Credit of this fantastic figure to Matthijs Cox's blogs.
My goal with this documents is to hopefully convey to people using languages like MATLAB, Python and R with no background in software development or computer science, the strengths and unique elements of the Julia programming language.
While a lot of the things presented below can be done in other languages, they cannot be done as easily as in Julia
Julia is one of the most cost-effective languages in terms of the amount of necessary code to achieve high-performance. It has been shown many times that Julia can achieve C/C++ levels of performance with a lot less effort.
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My impression was that, while rust functions don’t have multiple dispatch, generic rust traits can have multiple dispatch, which lets you accomplish pretty much the same thing (though it’s more verbose). - Jasha10 Julia Discourse
I think one problem with multipledispatch comparing to a trait system is that the developer needs to know and fully understand the detail of a function in order to let that function use some optimized operation for calculation. E.g. in the "inner" example, one needs to read the code of the function "inner" then can he know the function "inner" uses "" (multiplication). After that, he can write a specialized "" for the "OneHotVector". This may be obvious for "inner" but sooner it becomes not obvious for other complicated functions. - @weiyuanwu9044 YouTube comments
Why Multiple Dispatch was not used before? Trade-off with performance, In Julia this is not a problem
"I see this (telling people to reuse code) … like us trying to get people to eat helthy … this is something that is good for you in the long run" - Jeff Bezanson
Programmers will reliably do two things:
what is easy
what runs fast In other words: people want to eat junk food.
Have we made Cheetos that are good for you?
broadcast is the same as map for one argument, but it repeats inputs for more arguments.
Type piracy
Type piracy
You need to own either the function or the type of one of the arguments f(arg1, arg2, ...) to add a method to a function.
Science and wasted efforts
In science, most programming languages have used this approach of OOP. For example Python. The main issue is, that if you want to solve a new problem, you need to rewrite the whole algorithm for your problem:
We are so used to do this, that we don't question it
So many resources have been lost in this
Wan't to do Machine Learning? rewrite your code in PyTorch, JAX or TensorFlow
Julia should be slow
All type annotations are optional, let the compiler do the magic
Multiple dispatch: specialised on concrete types
Compile time: converting code to machine code
Run time: when this machine code is actually executed
Julia's compiler
JuliaCon 2024 - Valentin Churavy
Performance pitfalls
Engineering Julia for Speed | Lionel Zoubritzky | JuliaCon 2018
Type stability: We can move the cost of type inference from run time to compile time (devirtualization). This is one of the most important aspects of Julia's performance.
The vector can be stored in an unboxed fashion if all types are concrete. Specifying types in methods are good for dispatch and overloading (someone can define a method of that function of their custom type)
CPU/GPU native code (assembly, not really useful to look at):
julia> @code_native add(1, 1)
.file "add"
.globl julia_add_451 # -- Begin function julia_add_451
.p2align 4, 0x90
.type julia_add_451,@function
julia_add_451: # @julia_add_451
; ┌ @ REPL[15]:1 within `add`# %bb.0: # %top
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
; │ @ REPL[15]:2 within `add`
; │┌ @ int.jl:87 within `+` lea rax, [rdi + rsi]
; │└ pop rbp ret .Lfunc_end0: .size julia_add_451, .Lfunc_end0-julia_add_451
; └
# -- End function
.section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits
Static analysis
In computer science, static program analysis (also known as static analysis or static simulation) is the analysis of computer programs performed without executing them, in contrast with dynamic program analysis, which is performed on programs during their execution in the integrated environment.
. In Julia you have direct acess to the internals, you can even check how Julia Base does something as it si written in Julia.
Julia coming from MATLAB
But in MATLAB I do it like this - Anon
Sometimes people do not realize that MATLAB is sometimes the only programming language doing something in a way, it is important to enter this learning journey with an open mind
Curiosity is key: Tools and languages evolve, never stop asking what's new
Respect language diversity: Learning Julia can solidify some concepts
Listen before prescribing: "Julia is fast" only matters if the current approach is perceived as slow
Don't ask how can I, ask what is the right way to: To really get good at a new language, take your time to loose old bad habits
Learning is an investment: Make your peace with being less productive for a while
There is a lot of challenges to change, which are not objective. Transition from Python 2 to 3 took almost 15 years.
Older people built their whole careers using MATLAB, why change?
If we change it, suddenly their expertise goes away … best approach is map the current methods to the new language.
How do we know is good? tell people it will not be compatible, developers can opt-out of it.
Rangest = 0:0.1:2pi Just like in MATLAB! :) (not allocated! StepRangeLen)
Broadcastingy = sin.(t) ()
Plotting, plot(t, y) needs to import using Plots (you need to install stuff!)
surf -> surface(t, t, y * y') (In Julia most functions use complete words)
Generic code can change backends, add UniCodoPlots, then setunicodeplots()
You can define functions like f(x) = sin.(x)similar to math!
You can also pipe functions y = x |> f |> f
Pluto is reactive, can define cells like in Excel (we love excel right?)
Sliders can be bound to variables, @bind x Slider(0:10)
You can mix Markdown and code with string interpolation mystring = "x = $x"
Order of the cells does not matter!
For loops have their own scope
for i in1:10
print(i) # Not like in MATLAB!!
Let's do something more complex, use VSCode:
Ctr+Enter: Executes line and shows output inline
Docs can be seen inside VSCode
Plots appear in the plot pane
using ControlSystems
using Plots
n, b, k = 2, 1, 1
P = tf(1, [m, b, k]) # System, mass-spring-damp
C = pid(1,1,0,1) # Controler
G = feedback(P * C) # Feddback loop
plot(step(G, 20))
C_tuned = loopshapingPID(P, 1)
G_tuned = feedback(P * C)
plot!(step(G_tuned, 20)) # No hold on, fun!# More cool graphs for free
res = step(G_tuned, 20)
Packaging and publishing
Very well thought package environment and package manager (Pkg.jl, everything is in the CI PkgTemplates.jl)
It force you to write tests (TestItemRunner.jl)
Docstrings can be used to create automatic documentations (Documenter.jl)
Community is very helpful! Julia's Slack and Discourse are an invaluable source of information
TagBot is very useful for tagging new releases (comment@JuliaRegister register)
Benefits of using all of these tools
Tim Holy:
CI reduces reviewer workload to make it less of a bottleneck.
"Open-source" project generally have no CI
How does it look for Julia?
Julia strongly encourages good coding practices, how? because it is easy -> PkgTemplates.jl