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Cofacts Incidents with Analytics

This document records known incidents that may impact the number reportings in:

Note: These information are provided in best effort and may not be comprehensive. Please use the open data at your own risk and make conclusions carefully.

Time below are in Taiwan time (UTC+8).


2017/03 ~ 2017/04 garbage articles in DB

There are 1045 non-sense articles inserted into DB by 6 LINE user IDs.

You can find the list of UserId and articles here:

Related discussion:

2018/07/11 New articles requires "reason" to submit

In order to reduce the number of inadequate articles being submitted to database, we are enforcing the user to submit a "reason" why they think this is a rumor before letting the message enter the database.

2018/09/22 ~ 2019/5/20 Dropped search count for long messages in LINE bot

In 2019/5/20 we fixed a bug that would drop Google Analytics events with category Article & action Selected for long messages (more than 800 characters).

Therefore, the article selected event for long messages may be dropped after we start sending content to Google Analytics and before the bug is fixed.

2018/10/21 Messages with URL causes chatbot to crash

In 2018/10/21, ListArticle API would return error if the searched message contains URLs. This affects websites and Cofacts LINE bot.


2020/03/06 - 03/16 API server downtime

Minor API & website downtimes (< 2 hours each, recovers automatically)


2020/03/09 Disk full issue

Cofacts server disk is full during 08:00 ~ 13:46. Therefore, no new articles and replies can be submitted at those times.


2021/10/03 ~ 2021/10/05 LINE bot events dropped

The LINE bot server lost connection to Google Analytics due to wrong DNS entry on production server.

In the mean time, all events from LINE bot (excepts those with event category being LIFF) cannot be sent to Google Analytics.

Related info:送不進-Google-Analytics

2021/11/19 11:00 - 14:40 server under DoS attack

During the time period, all access to API, website and LINE bot is extremely slow and is possibly dropped out.

Related info:遭受攻擊紀錄

2023/06/05 - 06/06 DDoS attack

During the time period, it is possible that the user count and page view count of Cofacts website is affected.

The attack managed to deny service for about an hour. During that time, all traffic to Cofacts server are denied.

2023/10/06 - 2023/10/10 MongoDB on chatbot failed

Chatbot users are not able to select and rate fact-checking replies in this period.

2023/10/15 22:00 - 10/16 09:40 Chatbot not accessible

The root cause is a misconfiguration of nginx server as we migrate production English and Japanese production chatbot to Google Cloud Run.

During the incident, Taiwanese Mandarin version of the Cofacts chat bot was inaccessible.

2023/10/19 02:00 - 12:09 API not accessible

After the release of , the IP of the API server changed.
However, nginx would cache IP addresses, thus nginx cannot correctly pass requests to the API server.

This impacts API server, thus the website and the chatbot cannot access any of the content from Cofacts database.

2024/05/19 17:30 - 20:07 DDoS attack

Cofacts service were under DDoS attack during this timeframe.
Website, API and chatbots are all unavailable.
We activated Cloudflare WAF rules to defend the attack.

For details, see攻擊

2024/10/01 13:01 - 21:21 LINE bot not accesible

The root cause is a misconfiguration on firewall as we try to adjust the firewall settings to defend off malicious requests.

Taiwanese Mandarin version of the Cofacts chat bot was inaccessible during the period.

2024/11/24 17:00 - 2024/11/25 14:27 TW LINE bot not accessible

Due to high server load, LINE bot server is terminated around 2024/11/24 17:00 and is not restarted until 11/25 14:27.