### Notes on Meeting 1. Discussion about "failed OTA test", aka. see video - Tested on 15 devices by TGI. - 370 times. - no replication of problem. - Hoyer Co. to do their own tests. - Martina Hübner to do the tests. 2. Machine w/out WiFi after OTA update. - Report by Marc Delling. - 4.0a, latest App -> 4.2a - by means of live OTA - 3. Outcome of OTA tests IRL - disappointing outcome of updates actually do (~5?) vs. updates offered (5x ~100) 4. ToDo - up OTA to 500 per test - monitor closely the results - Marc to report on the WiFi behavior after cable-flashing the broken unit. If ok, test concurres, if not, testing stops. - cts to send the OTA-broken machine to Tine Todemann so she can forward it to TGI in HK.