--- tags: Documents --- # Gradescope Submission Guide We will be using Gradescope to manage and grade your assignments. All homeworks and projects will be submitted through Gradescope. ## Logistics - The gradescope code for the course is `RWR4Z5`. - In order to preserve your anonymity during grading, we ask that you change your "Full Name" to your Banner ID. On the bottom left of the Gradescope screen, go to Account->Edit Account, and change your "Full Name" field to your Banner ID: ![](https://i.imgur.com/Gnl1Jyx.png) * If you can't do this due to other classes requiring your name, we can change your name for this class specifically, so don't worry! ## Homework Handins ### Grading Your solution implementation and test suite are autograded. See the [course syllabus](https://hackmd.io/@cs18-spring-2021/syllabus-summer#5-Grading) for information on how we are grading you this semester. ### Implementation Each homework has two corresponding assignments on Gradescope. You should turn in your solution code to the **Homework N: Implementation** assignment. This assignment is for grading your solution code. Submitting to this assignment will run our test suite against your code. If your code works with our test suite (that is, it doesn't crash our test suite), you will see this output: ![](https://i.imgur.com/kT5uJx6.png) If you don't see this, here are a few common ways that your code might break our test suite, and how to fix them: - If you have different class and/or method names than those that we specify in the handout, our test suite won't know where to look for those classes and methods. Please double check your class and method names against the class and method names that we specify in the handout for the assignment. - If your solution code does not have `package sol;` at the top, and instead has a different package name (for example, `package homework1;`), our test suite will not be able to find your code. Please double check that all of your solution code is in a directory named `sol` and has `package sol;` at the top of each file. - **Note:** This does not apply to code that we provide to you in the `src` folder of some assignments. That code should have `package src;` and should not be modified in any way. ### Testing The other assignment in Gradescope is the **Homework N: Testing** assignment. The only code that you need to submit to this assignment is your `HomeworkNTestSuite.java` file (or `.py`, in later homeworks). This assignment is for grading your test coverage. We grade your test coverage by running your test suite against a series of [wheat and chaff](https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Rr6jxELllMUV9dJKGTWmadtfOVKm6U-N#page=6) solutions. - The wheat solution is the TA solution to the assignment. When we run your Wheat solution against your test suite, we are checking that your test suite does not produce any failed tests. That is, your test suite should accept the wheat solution as a valid solution to the problem. - The chaff solutions are "bad" solutions that we wrote for the problems. These solutions have mistakes that you should be able to catch with good test coverage. When we run the chaff solutions against your test suite, we expect that your test suite has at least one failed test. That is, your test suite should **not** accept the chaff solutions. Some questions that we expect: - **My test suite doesn't pass the wheat. How do I know how to fix it?** - If your test suite does not pass the wheat solution, Gradescope will tell you which of your tests failed, and what the output of the wheat solution was when you ran that test. **We recommend that you use the wheat solution to check your understanding of the assignment!** A good way to start an assignment is to write a test suite for the methods described in the assignment, submit it to the Testing assignment, and see if it passes the wheat. If it does, then you understand the expected output of the solution that we want you to write! - **If I pass the wheat, then why do I need to pass the chaffs? Isn't my test suite good enough?** - Here's an example of a bad test suite that passes on the wheat solution but will fail to catch any of the chaffs: ```java= package sol; import tester.Tester; public class Homework1TestSuite { public void testReallyGoodTest(Tester t) { // always true t.checkExpect(1, 1); } public static void main(String[] args) { Tester.run(new Homework1TestSuite()); } } ``` - **Ok, what if I just submit a test suite that fails everything? Won't that catch all of the chaffs?** - It would, but we do not run any of the chaffs against your test suite until your test suite passes the wheat solution. In this case, your test suite that fails everything wouldn't pass the wheat solution, and so you wouldn't get points for catching chaffs. - **How does this grade my test suite?** - Each chaff is meant to catch a specific type of test or collection of tests. For example, there is a chaff in Homework 1 that does not throw a `RuntimeException` when a `Student` tries to register for a course while they are taking a course. Having a test to check for this case will catch this chaff. The chaffs are there to see if you are testing for edge cases, general cases, and exceptions. - **How is this graded? Do I have to catch all of the chaffs?** - You do not need to catch all of the chaffs. As a general rule, we expect you to catch more and more chaffs as the semester progresses and you get better at testing, but we don't have a hard cutoff. --- *Please let us know if you find any mistakes, inconsistencies, or confusing language in this or any other CS18 document by filling out the (mostly) [anonymous feedback form](https://cs.brown.edu/courses/cs018/feedback)!*