase.
birds_cleaned <- birds %>%
mutate(color_ring = str_to_upper(color_ring))
all(str_detect(birds_cleaned$color_ring, "[a-z]", negate = TRUE))
### Pieter's solution :)
# Challange 1 -------------------------------------------------------------
color_ring <-
select = "color_ring") %>%
metal_ring <-
col_select = "metal_ring") %>%
## 1. Get the length of the metal rings
# unique lengths
# count lengths
tibble(metal_ring, nchar_ring = nchar(metal_ring)) %>%
group_by(nchar_ring) %>%
## 2. Do the color rings start with a "C"?
color_ring %>%
stringr::str_starts(fixed("C")) %>%
# These rings do not!
color_ring[stringr::str_starts(color_ring, pattern = "C", negate = TRUE)]
# again, but with a regex
stringr::str_extract(color_ring, "^(?!C).*") %>%
# again but in base R
color_ring[grepl("^[^C].*", color_ring)]
## 3. Do the color rings end with a "R"?
stringr::str_ends(color_ring, fixed("R")) %>%
all() # not all color rings end with R
# These do not:
stringr::str_extract(color_ring, ".*(?<!R)$") %>%
stringr::str_view() # have a more detailed view
## 4. Are the color rings uppercase?
stringr::str_detect(color_ring, "^[A-Z]+$") %>%
all() # they are not all uppercase
# again, using dplyr instead for a comparison
all.equal(color_ring, stringr::str_to_upper(color_ring))
# These are not:
stringr::str_extract(color_ring, ".+[a-z]+.+") %>%
# or using a comparison instead
color_ring[color_ring != stringr::str_to_upper(color_ring)]
## 5. Solve all the anomalies found in (4) by setting all color rings uppercase.
# overwriting the existing column
readr::read_tsv("data/20240130/20240130_bird_rings.txt") %>%
mutate(color_ring = stringr::str_to_upper(color_ring))
## Extra: tidyverse packages are made to work nicely together. Use stringr and dplyr to
## get the birds with a 6 characters long metal ring and a color ring starting
## with a C and ending with a R.
arrow::read_tsv_arrow("data/20240130/20240130_bird_rings.txt") %>%
nchar(metal_ring) == 6,
stringr::str_starts(color_ring, fixed("C")),
stringr::str_ends(color_ring, fixed("R"))
### Rhea solution
#1. Get the length of the metal rings.
birds <- birds %>%
mutate(length_metalring = str_length(metal_ring))
#2. Do the color rings start with a "C"?
birds <- birds %>%
mutate(C_colorrings = str_starts(color_ring, "C"))
View(birds) #If it starts with a C -> True; otherwise FALSE
#3. Do the color rings end with a "R"?
birds <- birds %>%
mutate(R_colorrings = str_ends(color_ring, "R"))
#4. Are the color rings uppercase?
birds <- birds %>%
mutate(uppercase_colorrings = str_detect(color_ring, "[[:upper:]]"))
#5. Solve all the anomalies found in (4) by setting all color rings uppercase.
birds <- birds %>%
mutate(upper_colorrings = str_to_upper(color_ring))
#Extra: tidyverse packages are made to work nicely together.
#Use stringr and dplyr to get the birds with a 6 characters long metal ring and
#a color ring starting with a C and ending with a R.
bird_extra <- birds %>%
filter(length_metalring == 6 & C_colorrings == TRUE & R_colorrings == TRUE)
### Emma
str_starts(birds$color_ring, "C")
str_ends(birds$color_ring, "R")
str_detect(birds$color_ring, regex("[:lower:]+"))
birds %>%
filter(str_length(metal_ring) == 6,
str_starts(color_ring, "C"),
str_ends(color_ring, "R"))
## Challenge 2
### Emma
test <- birds %>%
mutate(color_ring_complete = str_c(background_color,
birds %>%
filter(str_length(color_ring) == 4,
str_detect(color_ring, regex("^.{2}A")))
str_detect(birds$color_ring, regex("\\d+"))
test <- birds %>%
mutate(digit = str_extract(color_ring, regex("\\d")))
### Pieter's solution :)
# Challenge 2 -------------------------------------------------------------
color_ring_tbbl <- readr::read_tsv("data/20240130/20240130_bird_rings.txt")
## 1. Create a new column called color_ring_complete containing color ring
#information in this format:
#background_color+inscription_color+"("+color_ring+")", e.g. RW(FJAC)
# using glue
color_ring_tbbl %>%
color_ring_complete =
) %>%
glimpse() # let's have a look
# using concatenation
color_ring_tbbl %>%
color_ring_complete =
stringr::str_c(background_color, inscription_color, "(", color_ring, ")")
