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COSCUP 2024 社群合作準則及注意事項 (Code of COSCUP Partnership, CoCP)

(English Below)

今年 COSCUP 有彙整一些合作注意事項,歡迎欲報名的社群夥伴們確認,參與或報名即視為貴社群同意今年度的合作注意事項。若未遵守合作準則,將可能影響下一年度 COSCUP 申請資格。

合作社群適用範圍:社群軌、社群攤位、BoF/hacking room 申請社群、工作坊和其他合作方式



  • 行為守則:為了創造尊重與友善的活動環境,COSCUP 對於參與的夥伴們均要求需遵守 COSCUP Code of Conduct社群守則 CoC。各位在籌備各議程軌的過程中、邀請社群協作夥伴之餘,也務必讓他們知悉,優質、舒服且包容的環境,需要社群的大家一同營造。過往或活動現場違反 CoC 的社群或個人,COSCUP 將有權結束合作關係。

  • 個資保護:敬請社群夥伴,在收集講者、會眾、志工等 COSCUP 與會者個人資料時,應妥善保護與處理個人資料,個資使用亦應限用於大會相關業務辦理使用,不得流用於任何其他用途。若社群與 COSCUP 與會者產生個資相關爭議時,社群需須負相關責任。



  • 今年度提供 early bird CFP 給有簽證需求的投稿者進行投稿,我們亦歡迎所有想投稿的會眾投稿。若出現與貴社群相符合的主題,將優先與社群進行媒合。針對未錄取的稿件,大會將不會在這階段發出未錄取通知,而是直接進入到正規徵稿階段。會眾可在正規投稿結束前,選擇自行退稿,並根據議程主題重新投稿。需特別注意的是,針對有簽證需求之投稿者,COSCUP 將盡可能協助提供申請簽證時所需要的文件,但無法保證可以全權協助簽證辦理。

    更多 Early Birds CFP 請參考以下文件:

  • 請盡可能避免在未告知社群負責人的情況下,直接將稿件進行轉軌的情形。不論是否為講者主動詢問轉軌事宜、講者自行轉軌,或是講者退稿後,由社群負責人直接協助在後台重新新增稿件。若發生類似問題,或是其他轉軌疑慮,歡迎與議程組連絡。

  • 所有議程負責人應遵守 COSCUP 進行重要公佈日程的時間,包含:

    • 所有議程負責人「必須」在 COSCUP 所訂之公佈時間 (含當日、AoE 時間 (Anywhere On Earth)) 為截止日期完成通知投稿者審查結果的義務
      • 錄取
      • 未錄取
      • 備取
    • 所有議程負責人需要完成稿件的時程安排(六月九號前完成-社群軌審稿與結果通知)


  • COSCUP 歡迎社群夥伴宣傳、分享社群在 COSCUP 的活動相關資訊。包含且不限於規劃利用其他第三方獨立宣傳、報名系統 (如 ACCUPASS PASS)、架設宣傳活動網頁,或是使用票劵系統 (如 KKTIX)等,惟須請在相關管道中,附上 COSCUP 官方網站連結、粉絲專頁、COSCUP Logo等資訊,協助註明合作夥伴方為 COSCUP 團隊。秉持 COSCUP 精神,所有以 COSCUP 名義相關的活動,不允許限定會眾參與身分。若有特殊原因而希望限定會眾參與身分,請與 COSCUP 議程組進行連絡與討論。

  • 為保證資訊的正確性與完整性,歡迎各社群提供社群宣傳文案、議程宣傳文案。大會籌備期間所有宣傳文案,將優先使用社群提供之文案為主。針對不同宣傳平台,如臉書、噗浪與推特,將由議程組員,協助社群進行微調與確認。若未提供相關宣傳文案,則將由議程組員協助撰寫,大會無法保證文案的獨創性與正確性,亦無法擔保每篇文案都可以如期撰寫。宣傳文案將根據大會排定的時程進行發布,發布後歡迎社群夥伴們協助轉發與分享。


  • 社群攤位所有活動、曝光文宣及贈品應與開放文化、開源技術以及攤位申辦社群主題相關。如有爭議將由大會工作人員裁決,並影響未來貴社群申請 COSCUP 活動的資格。


  • COSCUP 攝影組將不擔保為每位講者拍攝照片如有需求請社群自行派員協助拍攝,針對特殊拍攝需求的議程,我們將開放表單提供給社群填寫,請盡早填寫完畢,以利攝影組夥伴進行人手調度與安排
  • 現場需請社群須協助確保講廳內的錄影器材持續運作、正確錄製影片。
  • 會後大會將上傳各社群軌錄影,並請各社群協助標註各別 session timecode。
  • 今年不會協助各議程軌進行錄影剪接,我們將於會後提供議程廳的錄影完全檔案,請各社群自行剪輯後自行上傳到 COSCUP 資料夾統一上傳 (由 COSCUP 協助進行曝光)。
  • 我們會提供剪輯影片說明文件協助
  • 錄影影像公開皆採 CC BY 4.0 授權進行開放
  • 如大會錄影無法滿足需求,可自行錄影後,再交由大會上架


