Chris - here to learn about ChatGPT and how it applies to software development and scientific data processing as well as data processing and visualization
Hi, I am Xue, a graduate student from school of plant sciences, here to learn AI!
I'm Maliaca - Tyson groupie, from the Data Science Institute
I'm Emily Litvack. I write for/as the SVP for research and innovation at the University of Arizona and I'd like to leverage GPT in my work.
Hi there, my name is "The Terminator", I'm here to express my deep lovely and appreciation for humanity. Big hugs! JK I'm devin bayly a data and visualization consultant for the Research Technologies departmentโฆ and I'm a part time circus performer.
Salena Ashton, phd student Information Science. I research machine learning, causal inference, AI and knowledge representation. I enjoy seeing how AI can enhance, not compromise, academic integrity.
Devesh Khosla
I'm Ali, PhD Student from the Department of Biomedical Engineering.
Hello, I am Robert, I am a facility manager and former researcher. I collaborate with many researchers in our buildings @BIO5
I'm Kristy, part of the RII Comms team, interested in how AI works and how it will affect creativity and marketing
Hi, I'm Michael, PhD Student in Civil Engineering, visting the U of A.
Hello, I am Mohamed!
Hi, I'm Filip, a passionate plant biologist and innovative educator committed to unfolding the mysteries of plant metal physiology and hyperaccumulation
Hello This is Devesh Khosla
Hi, I'm Bonnie Jean, with Research Innovation and Impact. I'm a web developer and I want to know how ChatGPT can help me code!
Hi! I'm Talia. PhD student in Geography and the Tree Ring Lab.
Hi, I'm Kiara. I'm a PhD student in Pharmacology & Toxicology, looking to utilize AI to improve my research efforts.
Hi, I am Tao, an earth scientist. Exploring the fancy the GPT to boost my research.
Hi!, I am Mari, a Statiscian in the StatLab at BIO5
Hello! I'm Sarah - I'm the director of UX4Justice at the College of Law.
Hi! I'm Mona Arora -college of public health, interested in learning about how to use in teaching and our work with partners
Shipad Sinari: I am here to learn how to write better prompts for assessments feedback data.
I am Yang Song,
Julian. I want to learn how researchers could use AI to increase the rate of scientific discovery.
Filip. Want to learn how to use effectively ChatGPT for Resaerch and writing
Hi! I'm Bryan
Hi. I am Simone. I am hear to learn how to improve my results when using ChatGPT in my research.
Hello, I'm Jeremy Sadoff and im here to learn how use AI to improve my ability to learn and digest information better.
Hi, I'm Marisa. I work at the Eller College and am interested in using AI to help students with professional development (resumes, cover letters, job interviews, etc..)
I'm Laurel from Nutritional Sciences
Hi I'm Samuel from Systems and Industrial Engineering Ph.D. program. Here to see chatgpt do good stuff.
Hi, ti learn chatgpt
Hi I am David. Here to see more about AI in education and research.
I am here to learn how to leverage GPT as a professional writer at the University.
I am here to learn how to make more effective prompts Enhance my
Hi,I'm here to learn about how chat ai works and how it will affect thewill affect communicaications and creativity (sorry for the mispellings but this moving screen is making my brain hurt)
I'd like to learn how to use it for teaching effectively and be more proeductive, and for research.
to learn how we could use Chaptgpt to increase research efficiency
I'm here to learn how AI can help me code
I want to understand how to use it for my students in courses, but also how to be more productive and just see how it is transforming the world
I'm here to learn how to generate effective prompts for my research and daily life.
I'm just ยฏ_(ใ)_/ยฏ
Looking for ways to improve my work in communications and marketing and saving time
I am here to learn how I can use GPT to streamline my coding.
Excited to learn how to use this for research and teaching!
I'm interested in using AI to help students with professional development (resumes, cover letters, job interviews, etc..)
I'm interested in learning how to use ai for r programming
i am here to learn how i can use in reaserch
I would like to learn to use ChatGPT in writing code and searching scientific literature.
I am here for to learn new ways to use Generative models for fun, research, training, and educational purposes.ducational purposes.ducational purposes.
I am interested in learning more about how to use AI most effectively in my classrooms
I am interested in AI's effects and impact in research
I am here I'm here to learn new ways this tools can help me manage,educate, and more interactively share data with regards to facility management. :)
GPT - generative pre-trained transformer LLM - large language model DevOps - software development and IT operations md - markdown AI - artificial intelligence NLP - natural language processing
GPTs are biased, can lie, and are being used to spread disinformation and hate speech
GPTs steal texts, designs, visual art, and music styles
Equitable distribution is difficult
Creating personalized feedback
Automate tasks to reduce workload
The integration of AI language models in higher education should be carefully considered in terms of pedagogical theory, societal implications, ethical considerations, and policy formulation. While AI models offer promising benefits, their integration should be done with caution to ensure that the benefits outweigh the potential risks and challenges.