) %>%
glimpse() # let's have a look
# using paste!
color_ring_tbbl %>%
mutate(color_ring_complete =
paste0(background_color, inscription_color, "(", color_ring, ")")) %>%
glimpse() # let's have a look
## 2. Are the color rings 4-letter only long and is the third letter an "A"?
color_ring %>%
stringr::str_detect("^[a-zA-Z]{2}A[a-zA-Z]{1}$") %>%
all() # not all of them
# These do:
color_ring[stringr::str_detect(color_ring, "^[a-zA-Z]{2}A[a-zA-Z]{1}$")]
# Without regex
str_length(color_ring) == 4 & str_sub(color_ring, 3, 3) == "A" %>%
all() # not all do
# These do:
color_ring[str_length(color_ring) == 4 & str_sub(color_ring, 3, 3) == "A"]
## 3. Do the color rings contain at least a digit?
color_ring %>%
stringr::str_detect("[0-9]+") %>%
all() # not all of them!
# these do not:
stringr::str_extract(color_ring, "^\\D+$") %>%
## 4. Create a new column called digit containing the first digit, if any, as a
## number.
color_ring_tbbl %>%
mutate(digit = as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(color_ring, "\\d")),
.keep = "used") %>%
## Extra: again, by combining dplyr and stringr, select the birds whose color
## rings satisfy the condition in (2).
color_ring_tbbl %>%
filter(nchar(color_ring) == 4) %>%
filter(stringr::str_sub(color_ring, 3,3) == "A") %>%
### Ward (!met regex)
#1. Create a new column called color_ring_complete containing color ring
# information in this format:
# background_color+inscription_color+"("+color_ring+")", e.g. RW(FJAC)
birds <- birds %>%
mutate(color_ring_complete = str_glue("{background_color}{inscription_color}",
#2. Are the color rings 4-letter only long and is the third letter an "A"?
# 4 letters long
str_equal(str_length(birds$color_ring), 4)
# third letter
str_starts(birds$color_ring, "[a-zA-Z]{2}A")
# 4 letters AND third letter A
str_detect(birds$color_ring, "^[a-zA-Z]{2}A[a-zA-Z]$")
#3. Do the color rings contain at least a digit?
str_detect(birds$color_ring, "\\d")
#4. Create a new column called digit containing the first digit, if any,
# as a number.
birds <- birds %>%
mutate(digit = as.numeric(str_match(color_ring, "\\d")[,1]))
#str_extract Pieter solution better
#5. By combining dplyr and stringr, select the birds whose color rings satisfy
# the condition in (2).
birds %>%
filter(str_equal(str_length(color_ring), 4),
str_starts(birds$color_ring, "[a-zA-Z]{2}A"))
### Jorre
#Create a new column called color_ring_complete containing color ring
#information in this format:
#background_color+inscription_color+"("+color_ring+")", e.g. RW(FJAC)
birds2 <- mutate(birds,
# Are the color rings 4-letter only long and is the third letter an "A"?
birds |>
mutate(test=nchar(color_ring)==4 & str_sub(color_ring,3,3)=='A' ) |>
pull(test) |>
# Do the color rings contain at least a digit?
birds |> pull(color_ring) |> str_detect('\\d') |> table()
# Create a new column called digit containing the first digit, if any, as a
# number.
birds2 <- birds |>
mutate(digit=str_extract(color_ring,"[0-9]+") |> parse_integer() )
# Extra: again, by combining dplyr and stringr, select the birds whose color
# rings satisfy the condition in (2).
birds |>
filter(nchar(color_ring)==4 & str_sub(color_ring,3,3)=='A')
Extra resources for regex:
- https://www.datacamp.com/tutorial/regex-r-regular-expressions-guide
- The R for data science book has a chapter: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/regexps.html
- yet another regex tester: https://www.regextester.com/
- Another common pattern used in shells is globbing, for example: `*.txt` for files ending on `.txt`, you can convert these to regex with a base function: `glob2rx()`
### Extracting version numbers is extra difficult!
There are **a lot** of exceptions in the wild: [Falsehoods programmers believe about versions](https://github.com/xenoterracide/falsehoods/blob/master/versions.md)
## Challenge 3
### Emma
# Challenge 3A
birds$color_ring == str_replace(birds$color_ring_dots, "\\.", "")
birds$metal_ring <- str_replace(birds$metal_ring, "^\\*+", "")
str_detect(birds$color_ring, "[aeiou]{2}")
# Challenge 3B
substrings_to_remove <- c("spec.", "indet.", "cf", "nov.", "ined.",
"spp.", "sp.")
