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CodeRefinery midway report

tags: CodeRefinery

To: NeIC Board
From: Radovan Bast
Executive officer: Michaela Barth
Regarding: CodeRefinery mid-term report
Date: 2020-11-19

Introduction and summary

The CodeRefinery project is in its second phase (October 2018 to October 2021)
operating with a budget of 10.3 FTE distributed over 3 years and 5 partners.

CodeRefinery is working with students, researchers, and research software
engineers from all disciplines to advance FAIRness of software management and
development practices so that research groups can collaboratively develop,
review, discuss, test, share, and reuse their codes.

This project offers training opportunities to researchers from Nordic research
groups and projects
to learn basic-to-advanced research computing skills and
become confident in using state-of-the-art tools and practices used within
modern collaborative software engineering.

In addition to workshops in software engineering tools and workflows we offer
instructor training and support The Carpentries community to
increase the number of Software and Data Carpentry workshops and Carpentries
instructor training opportunities in the Nordics.

The CodeRefinery project has been also the catalyst for the Nordic
initiative as well as the nucleus for
Nordic research software engineers community and its activities.

As part of the project a GitLab code repository
for Nordic research software is

At the midway point, the project has quickly adapted to online teaching, the project grew during the COVID-19 period of 2020 and
is on track. The identified risks are not threatening the overall outlook of
the project.

Progress and next steps

Training events. In the second phase of the project we have grown significantly compared to first phase (Tab. 1).
The number of participants by countries for full workshops are summarized in Tab. 2.

Table 1: Number of workshops and persons trained over time.

Phase 1 (Sep 2016 - Aug 2018) Phase 2 (Sep 2018 - Nov 2020)
Full workshops 13 17
Instructor training events 3
Other workshops 5 14
Number of persons trained 477 1073

Table 2: Number of participants by countries for full workshops in phase 2.

Country Number of participants
Total 663
SE 201
FI 187
NO 112
NL 43
DK 33
FR 32
EE 25
DE 7
UK 5
US 4
other 14

The very different numbers among Nordic countries should not be interpreted as being proportional to the training need or training interest.
These numbers mostly correlate with the location of committed workshop organizers and the efficiency of announcement channels.

For more details see the list of past workshops and events.

Transition to online teaching: The CodeRefinery project managed to grow and expand scale and reach during the pandemic. The project team has reacted very quickly
to the restrictions related to COVID-19 and we have transitioned to online
teaching within weeks and delivered our first online training event on April 7 and 8.
We have used this as an opportunity to reach a wider audience and by end of May we were able to deliver an online training event to over 100 participants, also live streaming the event and recording the sessions. We have found that for online events we need more instructors and helpers and organizers but at the same time it is easier to recruit helpers/ exercise leaders since they do not need to travel. Transitioning to online teaching has enabled us to on-board many more new and future instructors and helpers compared to earlier years. We have found it very beneficial to allow teams to register and participate in a training event ("bring your own breakout room"). Our lessons learned are documented in two blog posts (see references).

Carpentries membership: workshops and instructor training:

NeIC has a 3-year Carpentries Platinum membership until Nov 1, 2021. Major membership benefits are:

  • 15 seats for Carpentries instructor training per year,
  • 6 centrally organized Carpentries workshops per year without coordination fee,
  • the possibility for a local in-person/online instructor training event, and
  • the possibility to publicize relevant activities by NeIC, such as training courses, software releases, and notable scientific successes.

Since November 2019, Naoe Tatara has been acting as Carpentries Regional Coordinator in the Nordic countries and has significantly increased the visibility of Carpentries activities within the Nordics and visibility of CodeRefinery and NeIC within the Carpentries community.

So far, in total 17 persons took Carpentries instructor training via membership with NeIC. 11 persons successfully completed their training and were certified as Carpentries instructors.
So far, 4 centrally organized Data Carpentry workshops were requested via NeIC's membership. The benefit is generally underused, and opportunities for online Carpentries workshops should be more widely disseminated.

We have presented our lessons learned from online workshops of increasing scale online workshops to the Carpentries in a blog post ("Lessons Learned from Running Code Refinery's First Online Workshop") and a conference presentation (Online workshops - How to scale up your online workshop to reach 100 learners?) at CarpentryCon2020@Home.

Nordic research software engineers: A number of CodeRefinery members are involved in Nordic research software engineers (RSE) community building. We are preparing for the first Nordic research software engineers conference, Stockholm, May 27-28, 2021. This conference was postponed twice due to COVID-19. To keep the momentum of the growing Nordic RSE community, we organize the Nordic-RSE get-together online event, Nov 30 - Dec 2, 2020.
We plan on an afternoon keynote session on Nov 30th, followed by days of talks on Dec 1-2 (mornings for workshops and talks, afternoons for discussions). Topics include both the experience of being a RSE and tech tools useful for research.

Research Software Hour: Richard Darst, Anne Fouilloux, and Radovan Bast are streaming a weekly Twitch show about scientific computing and research software. It is designed to provide the skills typically picked up via informal networks: each week, they do some combination of exploring new tools, analyzing and improving someone’s research code, and discussion (for more details see

Twitter, newsletter, and chat:
The project has 552 followers on Twitter, 213 subscribers to the CodeRefinery newsletter and 171 users on the team chat. Especially in 2020, online work, we have observed a significant increase in messages exchanged (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Number of weekly messages over time.

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GitLab code repository hosting: 580 users with projects, 108 groups, 986 projects.
Notable projects: ARC/NT1, Earth Observation Laboratory, Centre for Integrated Remote Sensing and Forecasting for Arctic Operations, Symbioses, Nordic Language Processing Laboratory, EISCAT, UiT Master of Applied Computer Science, UiT Narvik R&D - Umbrella.


We anticipate that the need for training in research software engineering
will not decrease
after the end of the project period. We find it extremely
important that our training activities and community development work can
continue after October 2021 and we urge the NeIC board to support efforts to
keep this project active
beyond the funding period. The future of this project
is also coupled to the future of the Carpentries membership and thus will
affect the number of Carpentries workshop and instructor training opportunities
in the Nordics.

We see the following options and are preparing a position paper and discussions
with relevant partners:

  1. National e-infrastructure providers and/or local institutions support a
    continuation of the project by allowing those project members who are
    invested and motivated in this project to use a portion of their person
    months for training, lesson development, and project coordination.
  2. We implement a payment and sponsorship model where institutions pay for
    workshops and thus finance the work time of e-infrastructure provider staff
    for training, lesson development, and project coordination.
  3. The project manages to secure a follow-up funding either at the
    institutional, national, Nordic, or European level.

If we pursue option 2) or wish to simplify participation in European projects,
it may be important to set up a formal organization with its own accounting
which can participate in funding proposals as its own entity.

To secure the continuation of the GitLab code repository
for Nordic research software we
are negotiating with DeiC, ETAIS, and Sigma2 to anchor this service in a
long-term model financed by either NeIC or participating national
e-infrastructure providers.


The risks listed in the
project plan
are still valid, but the main risks for the project related to
finishing on time, budget, and with quality are:

  • Project partners not being able to contribute staff.
  • Staff being moved to other projects by their local organizations which can
    affect continuity, their identification with the project, and puts
    on-boarding strain on the project.
  • Staff changing jobs and project partners not being able to fill their role
    and commitment.
  • New staff not being able to take up larger-percentage contributions because
    the funding period ends in less than one year.
  • With COVID-19 it may be impossible to organize an in-person conference within
    the funding period. This may limit the benefit realization for the Nordic RSE


Documents and project reports


Articles about CodeRefinery

Blog posts