# Prework Assignment: Machine Learning ![](https://i.imgur.com/nuNQ55P.png =128x) ## Introduction and Background Welcome to CoderSchool! It's really exciting to meet you. You're about to join a cool journey into programming. Before we get started, we wanted to give you a quick "prework" assignment to make sure you'll be ready for the course. If you find the assignment too difficult, don't worry - we're here to help. We'll be uploading some guides and material over the following weeks, and we'll also organize some homework help sessions. ## What You Should Do Click on the following link: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Pnbhg6vbZC0Y08GauoEk1oxGTG3OXQB7?usp=sharing You'll be taken to something called "Colaboratory", which is like Google Docs for code. Don't worry if you've never seen this before - there are instructions into the document. ## Deadline The earlier you submit, the more likely you will be to be accepted. We reserve the right to close applications once the class is full. ### Step 4: Submit your gist Once you're done, go to our fancy submit page at: [https://prework-submit.coderschool.vn](https://prework-submit.coderschool.vn/) to submit your homework. The submit page looks like this: ![](https://i.imgur.com/VaCxcNF.png) ## Questions? Join our [Discord Channel](https://discord.gg/xNFjBCF). Ask questions on #prework-questions.