# Links for OSS education/open source curricula [toc] ## Organizations - OSPO++ - https://ospoplusplus.org/ - TODO Group (through the Linux Foundation) - Industry focused, with some universities. High cost for sign up. - OSPO Alliance - European, not university focused but has some efforts - https://ospo.zone/ - Open Work in Academia - Possibly organization, based on an initial conference funded by Open@RIT (See below) - https://www.rit.edu/openworksummit/ - US Research Software Sustainability Institute (URSSI) - https://urssi.us/ - SSI - https://www.software.ac.uk/ - Sustain - https://sustainoss.org/ - CHAOSS Community - Some university involvement - IEEE (Standards body) - Some university involvement - GitHub Education (Industry) - Lots of unversity student involvement, but less at the administration level - POSSE - http://teachingopensource.org/posse/ - WSSSPE - https://wssspe.researchcomputing.org.uk/ - RESA - https://www.researchsoft.org/ ## University OSPOs - [Open@RIT](https://www.rit.edu/research/open) - - RIT’s courses and Minor in Free and Open Source Software and Free Culture - Our Co-Op program, [LibreCorps](https://openr.it/faculty/) - The experiential education programs of FOSS@MAGIC (formerly FOSS@RIT) that has weekly meetings and helps students pursue and show project work at Maker Faire Rochester, Imagine RIT and, when funding allows, academic and industry conferences. - ACROSS at UVM, Sloan + Google funded - Carnegie Mellon University, Sayeed Choudhury - CROSS at UC Santa Cruz, Sloan (OSPO only) and industry funded, grad students - ## University courses and programs - Astro @ Berkeley - JHU: https://github.com/jhu-ospo-courses - [Open Source with SLU](https://oss-slu.github.io/) - Undergrad course on software engineering - Senior capstone projects => actual sustained work, either turning into OSS or actual OSS project - (Sloan funded?) - Curricular + experiential! - Cornell - Michigan - Stanford (open source course run by Feross Aboukhadijeh) - Opensi.com - a open source course at U. Canberra - Got a few million in grant money for this - Got acquired and the project stopped - Upskilling people - justin@classsoftware.com ## Universities without formal OSPOs or university courses that have active members - UC Davis - [UC Davis DataLab](https://datalab.ucdavis.edu/) is kind of a center of gravity? - Edinburgh Unversity - Doesn't have its own OSPO, but runs this conversation through the Software Sustainability Institute - ## Experiential programs/explicitly hands on * Morehouse/AUC postbac [Open Doors x Open Source](https://datascience.aucenter.edu/odxos/) ## Open communities/teaching training - rOpenSci - pyOpenSci - rLadies etc. - Carpentries - * [How to Contribute to the Carpentries](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/maintainers/contributing.html) - Journal of Open Source Software ## People who are hubs in a wider network that help give the context - Stephen Jacobs - Richard Littauer - Carlos Maltzahn and Stephanie Lieggi - Sayeed Choudhury - Karthik Ram - Jarrod Millman - Stefan van der Walt - Fernando Perez - Chris Holdgraf - Katy Huff - Leah Wasser ## Misc links