cleaned_names <- str_remove_all(sc_names, paste0(substrings_to_remove, collapse = "|"))
### Pieter's solution :smiley:
# Challenge 3 -------------------------------------------------------------
## 1. The dots in color rings (column color_ring_dots), e.g. KRO.C, KZ.AC, are
# used for improving readibility. Apart from that, the values in column
# color_ring_dots should be exactly the same as the ones in column color_ring.
# Find anomalies.
color_ring_tbbl %>%
filter(str_remove(color_ring_dots, fixed(".")) != color_ring)
## 2. Some metal rings (column metal_ring) start with one or more asterisks.
## Remove them.
metal_ring %>%
## 3. Find color rings (column color_ring) containing two consecutive vowels.
# Vowels are complicated! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vowel
color_ring[stringr::str_which(color_ring, "[aeiouAEIOU]{2}")]
# Challenge 3B ------------------------------------------------------------
# do notice Salix cf alba
scientific_names <-
file.path("data", "20240130", "20240130_scientificnames.txt"),
skip = 1)
stringr::str_remove_all(scientific_names, "[a-zA-Z]+(?=\\.).") %>%
# remove cf using lookahead and lookbehind
stringr::str_remove_all(scientific_names, "[a-zA-Z]+(?=\\.).") %>%
str_remove_all("(?<= )cf(?= )") %>%
### Ward
# Challenge 3A
#1. The dots in color rings (column color_ring_dots), e.g. KRO.C, KZ.AC, are
# used for improving readibility. Apart from that, the values in column
# color_ring_dots should be exactly the same as the ones in column color_ring.
# Find anomalies.
birds$color_ring == str_remove_all(birds$color_ring_dots, pattern = fixed("."))
#2. Some metal rings (column metal_ring) start with one or more asterisks.
# Remove them.
birds <- birds %>%
mutate(metal_ring = str_replace(metal_ring, pattern = "^\\*+",
replacement = ""))
#3. Find color rings (column color_ring) containing two consecutive vowels.
# y is sometimes considered a vowel but not always ...
vowels <- "aeiouAEIOU"
birds %>%
filter(str_detect(color_ring, pattern = paste0("[", vowels, "]{2}")))
# Challenge 3B
# Scientific names sometimes contain abbreviations like "sp.", "spec.",
# "indet.", "cf", "nov.", "ined". Try to clean the names provided in
# 20240130_scientificnames.txt by removing such abbreviations.
# Ensure also that the resulting scientific names have no whitespaces at the
# start or at the end and also that they have single spaces between words.
str_remove_all(sc_names, pattern = "[a-zA-Z]*\\.") %>%
str_remove(fixed("cf")) %>% # zie solution Pieter
### Jorre
# The dots in color rings (column color_ring_dots), e.g. KRO.C, KZ.AC, are used
# for improving readibility. Apart from that, the values in column
# color_ring_dots should be exactly the same as the ones in column color_ring.
# Find anomalies.
birds |>
filter( str_remove_all(color_ring_dots,'[.]') != color_ring ) |>
# Some metal rings (column metal_ring) start with one or more asterisks. Remove
# them.
birds |>
mutate( metal_ring2 = str_remove_all(metal_ring,'^[*]+') ) |>
# Find color rings (column color_ring) containing two consecutive vowels.
birds |>
filter( str_detect(color_ring,'[aeiouAEIOU]{2}') ) |>
# Are you bored of working with bird rings? Maybe you find cleaning scientific
# names something more similar to your daily tasks.This alternative challenge is
# for you!
# Matching scientific names against the GBIF Taxonomy Backbone fails sometimes
# just because the provided scientific name contains abbreviations like "sp.",
# "spec.", "indet.", "cf", "nov.", "ined". Try to clean the names provided in
# 20240130_scientificnames.txt by removing such abbreviations.
# Ensure also that the resulting scientific names have no whitespaces at the
# start or at the end and also that they have single spaces between words. Hint:
# Check the cheatsheet to find the stringr function to remove all these
# whitespaces.
sc_names |>
str_remove_all('[A-z]+[.]') |>
str_replace_all('\\b[^aeiouAEIOU]+\\b',' ') |> # for replacing 'cf' or any word without vowels
## Dirk
# Challenge 3B
scientific_names <-
delim = "\t")
scientific_names$scientific_name_clean <- word(scientific_names$scientific_name, 1, 1)
## Bonus challenge
There is no bonus challange!?