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We've written this specification as a separate document from our handout to give you practice reading *specifications* that define how an application behave, which is how real-world networking protocols are defined! In later projects, you'll read and interpret real network specification, so this is an important skill for this course and beyond! The specification for Snowcast has two components: - The **Implementation specification** describes the functional requirements for your client and server binaries (eg. command line arguments, how to handle user input, etc.) - The **Protocol specification** describes the requirements for the control and song data protocols (ie, what messages should be sent and how they should be formatted) :::success **What to expect**: If you're reading this for the first time, please skim over this part get a sense of: 1) what you need to build, and 2) the kind of things we are specifying **before** you start writing code. You don't need to internalize all the details yet, we just want you to get a sense of the structure of the specifications so you know how to go back to them. We give you broad freedom on **how** you design your program and write your code, but we need to be very specific on **what** you're implementing. This is important in order to make sure that your program inter-operates with other implementations (a critical part of building network programs!), and to make sure that your program works with our reference implementation and the automated tests. ::: ### How we specify protocols We've written these specifications in the style of real-world networking standards (based on the IETF format from [RFC2119](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2119)). In later projects, you'll be reading *real* standards using this language, so we want you to practice with it now. A key part of specifying network standards is identifying which features are required and which are optional and perhaps helpful or recommended. To make this clear, the standards use some specific keywords for this. Here are ours: - `MUST`: This is a required feature to make the protocol work and interoperate with our reference version and our autograder. For this assignment, you'll lose points if you don't have it. (eg. "your server `MUST` use a certain format for command-line arguments") - `MUST NOT`: This is the opposite of `MUST`. If you do this thing, you will lose points. (ie. Your program `MUST NOT` segfault during normal operation.) - `SHOULD`: This feature is probably a good idea. We use this if we think that doing something a certain way will make your life easier, but we don't require it. - `SHOULD NOT`: Opposite of `SHOULD`. We don't recommend this--doing something this way may make things harder. - `MAY`: This feature is optional. You can do it if you want, but it's not required. > **We're not shouting!**: The convention is to write these keywords in `CAPS` to signal that they carry the meanings listed here. Please don't interpret this as us using a negative tone--it's simply the convention, from a time when there weren't other good ways to format text. ## Implementation specifications This section specifies how the server (`snowcast_server`) and client (`snowcast_control` and `snowcast_listener`) should operate. ### Client Specification You will write two separate programs that act as the "client". #### UDP Client (`snowcast_listener`) The listener client receives song data as UDP packets and writes the data to stdout. The executable must be called `snowcast_listener`. Its command line must be: ```bash ./snowcast_listener <udp_port> ``` The UDP client must print all data received on the specified UDP port to `stdout`. #### TCP Client (`snowcast_control`) The TCP client handles the control data. The executable must be called `snowcast_control`. Its command line must be: ```bash ./snowcast_control <server_name> <server_port> <udp_port> ``` `<server_name>` represents the IP address (e.g. ``) or hostname (e.g. `localhost`, `cslab6c`) to which the control client should connect, and `<serverport>` is the port to connect to. `<udpport>` is the port on which the local UDP client is watching for song data. The control client `MUST` connect to the server and communicate with it according to the protocol. After the handshake, it should show a prompt and wait for input from stdin. * If the user types in `q` followed by a newline, the client should quit. * If the user types in a number followed by a newline, the control should send a `SetStation` command with the user-provided station number, unless that station number is outside the range given by the server; you may choose how to handle this situation. If the client gets an invalid reply from the server (one whose `replyType` is not 2, 3, or 4), then it `MUST` close the connection and exit. The client `MUST` print whatever information the server sends it (i.e. the `numStations` in a `Welcome`) in real time. The printed lines `MUST` adhere to the following formats: - In response to a `Welcome` reply, the client `MUST` print **to `stdout`** the following message (followed by a newline): ``` Welcome to Snowcast! The server has N stations ``` where `N` is the value in the `Welcome` reply. - In response to an `Announce` reply, the client MUST print **to `stdout`** the following message (followed by a newline): ``` New song announced: <song name> ``` where `<song name>` is the value in the `Announce` reply. #### Handling user input Your client `MUST` attempt to sanitize user input to prevent the user from sending a message not allowed by the protocol. You can decide what happens if the user does something wrong--eg. you MAY exit the program, or you MAY display error. However, you `MUST NOT` allow user input to send any packets that would otherwise violate the protocol specification. ### Server Specification The server executable must be called `snowcast_server`. Its command line `MUST` be ``` ./snowcast_server <tcpport> <file0> [file 1] [file 2] ... ``` That is, a port number on which the server will listen, followed by a list of files; the list `MUST` be at least one file long. Each station contains only one song. Station 0 should play `file0`, Station 1 should play `file1`, etc. Each station `MUST` loop its song indefinitely. Additionally, the multiple stations can play the same song. Station 0 and Station 1 can both play `file0` if desired. When the server starts, it `MUST` begin listening for connections. When a client connects, it `MUST` interact with it as specified by the protocol. Additionally, it `MUST` send an `Announce` whenever a song repeats. #### Streaming Music To stream music, you should send data to each client at a fixed rate, rather than sending the song data as fast as possible. To do this, assume that all mp3 files are `128kbps`, i.e. the server `MUST` send data at a rate of `128Kibps`, or `16KiB/s`.