Do you want to become a better collaborator on coding projects? -> the first week of the CodeRefinery workshop does not only teach you the basics of version control with git, but also introduces you to how to collaborate efficiently. More info and registration at: ----- Do you want to learn the basics of keeping track of your code? -> The CodeRefinery workshop starts with the very basics of version control with git. Get to know how you can contribute to existing projects as well as start your own. More info and registration at: ------ Ever wondered what this means: -> The CodeRefinery workshop gets you started so that you can save your work "in case of fire". More info and registration at: ------ :heavy_check_mark: Got some research code and want or need to publish it alongside your publication? -> In the CodeRefinery workshop we'll show you what kind of steps you can take to get your code ready for publication and give others a chance to reuse it. More info and registration at: :heavy_check_mark: ------- Want to document your code in an accessible way and turn it into a nice looking document? -> in the CodeRefinery workshop we'll introduce you to different ways of documenting your code and show you how to host your own nice looking documentation webpage with sphinx and GitHub pages. More info and registration at: ------- What can you do to make your research code more reproducible? -> The second week of the CodeRefinery workshop starts with a session on exactly that topic. It connects all the topics of the workshop and introduces you to workflows and containers. More info and registration at: ------- Ever had the situation that you would like to reuse some of your old code and copying it into your new code seemed like the easiest option? -> The modular code development lesson of the CodeRefinery workshop shows you how you can adapt your existing code to be more easily reusable. More info and registration: ----- What if we told you that there is ways that you can protect your research code from "silly mistakes" by you or your collaborators? -> in the automated testing episode of the CodeRefinery workshop we will show you ways to automatically test that your code does what you expect it to do with every new change. More information and registration: ------ You want to prototype your ideas without having to work in multiple windows? -> Learn about Jupyter notebooks and the possibilities they provide - not only for Python- in the second week of the CodeRefinery workshop More information and registration: ---------- :heavy_check_mark: Maybe you have heard about FAIR data, but do you know about FAIR software? If you write code for research, this is an important concept for reusability or your code. -> join the CodeRefinery workshop to learn how you can take small steps towards producing more FAIR Research Software. More information and registration: :heavy_check_mark: ---------- :heavy_check_mark: Maybe you have already "cloned a repository" as part of your computational research training; but git(-hub,-lab) is so much more than that! -> Join the CodeRefinery workshop next week to learn how git can help you keep your scripts in order, when working alone, on multiple computers or collaborating with others. More information and registration: :heavy_check_mark: --- Ever struggled to re run code that just ran a week/month/year ago? Or a colleague told ' it works on my machine'? -> Our lesson on reproducible research in week 2 of the CodeRefinery workshop will hopefully shed some light on why that is, and what you can do about it. More info and registration: ---