**Popular trippy drawings easy types & explanations!** Trippy drawing is an art style that often involves surreal and hallucinatory imagery. These drawings can be both whimsical and unsettling, using unusual color combinations, distorted shapes, and intricate patterns to create a sense of disorientation and altered perception. Here, we explore some of the most popular types of **[trippy drawings easy](https://www.contourcafe.com/2021/04/11/simple-easy-trippy-drawings/)**, along with their proper explanation. **Psychedelic Art** Psychedelic art is a **trippy drawings easy** that was popularised in the 1960s, during the counterculture movement. This art style often features bright, neon colors and swirling, abstract patterns that seem to move and shift. The purpose of psychedelic art is to evoke a sense of transcendence, to make the viewer feel as though they are seeing beyond the physical world and into a higher realm of consciousness. **Optical Illusions** Optical illusions are another type of trippy drawing that play with the viewer's perception. These drawings use clever tricks of perspective and shading to create the illusion of movement or depth. Some optical illusions are simply meant to be fun and playful, while others are more disorienting and can even cause dizziness or nausea. **Mandala Art** Mandala art is a trippy drawings easy that has its roots in Buddhist and Hindu traditions. These drawings often feature intricate, circular patterns that radiate out from a central point. The purpose of mandala art is to create a sense of balance and harmony, both within the artwork itself and within the viewer's mind. Mandala art is often used in meditation practices as a tool for focusing the mind and achieving a state of inner peace. **Surrealist Art** Surrealist art is a type of trippy drawing that seeks to explore the workings of the subconscious mind. These drawings often feature strange, dreamlike imagery that blurs the line between reality and fantasy. Surrealist artists often use humor and irony to subvert conventional ideas about art and society. **Doodle Art** Doodle art is a type of trippy drawing that is often created spontaneously, without a specific plan or intention. These drawings are characterized by their whimsical, playful nature, and often feature bizarre and imaginative creatures or objects. Doodle art can be seen as a form of self-expression, allowing the artist to explore their subconscious and create freely without the constraints of preconceived ideas. **Geometric Art** Geometric art is a type of trippy drawing that uses shapes and patterns to create a sense of movement and depth. These drawings often feature repeating shapes or intricate tessellations that seem to stretch and warp as the viewer's perspective changes. Geometric art is often used in spiritual or mystical contexts as a symbol of interconnectedness and the infinite nature of the universe. **Blacklight Art** Blacklight art is a type of trippy drawing that is meant to be viewed under ultraviolet light. These drawings often feature neon colors and glowing, fluorescent shapes that seem to pop out of the darkness. Blacklight art is often used in party settings, creating a sense of otherworldly magic and mystery. **Cartoon Art** Cartoon art is a type of trippy drawing that uses exaggerated, cartoonish characters to create a sense of whimsy and playfulness. These drawings often feature bright colours, bold lines, and humorous expressions. Cartoon art can be seen as a form of social commentary, using humor and satire to critique contemporary society and culture. **Graffiti Art** Graffiti art is a type of trippy drawing that is often created on public walls or buildings. These drawings often feature bold, vibrant colours and intricate designs that seem to leap off the surface. Graffiti art is often used as a form of political or social commentary, making statements about issues such as inequality and oppression.