# OrbitDB in five paragraphs OrbitDB is a database, where each of the transactions is published in a peer-to-peer network. Each of the peers can apply the transactions to their local copies without conflicts, even if they have made different changes at the same time. Using OrbitDB means using IPFS, a decentralized file interchange protocol, that OrbitDB is built on. The data for the databases are stored on IPFS. But using OrbitDB, you don't have to work with IPFS. You work through the Stores. Each Store provides you with a simple interface, where you don't have to think about the networking or the underlying data structure on IPFS. OrbitDB Databases provide an easy to use interface to the data on IPFS. But connecting with other Peers, in order to replicate the database across the network, is only possible if IPFS is setup properly and connected. Every peer can copy the database and the database is not encrypted by default. Every peer can modify their local copy of the database, but before they accept another peer's changes into their own database, they verify the changes.