  • 為方便社群可招募境外講者,議程組將會協助邀請函製作及簽證申請,惟須注意不管是邀請函或是簽證,皆須由社群彙整提名申請,並需要注意簽證會有不通過的風險,社群提名申請時應注意要有不通過的遠端備案,應先知悉講者的居民身分,並來信與議程組討論。 簽證若產生相關費用,可能需要講者自行負擔 請參考外交部所列之規費表。 申請簽證及邀請函都會使用到講者的個人資料,COSCUP 有義務妥善處理並只限於該申請使用範圍,邀請對象需要提交必要的資料。
  • 邀請函:大多數國家前往台灣只需要有邀請函就可以讓講者自行申請雙方國家的簽證,因此僅需要 COSCUP 提供邀請函即可。
  • 簽證:未與台灣簽訂外交協議且無法輕易取得入境許可的國家需要簽證。
  • 注意:我們只接受申請簽證或邀請函用途只限於理由為申請台灣簽證,不可用於個人收藏用途,每一份申請都會增加 COSCUP 負責單位的負擔,請評估其必要性之後再進行申請 (可自由進出免簽的國家、持有效證件可入境等事實,我們將會拒絕申請)
  • 申請資格為該對象必須要有至少一個錄取的議程,且有簽證或邀請函頒發之必要性,或由社群負責人提名後詳述邀請原因,經審核後進入申請作業。
  • 簽證申請是由社群彙整後提出,不受理以個人名義為由的申請。
  • 邀請函申請時間:05/09 (四) 開放受理社群申請境外講者邀請函以及講者簽證至 06/16 (日) 截止受理境外講者簽證事宜
  • 簽證申請時間:05/09 (四) 開放受理社群申請境外講者邀請函以及講者簽證至 06/16 (日) 截止受理境外講者簽證事宜


  • 所有申請 COSCUP 議程軌或攤位的社群,若有廠商贊助曝光或社群募資之意向,請您於大會活動日一個月前聯繫 COSCUP 議程組安排進一步討論。避免於活動期間以 COSCUP 或個別社群名義募集資金或收受贊助。若未事先與 COSCUP 主辦單位討論,及衍生任何需要收據開立等配合事項,主辦方概不受理及嚴禁贊助曝光,同時影響貴社群未來申請 COSCUP 活動的資格。


  • 不保證會場網路可用。若有提供社群專屬 Wifi 帳號密碼,每組帳號密碼使用後需簽名,並於活動結束時將帳號密碼歸還
  • 針對議程需求進行場地調整時,請在議程結束後協助將場地復原。
  • 儘管疫情趨緩,仍需麻煩社群夥伴注意會議室/議程教室額滿狀況,若出現滿座情況下,建議不開放過多站立位置,減少擁擠情況,為保護所有與會者的安全。

COSCUP has compiled some guidelines for community members. Community members who wish to register the event must review the document thorough throught before join.All of the registered community members are jointly liable for meeting COSCUP guidelines and requirements stated within the document.

Failure to adhere to the guidelines may affect your community's eligibility for COSCUP application next year.

Applicable collaboration formats : Community Track, Community Booth, BoF/Hacking Room Workshops, and more.

For any more questions, please contact


Code of Conduct: To create a respectful and friendly event for attendees, registering communities are considered to agree to the CoC (Code of Conduct) of the conference. Community partners are encouraged to promote the CoC within their communities. COSCUP reserves the right to terminate collaboration with communities or individuals who violate the CoC, either in the past or during the event.

Personal Information Protection: Community members are expected to handle personal information of COSCUP attendees, including speakers, attendees, and volunteers, only for the purposes related to COSCUP. The data should not be used for any other purposes. In case of disputes related to personal information between the community and COSCUP attendees, the community is responsible to keep it confidential.

Community Track Guidelines:

Call for Papers and Session Proposals: An early bird CFP is provided for contributors with visa requirements. To better prepare for traveling engagements. Early Bird Info

All interested contributors are welcome to submit proposals. If there are topics matching your community, priority matching with the community will be done. For rejected proposals, notifications will not be sent during this stage, but will directly enter the regular CFP phase. Contributors can choose to withdraw their submissions and re-submit based on the session topic. It's important to note that COSCUP will assist contributors with visa applications but cannot guarantee full assistance with the visa process.

