tags: CR-future
The page below is for the facilitor (you can still read if you are interested).
# Go straight to https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVN2zliSI=/
# Meeting format goals
- create welcoming environment
- make sure that we can develop ideas further and that not one person dominates discussion
- 1-1 meetings miss the part where you create ideas from ideas
- fully separate idea creation (all ideas are great!) from idea filtering/selection (both can go into different meetings)
- Facilitator should focus on facilitating (otherwise facilitator opinion can become group opinions)
## Tools
- https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVN2zliSI=/
- visually separate areas
- concept board (sticky notes require to be space efficient and allow to create visual clusters and moving); Miro can be the tool
- make questions smaller
- start with everybody taking notes by themselves ("me"; for ourselves)
- second step: formalize and place on concept board ("we"; randomized 1-1 pairs)
- third step: we review and discuss as a group ("us")
- make sure that the facilitator understood what the group wanted
- time-keeping is important (keep things short and on time)
- divergence, then convergence
- consider voting
## Questions
- "Needs": In your current position, what do you need in order to be able to contribute to the project 1 year from now? (in terms of work time, financing, governance, administration, accounting, leadership)
- "Wants" What do you wish from the project in terms of lesson portfolio, format, and collaboration in order to still be around 1 year from now?
## Timeline
- 5 min: Welcome and get everybody on the concept board
- 5 min: Everyone adds themselves to the board, tries to navigate, tries to create new sticky notes
- 10 min: "me" time (divergence)
- 20 min: "we" time
- 10 min: "us" time (convergence)
- 5 min: voting
- 5 min: conclusions and next steps
## References and for some other time
- Previous article by rkdarst:
["CodeRefinery idea for the future"](/l9rOEa5eSjSXNa_5xqEqDA)
Good questions:
- How to keep the operations sustainable?
- How the organisations that are our members' employers see if we go commercial?
Monetisation models:
- Coursera etc. courses (passive income from paid certificates, use that to fund open source ops)
- Paid tailored courses
- SoMe content to guide people into our content
- YouTube ads
- promo deals
- in-kind contributions
Funding opportunities:
- https://www.researchprofessional.com/0/rr/home – the RISE calls but you can also search for your institutions.
- https://www.esciencecenter.nl/
- https://e-science.se/ – are good options as well.
- The focus is European fundings via European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) – https://eosc-portal.eu/funding
CR Workshop in the future:
- https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/cr_ws_future
About GitHub and FOSS:
- [The topic in Zulip about ethics of GitHub and FOSS](https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/119815-general/topic/Is.20GitHub.20bad.3F) links a [blog from Software freedom concervancy](https://sfconservancy.org/blog/2022/jun/30/give-up-github-launch/) that urges FOSS community to consider alternatives to GitHub. Our workshop should follow the trends and we could have our lessons be compatible with other systems as well.