# 閃電秀講者指南 / Lightning talk speaker guide 嗨嗨,今年的閃電秀將於 2022 July 31 週日的下午 16:30 - 17:00 (UTC+8) 在 RB105 議程軌開講。 每個講題 3 分鐘,時間一到就切掉您的畫面,並邀請觀眾拍手掌聲鼓勵。歡迎將您想曝光的 Projects、Idea 或小議題在這裡跟大家分享! -- This year, the Lightning talk is on July 31st from 16:30 - 17:00 (UCT+8) at Room RB105! ## 報名方式 / How to sign up 自 2022 July 30 上午 10:00 起至 2022 July 31 中午 12:00 止 (UTC+8),在大會服務台於紙條上填入以下投稿內容交件: - 講題名稱 - 講者名稱 - 有效 Telegram 帳號 (可以加手機連絡方式作為備用) -- From 10:00 am, July 30th to 12:00 pm, July 31st, sign up for your lightning talk by writing down the following information at our service desk: - Topic - Speaker name - Telegram ID (or Mobile phone number) ## 報名辦法 / Rules - 自 2022 July 30 上午 10:00 (UTC+8) 起至 2022 July 31 中午 12:00 止 (UTC+8),時間一到不再受理交件。 - 名額共 10 位,錄取方式為隨機抽籤,主辦單位有權決定最終錄取結果。 - 請留下有效的聯絡方式,如果資訊不完整將不另行尋求聯絡方式,於 2022 July 31 下午 1:30 前未連繫上的講者則視為放棄,並將機會讓給下一個隨機抽籤出來的講者。 - 閃電秀只接受現場參與,不開放遠端參與。 - 一個講題只有 3 分鐘。 - 若報名一題多講者同視為 3 分鐘演講,不接受延長。 - 一個講者只能報名一次閃電講 (多講者也被視為已報名) -- - We only accept deliveries from 10:00 am, July 30th to 12:00 pm, July 31st. Please be punctual as there will be no waiting for late-comers. - We will draw ten topics randomly from the drawing box. Note that COCSUP reserves the right to the final decision. - Please make sure that we can contact you anytime. Your quota will be given to other speakers if we cannot get in touch with you before 13:30, July 31st. - The Lightning talk session is not open to virtual speakers. - The duration of each talk is three minutes. - Time extension is not accepted even if multiple speakers are on a single topic. - Each speaker could only sign up once (including topics shared with multiple speakers) ## 當天流程 / Run-down - 主辦單位會在 2022 July 31 13:30 (UTC+8) 前於 Telegram 拉一個閃電秀錄取講者群組告知下一步,閃電秀結束後將群組刪除。 - 錄取名單請見 Facebook 粉絲團公布,若您在 14:30 前沒有收到任何通知,即沒有被錄取,名額有限,歡迎明年繼續報名。 - 若您有自備筆電,我們借一個轉接器給您,但不保證其相容性,建議您也可以攜帶自己的轉接器;如果您沒有電腦,請在群組上告知,我們會讓您提早將簡報放到 RB105 的資訊講桌。 - 閃電秀前前會提早邀請講者上來 RB105 進行測試,請您於報到時間結束前,前來報到。 -- - We will build a Telegram group with all drawn speakers before 13:30 (UCT+8), July 31st. The group will be deleted after the event. - The final list will be posted on our Facebook fan page. Your talk is not drawn if we have not contacted you by 14:30. Welcome to sign up next year! - We provide adaptors if you have your laptop. However, we suggest you bring your adaptor to make sure it works. If you do not, please contact us through telegram, and we will help to put your slides into the RB105 public computer. - Please arrive at RB105 at the time we informed you for rehearsal. ## 內容建議 / About your lightning talk 以下提供您一些 Idea 可以發想您想要講的主題,請斟酌參考即可。 - 講題內容請注意 [CoC 規範](https://hackmd.io/@coscup/cococo-zh?type=view)。 - 到台上介紹您最近發表的新專案,邀請大家一起加入 co-work contributor - 到台上講述一個好笑的故事 (專案、conf、推廣...etc) - ...etc -- Here are some ideas for example - Please refer to our [CoC](https://hackmd.io/@coscup/cococo-zh?type=view) - Introduce your recent project, invite audience to co-work and contribute - Share a fun story (Projects, Conferences, Promotions...etc) - ...etc