# 🤖 cyborg.support > Our goal is to create a knowledge sharing foundation, empowering tech-adjacent types to have their own LLM agent, private, open source, commons, sovereign --- > [🎙️ meeting place](https://meet.jit.si/cyborg-support) *jitsi* > [💬 chat group](https://signal.group/#CjQKIIdZM626CnOYE3Xzk-W1G6CgVXnbrYdrMXHHxZDra1NzEhAGKcSNraIMeX5sHAJKvlFB) *signal* > [📋 board](https://www.figma.com/board/22B9Kuqfd89zNP4SuIfwi6/cyborg.support?node-id=0%3A1&t=iDT2L6zB6CbIEjBB-1) *figjam* > [📆 commons.garden calendar](https://commons.garden/calendar) *google calendar* > [✨ commons.garden](https://commons.garden) *project site* --- | ⛳ | [📆](https://commons.garden/calendar) Date | About | Links | | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 04 | ⭐ 3 July 2024, 4PM EST | Julia deep-dive | [calendar invite](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=Xzc1MjNjaGEzODkyazJiOWw4a3FqOGI5azZvcmo4YjlwNjExazRiYTQ2dDIzMGNxMzhvcTMwZ3EyNjhfMjAyNDA3MDNUMjAwMDAwWiAzYzEyZjZkMDk5MjVhNjA0ZjEzNjRlN2I3MmZiZGMzNzdjYzY5Yzc1MWU0ZjdkOTcxMmE2NmZiM2M3N2M2MWRmQGc&tmsrc=3c12f6d09925a604f1364e7b72fbdc377cc69c751e4f7d9712a66fb3c77c61df%40group.calendar.google.com), [notes]([zxxx](https://hackmd.io/@commonsgarden/HykoggEm0)) | | 03 | 15 May 2024, 4PM EST | Julia deep-dive |[notes](https://hackmd.io/@commonsgarden/HykoggEm0) | | 02 | 5 April 2024, 4PM EST | show-and-tell | | 01 | 5 January 2024, 4PM EST | pospi presented gptforall and privategpt | [forum post](https://cyborg.support/post/22) | --- ## Who should join? - If you're a **technologist** willing to attend (or present) LLM findings. - If ou're an **educator**, facilitator, translator, to document properly and create recipes - If you're a **tech-adjacent** type who wants to empower yourself with AI/LLM, while keeping your autonomy - If you're a **manager** of a to-commons project and want to familiarize with terms --- ## More cyborg support - [LLM educational series](https://hackmd.io/@commonsgarden/H1bV2-lo6) - [The state of AI](https://hackmd.io/@commonsgarden/Byp9hbgip) - [Commons Garden mission statement](https://hackmd.io/@commonsgarden/BkWR3WljT) - [AI Glossary](https://hackmd.io/@commonsgarden/ai-glossary) - [archive](https://hackmd.io/17W0N0eATTeHAA3vZS3rOg) --- ## 📗 For glossary ([AI glossary](https://hackmd.io/@commonsgarden/ai-glossary)) - Autodifferentiation - Transformers - Verifiable - Multiple dispatch - Expressive language - genetic algorithm - evolutionary algorithm