# Falling Walls Forum: Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development
**Time: May 18, 2023 (Thu.) 10:00 ~ 12:30**
**Venue: [National Science and Technology Council (Technology Building)](https://www.nstc.gov.tw/folksonomy/list/ff23b94a-09e8-4e09-b6f4-09ece1d19dfc?l=ch)**
**Address: [Rm. 13, 2F., No. 106, Sec. 2, Heping E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City(台北市大安區和平東路二段 106 號 2 樓 13 號會議室)](https://goo.gl/maps/sCxrn5SVcdNiind88)**
**Online Registration: https://forms.gle/LNe7c4z9DeCEvhG5A** (Deadline: 3pm, May 15th, 2023)
### 跳脫框架!創新突破論壇:基礎科學促進永續發展
「Falling Walls Forum ✕ Falling Walls Lab Taipei」創新突破論壇首次與德國創新挑戰賽在臺灣活動結合,亦為[臺灣響應聯合國「基礎科學促進永續發展國際年(IYBSSD)」](https://iybssd.colife.org.tw/zh-tw)的重點活動之一。在整體規劃上希望能帶來的不僅止於 10+10 的收穫,而是 10×10 的影響!讓與會者透過論壇開拓視野,獲悉關於永續發展方面的研發動態,學習前輩先進們的跨領域精神與汲取經驗!
活動說明:https://youtu.be/s1PB5zsgx3M (2.5 mins)
Public Event – Attendance is Free & Encouraged!
創新突破論壇與德國創新挑戰賽(歡迎觀賽)提供跨領域的學習以及聆聽 15 分鐘以及 3 分鐘精彩短講的良機,皆為公開免費活動,現場座位有限,請盡速報名!
#### Time: 10:30 ~ 12:30 (10:00 Registration)
**Breaking the Wall of Cancer in Asia**
Dr. Yu-Ju Chen 陳玉如特聘研究員
Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica
**Breaking the Wall of Coral Reefs and Climate Change**
Dr. Sophie Nuber
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
**Breaking the Wall of Secret Life on Tropical Beach: Can Fungi of Coastal Plants Confer Resilience to Crops?**
Dr. Roland Kirschner 羅南德教授
Professor, School of Forestry & Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University
**Breaking the Wall of Semiconductor Industry Carbon Emission: EUV Exhaust Hydrogen Gas Recirculation and Carbon Reduction**
Dr. Ming-Yu Yen 閻明宇執行長
CEO, Toplus Energy Corporation
### Introduction to Topics & Speakers
#### Breaking the Wall of Cancer in Asia
Cancer has no borders. I will share the challenges and cross-border process how we assembled a multi-organization and multi-disciplinary team and launched Taiwan Cancer Moonshot project in 2016. Starting from scratch, the joint and highly multi-disciplinary efforts delineated molecular signatures of pathogenesis and progression in non-smoking lung cancer (Cell, Cover Story). Nevertheless, the translation of proteomic discovery fasces multiple challenges in both technical robustness and sensitivity, as well as large-scale validation and assay validation. I will also share how these scientific findings inspire the development of precision medicine strategies and our efforts to translate research assay into clinical laboratory.
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|  | Dr. Yu-Ju Chen | Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica |
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#### Biography
Distinguished Research Fellow at Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, President of Chemical Society Located in Taipei, past President of HUPO (2021-2022), and Associate Editor of “Analytical Chemistry”. She launched the Taiwan Cancer Moonshot program in 2016. Her technology has led to a cancer diagnosis start-up awarded National Innovation Award in 2021.
#### Relevant [SDGs](https://sdgs.un.org/goals) to this Talk
#### Breaking the Wall of Coral Reefs and Climate Change
Coral reefs are home to a plethora of species, including turtles, sharks, rays, various fish and living organisms, making them one of the most diverse ecosystems on our Earth. Besides their aesthetic appeal, reefs also serve as critical protective barriers against typhoons, tsunamis, and coastal erosion. Furthermore, their rich fishing grounds are vital sources of income for local communities and international trade. The release of anthropogenic greenhouse gases has put these ecosystems at severe risk of die-off. In this presentation, we will delve into the scientific basis for this phenomenon and discuss interdisciplinary efforts to understand this impact.
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|  | Dr. Sophie Nuber | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University |
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#### Biography
Dr. Sophie Nuber is a climate scientist studying the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on the Earth’s climate, and climate change impact on marine ecosystems. Her career and enthusiasm for science let her to live an international life having worked in the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Japan, Kenya, United States and now Taiwan.
#### Relevant [SDGs](https://sdgs.un.org/goals) to this Talk
#### Breaking the Wall of Secret Life on Tropical Beach: Can Fungi of Coastal Plants Confer Resilience to Crops?
Tropical sand beach is the ideal environment for many tourists, but for other life-forms is extremely stressful by strong sunshine and wind. Only a few plants are adapted to these extreme stresses. What can we learn from these plants for increasing resilience of crops in global warming? Fungi growing in symbiosis with coastal plants can confer tolerance against drought, heat, and salinity to their hosts. Who are these fungi, how do they confer stress tolerance? While we are starting to answer these questions, coast habitats are considered waste land and endangered by construction and rising sea levels.
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|  | Dr. Roland Kirschner | Professor, School of Forestry & Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University |
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#### Biography
Study of biology in Darmstadt and Tuebingen, Germany, DAAD and Alexander von Humboldt fellowships in Taiwan, member of Nomenclature Committee of Fungi, editor of Nova Hedwigia, specialty: diversity of fungi
#### Relevant [SDGs](https://sdgs.un.org/goals) to this Talk
(short term) (long term)
#### Breaking the Wall of Semiconductor Industry Carbon Emission: EUV Exhaust Hydrogen Gas Recirculation and Carbon Reduction
Integrated circuits manufacturing is currently the most advanced technology. It is also Taiwan's most important industry. Currently, processes below 7 nm rely on EUV photolithography. This equipment needs to feed a large amount of hydrogen gas, and then 99% of the hydrogen is discharged. However, hydrogen production results in large energy consumption and CO~2~ emissions. To save energy and reduce carbon emissions, we developed a new equipment by electrochemical reaction to purify and recycle the H~2~ gas. This process improvement will reduce hydrogen costs by TWD 10 million and CO~2~ emissions by 380 tons for each EUV equipment.
|  | Dr. Ming-Yu Yen | CEO, Toplus Energy Corporation |
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#### Biography
* 2003 PhD in Applied Chemistry, NCTU
* 2003-2008 Researcher of Green Energy and Environment Research Labs, ITRI
* 2008-2018 CTO of Toplus Energy Corporation
* Chairman of Toplus Energy Corporation
#### Relevant [SDGs](https://sdgs.un.org/goals) to this Talk
### Local Organisers & Partners
Chemical Society Located in Taipei (CSLT), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), IYBSSD Taiwan, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Natural Science and Sustainable Research Promotion and Engagement Center (SPEC), National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)