# Backstage Project Glossary ## API https://backstage.io/docs/features/software-catalog/system-model ## App An installation of Backstage. ## Backstage A platform for creating and deploying developer portals, developed at Spotify. Backstage is an incubation-stage open source project of the [Cloud Native Computing Foundation](#Cloud-Native-Computing-Foundation). ## CNCF Cloud Native Computing Foundation. ## Cloud Native Computing A set of technologies that "empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs exemplify this approach." ([CNCF Cloud Native Definition v1.0](https://github.com/cncf/toc/blob/main/DEFINITION.md)). ## Cloud Native Computing Foundation A foundation dedicated to the promotion and advancement of [Cloud Native Computing](#Cloud-Native-Computing). The mission of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is "to make cloud native computing ubiquitous" ([CNCF Charter](https://github.com/cncf/foundation/blob/main/charter.md)). CNCF is part of the Linux Foundation. ## Component A software product that is managed in the Backstage Software Catalog. A component can be a service, website, library, data pipeline, or any piece of software that you manage as a single project. https://backstage.io/docs/features/software-catalog/system-model ## Contributor A volunteer who helps to improve an OSS product. This volunteer effort includes coding, testing, technical writing, user support, and other work. ## Developer Portal A centralized system comprising a user interface and database used to facilitate and document all the software projects within an organization. Backstage is a developer portal. ## Domain https://backstage.io/docs/features/software-catalog/system-model ## Entity What is cataloged in the Backstage Software Catalog. An entity is identified by [kind](#Kind), [namespace](#Namespace), and name. ## Kind Classification of an [entity](#Entity) in the Backstage Software Catalog, for example *service*, *database*, and *team*. ## Kubernetes Plugin A plugin enabling configuration of Backstage on a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes plugin has been promoted to a core feature. ## Mono-Repo A single repository for a collection of related software projects, such as all projects belonging to an organization. ## Namespace In the Backstage Software Catalog, an optional attribute that can be used to organize entities. ## OSS Open source software. ## Plugin A module in Backstage that adds a feature. All functionality in Backstage, even the core features, are implemented as plugins. ## Resource https://backstage.io/docs/features/software-catalog/system-model ## Search A Backstage plugin that provides a framework for searching a Backstage [app](#App), including the [Software Catalog](#Software-Catalog) and [TechDocs](#TechDocs). One of the four main units of Backstage. ## Software Catalog A centralized system that keeps track of ownership and metadata for any number and type of software [components](#Component). A core feature of Backstage. ## Software Templates A tool in Backstage with which to create [components](#Component) in Backstage. A core feature of Backstage. A "skeleton" software project created and managed in the Backstage Software Templates tool. ## System https://backstage.io/docs/features/software-catalog/system-model ## TechDocs A documentation solution that manages and generates a technical documentation from Markdown files stored with software component code. A core feature of Backstage.