  • Avoid transferring submissions without notifying community coordinators. Whether it's the speaker initiating the transfer, self-transfer by the speaker, or re-adding submissions by community coordinators after a speaker withdrawal, it is advised to inform the program team in case of such situations or any concerns related to session transfers.

  • All session organizers must adhere to COSCUP's schedule for important announcements, including:

    • Notification of acceptance, rejection, or waitlisting
    • Schedule for completing the review and notifying contributors
    • Handling session recording responsibilities


  • COSCUP welcomes community partners to promote and share information about their community's activities at COSCUP. Promotion can be done through third-party platforms, registration systems (e.g., ACCUPASS PASS), setting up promotional event pages, or using ticket systems (e.g., KKTIX). However, in all promotional channels, the official COSCUP website link, fan page, COSCUP logo, etc., should be included, and the participation of attendees should not be limited. If any special restrictions are needed, contact the COSCUP program team for discussion.

  • To ensure the accuracy and completeness of information, communities are encouraged to provide promotional and session information when needed(Please give COSCUP enough time to publish). The provided content will be given priority for use in promotional materials. The program team will assist in fine-tuning and confirming promotional content on different platforms such as Facebook, Plurk, and Twitter. If communities do not provide relevant promotional content, the program team will assist in creating content, but cannot guarantee the originality and accuracy of each piece. Promotional content will be released according to the schedule set by the conference, and communities are encouraged to share and repost.


  • All activities, exposure materials, and giveaways at community booths should be related to open culture, open-source technology, and the theme of the community booth application. Any disputes will be resolved by the conference staff and may affect the eligibility of your community to apply for COSCUP events in the future.

Recording and Videography:

  • COSCUP's photography team does not guarantee taking photos for each speaker. Communities are responsible for arranging their own photographers. For special recording needs, a form will be provided for communities to fill out, allowing the photography team to schedule and arrange personnel accordingly.
  • Communities are expected to assist in ensuring the video equipment is recording and functioning propersly during the speaking session. After the event, the conference will upload recordings of all community tracks, and communities are expected to assist in annotating the timecodes for each session.
  • Note This year, COSCUP will not assist in editing and cutting recordings for each session track. Communities are responsible for editing and uploading the complete video files to a COSCUP folder for exposure.
  • The editing guide document will be provided for assistance.
  • Video recordings are open under CC BY 4.0 license.
  • If the conference recordings do not meet the community's needs, communities can record and submit their own recordings to COSCUP.

International Speaker Visa and Invitation Letter Application:

To better prepare overseas speakers to attend COSCUP, the program team will assist with speaker invitation letters and visa applications. However, please be awared of that whether it's an invitation letter or a visa, the community must compile and prepare for the details needed in the application. There is a risk of visa rejection.

  • Invitation Letter: Most countries only require an invitation letter for speakers to apply for visas for both countries. Therefore, COSCUP only needs to provide an invitation letter.
  • Visa: Countries without diplomatic agreements with Taiwan would need to apply for a visa.
    • We will assist speakers from these regions in attempting to obtain visas to visit Taiwan, but it may be very difficult. Countries not listed may include India, mainland China, the Middle East, Africa, and other regions. If a country is not listed above or on the visa-exempt list, please contact the program team.
  • Visa fees may be the responsibility of the speaker, and the conference will not guarantee the successful processing of the visa.
  • Both the invitation letter and visa application will use the speaker's personal information. COSCUP is obligated to handle this information properly and only use it for the specified application purposes. The invited speaker needs to submit the necessary information.
  • Invitation Letter Application Period: Acceptance of community applications for overseas speaker invitation letters and speaker visas will be open from May 9 (Thursday) until Jun 16 (Sunday).

Conflict of Interest Declaration for Sponsorship and Benefits:

All communities applying for COSCUP tracks or booths, with intentions of sponsorship exposure or community fundraising, should contact the COSCUP program team one month before the event day for further discussion. Fundraising or sponsorship collection in the name of COSCUP or individual communities during the event without prior discussion with COSCUP is strictly prohibited. If not discussed beforehand with the COSCUP organizers, and if any issues related to receipt issuance arise, COSCUP will not handle them, and any unauthorized sponsorship exposure may affect the community's eligibility for future COSCUP event applications.


The availability of internet is not guaranteed. If a WiFi account and password are provided, each set must be registered for use and returned at the end of the event.

When making adjustments to venues based on session requirements, communities are requested to assist in restoring the venue after the session ends.

Despite the easing of the pandemic, community partners are reminded to pay attention to room capacities. In case of full seating, it is recommended not to allow too many standing rooms to reduce crowds and ensure the safety of all attendees.