# First Onboarding Doc for D3Serve Labs. ## Account Creation 1. Ask Victor(zzn@d3serve.xyz) to Create a GWorkspace account - Victor also create a Create a ClickUp account (could use GWorkspace) account 3. Create a Discord account (discord.io) and join [D3Serve's discord server]() 6. [For new-to-crypto teammates] Setup a Crypto Wallet for Ethereum and other EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible chains for testing and share the Ethereum mainnet address with the team - For desktop [MetaMask Chrome Extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/metamask/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn) is a good option. Just *don't* use it for big money or large amount of asset. - For mobile, [Rainbow](https://rainbow.me/) is a good option. - Generally since Ethereum is a protocol, there are many wallet options. Maintaining safety of a crypto wallet is *non-trivial*. If you are not ready or don't know what's neede to be ready to secure your own asset, don't use these wallets to hold big amount of assets that you don't want risk losing. 7. Get a small amount of ethers ($ETH) from Victor and apply for a ENS at https://app.ens.domains/ 6. Setup a d3.cards profile at https://d3.cards/ ## Articles to read - Technical teammate read entire [Ethereum Whitepaper ](https://ethereum.org/en/whitepaper), Non-technical teammate read teh [application section](https://ethereum.org/en/whitepaper/#applications) - [Our Vision: Manifesto of Digital Trust](https://hackmd.io/@d3servelabs/vision) - TODO add more (feel free to contribute) ## Fun facts about teammates (In the reverse-chronical order of when they join) * Victor: love improv theatre * Sami: "blue hands" crawl inside computer case, play the wood and guitar. * Phil: have two letters from King of England (then Prince Charlie), served Beer to Bon Jovi * Wendy: love woodwork