[^data] [^data]: See the [Conventions](https://brown-csci1680.github.io/content/conventions.pdf) for more information on data sizes. If multiple clients are connected to one station, they `MUST` all be listening to the same part of the song, even if they connected at different times. If no clients are connected to a station, the current position in the song `MUST` still progress, without sending any data. In other words, the radio doesn't stop when no one is listening. Finally, the server `MUST NOT` read the entire song file into memory at once. It MAY read the entire file in for some sizes, but there must be a size beyond which it will read data in chunks. For example, you should be able to have `/dev/urandom` (which is an [infinite stream of random bytes](https://linuxhandbook.com/dev-random-urandom/)) as a station. #### Server CLI When the server receives a command, it `MUST` print out a log of the command receives and any replies it sends to stdout. It will also have a simple command-line interface: * `p` followed by a newline `MUST` cause the server to print to `stdout` a list of its stations along with the **listeners** that are connected to each one. * `p <filename>` (eg. `p stations.txt`) followed by a newline `MUST` cause the server to write the list of stations to the specified file. Any existing contents of the file `MUST` be overwritten. * `q` followed by a newline `MUST` cause the server to close all connections and exit gracefully. An exit will be considered graceful if the server process returns 0. The printed stations `MUST` follow the following format: ``` id,station_name[,connection1,connection2,...] ``` where `connectionN` has the form `<IPAddr>:<UDPPort>`. :::info :::: spoiler **Example output** If the server is run with ```bash ./snowcast_server <port> mp3/Beethoven-SymphonyNo5.mp3 ../DukeEllington-Caravan.mp3 VanillaIce-IceIceBaby.mp3 ``` and the server stations have the following client connections (i.e. listeners): * Station 0 playing `mp3/Beethoven-SymphonyNo5.mp3` with listeners `` and `` * Station 1 playing `../DukeEllington-Caravan.mp3` with no listeners * Station 2 playing `VanillaIce-IceIceBaby.mp3` with listeners `` and `` the output should be: ``` 0,mp3/Beethoven-SymphonyNo5.mp3,, 1,../DukeEllington-Caravan.mp3 2,VanillaIce-IceIceBaby.mp3,, ``` :::: #### Design requirements Part of this project is thinking about how to build a robust server. As you implement your server, you should pay attention to the following design requirements: * The server `MUST` support multiple clients simultaneously. * There `MUST` be no hard-coded limit to the number of stations your server can support or to the number of clients connected to a station. * Invalid control messages received from clients should be handled by sending an `InvalidCommand` message (see [Invalid Conditions](#Invalid-Conditions) for the specification). * In other words, in the event of an error handling a client, the server `MUST` gracefully handle the error by terminating the connection to that client, rather than crashing the whole server. * When your server exits (ie, with the `q` command, or on some unrecoverable error), your server `MUST` close any open TCP sockets. You do not need any special handling for UDP sockets. ## Protocol Specifications There are two kinds of data being sent between the server and the client that use two different protocols: * The **control protocol** is used by the client to issue commands (e.g. specifying which station to listen to), and the server uses it to reply to commands (e.g. giving the client song information). This protocol uses **TCP**. * The **song data protocol** is used by the server to send data to the listener client. This protocol uses **UDP**. ### Control protocol The control protocol is a TCP protocol between the control client and the server. The server will typically listen for connections on port **16800** (though this is configurable on server startup). #### Client to Server Commands The client sends the server messages called **commands**. There are two commands the client can send the server, in the following format: ```go Hello: uint8 commandType = 0; uint16 udpPort; SetStation: uint8 commandType = 1; uint16 stationNumber; ``` A `uint8` is an unsigned 8-bit integer; a `uint16` is an unsigned 16-bit integer. Your programs `MUST` use **network byte order**. So, to send a `Hello` command, your client would send exactly three bytes to the server: one for the command type and two for the port. The `Hello` command `MUST` be sent as soon as the client connects to the server. The field `udpPort` gives the port number on which the client's listener program (ie `snowcast_listener` is listening. The server will use this when sending song data. The `SetStation` command is sent to pick an initial station or to change stations. `stationNumber` identifies the station. #### Server to Client Replies There are three possible messages called **replies** the server may send to the client: ```go Welcome: uint8 replyType = 2; uint16 numStations; Announce: uint8 replyType = 3; uint8 songnameSize; char songname[songnameSize]; InvalidCommand: uint8 replyType = 4; uint8 replyStringSize; char replyString[replyStringSize]; ``` A `Welcome` reply `MUST` be sent in response to a `Hello` command. Stations are numbered sequentially from 0, so a numStations of 30 means 0 through 29 are valid. A `Hello` command, followed by a `Welcome` reply, is called a **handshake**. An `Announce` reply MUST be sent on two occasions: after a client sends a SetStation command, or when the station restarts playing from the beginning of the file. `songnameSize` represents the length, in bytes, of the filename, while `songname` contains the filename itself. The string must be formatted in ASCII and **`MUST NOT` be null-terminated**. So, to announce a song called `Gimme Shelter`, your client must send the `replyType` byte, followed by a byte whose value is 13, followed by the 13 bytes whose values are the ASCII character values of `Gimme Shelter`. ### Invalid Conditions Since neither the client nor the server may assume that the program with which it is communicating is compliant with this specification, they must both be able to behave correctly when the protocol is used incorrectly. #### On the Server On the server side, an `InvalidCommand` reply is sent in response to any invalid command. `replyString` should contain a brief error message explaining what went wrong. > Where possible, you should provide helpful strings stating the reason for failure. If a `SetStation` command was sent with `1729` as the `stationNumber`, a bad `replyString` is `Error, closing connection.