--- tags: project management description: CM Team Goatherd Checklist --- # Open Research Community Building Team Goatherder Check List - Duration: Friday - Thursday - Schedule: https://hackmd.io/@cm-team/goatherd-schedule-2023 ## What is "Goathearding" The idea comes from a Terry Pratchet quote and the recognition that RCMs are wonderful and intelligent people. > The merest accident of microgeography had meant that the first man to hear the voice of Om, and who gave Om his view of humans, was a shepherd and not a goatherd. They have quite different ways of looking at the world, and the whole of history might have been different. For sheep are stupid, and have to be driven. But goats are intelligent, and need to be led.” > ― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods ## Main responsibilities This is your week to engage the RCM team on the topic of your interest. Ask questions, share resources and make sure that everyone is prepared for the team meeting. - [ ] **Friday**: Review the goatherder schedule for the assigned meeting type ("TPS CM meeting" or "Theme"). - [ ] **Friday**: Personally check in with the speakers and make sure they know what they will be presenting next wednesday. - [ ] **Monday**: Send a summary of the meeting agenda on slack to #tps-rcms-internal (TPS CM meeting) or #tps-rcms-and-collabs (Theme Disucssussion). Flag any actions, e.g. to add agenda items or add project updates share out. - [ ] Include a link to the hackmd for that week. - [ ] **Monday (co-working)**: Chair the co-working call - [ ] Ask what people want to work on (folks will often have discussed between them in advance and have suggestions, or they will come to the call ready to contribute anywhere) - [ ] Make zoom breakout rooms as required - [ ] ANY OTHER CHAIRS ACTIONS? Pomodoro? Calling back to main room? - [ ] If "Theme Discussion" meeting there will be a space for project updates. Read these out during the meeting, and invite short questions to the project owner. Allow a maximum of 20 minutes for project updates, leaving 40 minutes for the main presentation/discussion. - [ ] **Wednesday (team meeting)**: Chair the team meeting call and ensure notes are taken. - [ ] If "Theme Discussion" meeting there will be a space for project updates. Read these out during the meeting, and invite short questions to the project owner. Allow a maximum of 20 minutes for project updates, leaving 40 minutes for the main presentation/discussion. - [ ] Chair the themed discussion, invite the speaker to talk, or ask team what they want to discuss if open agenda/clinic - [ ] Check notes are being taken. - [ ] Make zoom breakout rooms as required - [ ] ANY OTHER CHAIRS ACTIONS? Pomodoro? Calling back to main room? - [ ] **Thursday**: Push / copy call notes hackmd to [project resources](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/open-research-community-management/tree/main/project-management/team-meetings) - [ ] Modify syntax of "info" section to quote block - [ ] Redact confidential or identifiable informaton whch was not offered directly by the person identified. - [ ] Redact zoom links and meeting id etc. - [ ] Redact links to list-of-links and goatherd schedule at the bottom (redacted as this links to previous meeting notes which have not been reviewed for confidentiality) - [ ] Tag previous and next weeks goatherd for PR review - [ ] **Thursday or after PR merged**: Share link to notes on the appropriate slack channel for the meeting. Flag any actions/issues. - [ ] **Thursday**: Let the next goatherder know that you are passing the responsibility to them - tag them on slack or connect during co-working.