`, while a good one is `Station 1729 does not exist.` We won't test this, but it will be useful for you when debugging. To simplify the protocol, whenever the server receives an invalid command, it MUST reply with an `InvalidCommand` and then **close the connection** to the client that sent it. Invalid commands happen in the following situations: <details><summary><b><u>Click to view</u></b></summary> * **`SetStation`** * The station given does not exist. * The command was sent by a client before they've sent a `Hello` command. Clients must send a `Hello` command before sending any other commands. * If the command was sent by a client before the server responded to a previous `SetStation` from the client with an `Announce` reply, then your server MAY reply to this with an `InvalidCommand`. This means your clients should be careful and wait for an `Announce` before sending another `SetStation`, but your server can be lax about this. * **`Hello`** * More than one `Hello` command was sent by the same client. Only one should be sent per client, at the very beginning of their connection to the server. * An unknown command was sent (one whose `commandType` was not 0 or 1). </details> #### On the Client On the client side, invalid uses of the protocol MUST be handled simply by disconnecting. This happens in the following situations: <details><summary><b><u>Click to view</u></b></summary> * `Announce` * The server sends an `Announce` before the client has sent a `SetStation` * `Welcome` * The server sends a `Welcome` before the client has sent a `Hello` * The server sends more than one `Welcome` at any point. * `InvalidCommand` * The server sends an `InvalidCommand`. This may indicate that the client itself is incorrect, or the server may have sent it out of error. In either case, the client MUST disconnect. * An unknown response was sent (one whose `replyType` was not 2, 3, or 4). </details> #### Timeouts Sometimes, a host you’re connected to may misbehave in such a way that it simply doesn’t send any data. In such cases, it’s imperative that you are able to detect such errors and reclaim the resources consumed by that connection. In light of this, there are a few cases in which you will be required to time out a connection if data isn’t received after a certain amount of time. These timeouts should be treated as errors just like any other I/O error you might have, and handled accordingly. In particular, on the server, a timeout must only affect the connection in question, and not unrelated connections. If the client encounters an error, it should close its connection to the server and exit. You are required to handle three timeout conditions: <details><summary><b><u>Click to view</u></b></summary> 1. If a client or server receives some of the bytes of a message within 100ms, if it does not receive **all** of the remaining bytes of the message within the *next* 100 milliseconds, the client or server MUST time out that connection. See the [FAQs](#Frequently-Asked-Questions) section for details. - For instance, if the server receives one byte of a `SetStation` command, it MUST receive *the remaining bytes* within the next 100ms, or else close the connection. 2. If a client connects to a server, and the server does not receive a `Hello` command within 100ms, the server MUST time out that connection. - After the first byte of the message is received, the remaining bytes MUST arrive within 100ms of the first byte (similar to case 1). 3. If a client connects to a server and sends a `Hello` command, and the server does not respond with a `Welcome` reply within 100ms, the client MUST time out that connection. If the client receives some, but not all, bytes of the `Hello` message, the timeout is reset. There is another condition that `MAY` trigger a timeout. **Handling this is optional**: 4. If a client has completed a handshake with a server, and has sent a `SetStation` command, and the server does not respond with an `Announce` reply within some preset amount of time, the client MAY time out that connection. If this happens, the timeout MUST NOT be less than 100 milliseconds. A timeout `MUST NOT` occur in any circumstance not listed above. </details> <br /> :::info **Note**: while we specify precise times for these timeouts, we don’t expect your program to behave with absolute precision. Processing delays and constraints of running in a multi-threaded environment make exact guarantees impossible. ::: ### Song data protocol The song data protocol is much less structured than the control protocol. When a client is subscribed to a station, the server MUST send song data to the the UDP port specified in the client's `Hello` message. In our protocol, we assume that the control client and listener client run on the same machine and have the same IP address. Thus, if a control client connects from IP `` and sends a `Hello` listing its UDP port as 5445, song data packets should be sent to ``. **Each individual song data packet `MUST NOT` exceed 1500 bytes** of song data. This is a standard limit for a size of single packets forwarded over the Internet. Otherwise, you may choose any packet size that best fits how you stream data. Each packet `SHOULD` be roughly the same size, though it's okay if this isn't always the case (for example, when the song loops). # Frequently Asked Questions This section has been moved [here](https://hackmd.io/@csci1680/snowcast-setup-guide#Frequently-Asked-Questions).