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How to create a bug bounty for smart contract project on Bug Buster

There is a new version of this tutorial that is easier and quicker to follow. Please check it here.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a bug bounty on Bug Buster for a smart contract project!

Bug Buster expects bounties to be submitted in a particular format. All the necessary files (such as source code, binaries, etc.) must be bundled as an archive file with tar and compressed with xz. The final product should be a file with the .tar.xz extension.

The archive file should contain a file, which is the entry-point that will be called by the Bug Buster back-end when someone tries to exploit your bounty. It passes the path of the exploit file as argument, and checks the status code returned by the Shell script. If it exits with status code 0, it marks the exploit as valid and rewards the hacker.

In the case of smart contract bounties, the bundle only needs to contain the Solidity files of your project and its dependencies, and a few other files. The Bug Buster back-end already contains Reth, a production-level Ethereum node, Forge, a development smart contract development tool, and the Solidity compiler.


In order to follow this tutorial you will need to have the following dependencies installed on your machine:

Preparing the project

To demonstrate how to submit a bounty for a smart contract project, let’s start with a new Forge project from scratch.

  1. Create a directory called counter-bounty
mkdir counter-bounty
cd counter-bounty
  1. Create a forge project in it
forge init
  1. Let's start deleting the files script/Couner.s.sol and tests/Counter.t.sol which are created by default, but will not be used in this tutorial.
rm script/Counter.s.sol test/Counter.t.sol
  1. Also by default, forge creates a smart contract on /src folder called Counter, which has a state variable number, whose value can be set calling the function setNumber and can be incremented by 1 calling the function increment. See the code below.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

contract Counter {
    uint256 public number;

    function setNumber(uint256 newNumber) public {
        number = newNumber;

    function increment() public {
  1. For the purpose of this tutorial, let’s change a bit this code by changing the function increment to intentionally insert an arithmetic overflow vulnerability.

Never do this on code that is intented to be deployed on mainnet!

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

contract Counter {
    uint256 public number;

    function setNumber(uint256 newNumber) public {
        number = newNumber;
    function increment() public {
        unchecked {
  1. Great! You are almost there. Now, you will need to create a script file in the root folder, which is the entry point for the execution of your project on Bug Buster. This script must: deploy your contract, set the initial state, execute the exploit code and, finally, run the assertions to check if the contract was exloited or not. Just paste the code below and read the comments to understand the sequence of actions.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source ./

>&2 echo "Deploying and registering project contracts..."
COUNTER=$(deploy_and_register src/Counter.sol Counter)

>&2 echo "Deploying exploit contract..."
EXPLOIT=$(deploy src/Exploit.sol Exploit)

>&2 echo "Running exploit..."
send "$EXPLOIT" 'run(address)' "$REGISTRY"

>&2 echo "Verifying contracts after exploit execution..."
number=$(cast call "$COUNTER" 'number()(uint256)')

if [ "$number" -eq 0 ]
    >&2 echo "Valid exploit!"
    exit 0
    >&2 echo "No exploit found."
    exit 1

Set the execution permission for this file using the following command:

chmod +x

  1. As you may have noticed, the file that was provided depends on another script called This script prepares Bug Buster's execution environment and must be kept with no modifications!
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    You can download it using the commands below.
chmod +x
  1. You will also need to add 2 more files to your project: a smart contract called Register.sol and its corresponding interface IRegistry.sol. As their name suggest, they register the deployment addresses of the project's contracts and make them available for all execution stages declared in the file (it will become clearer later, when you read about the exploit code example). Download these files inside the src folder using the command below.
  1. At this point you should be able to compile the code to check if everything is working as expected. You can do it by executing the following command and the result should be "Compiler run successful!".
forge build
  1. Now, we have everything set up to create your bounty's bundle. The command below creates the counter-bounty.tar.xz file using the Forge cache to list all Solidity files necessary to compile the project. This helps reduce the size of the bundle, and, therefore, the cost of the base layer transaction.
jq -r '.files|keys[]' cache/solidity-files-cache.json | \
xargs tar -cJf counter-bounty.tar.xz foundry.toml

Cloning Bug Buster and running it locally

  1. Clone Bug Buster repo
  1. Switch to the branch in which the implementation for supporting smart contract bug bounties is committed.
cd bug-buster
git switch next
  1. Follow the instructions provided in the README file to properly run the back-end and the front-end on your machine.

The make machine command may take some minutes to complete for the first time. This command builds the Cartesi Machine with a full Linux distro plus the Solidity compiler, Foundry, Reth, etc.

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Configuring your wallet

  1. Having the back-end and the front-end running, access Bug Buster front-end at http://localhost:3000/
  2. Open your wallet to configure the local development network and to import a valid account on this environment.

Check the links below for instructions on how to do the configuration using Metamask. If you use another wallet, don't worry because these are common configurations and it will not be difficult to find information on how to do that in your wallet.

Available Accounts

(0) 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 (10000.000000000000000000 ETH)
(1) 0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8 (10000.000000000000000000 ETH)
(2) 0x3C44CdDdB6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12FA4293BC (10000.000000000000000000 ETH)

Private Keys

(0) 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
(1) 0x59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d
(2) 0x5de4111afa1a4b94908f83103eb1f1706367c2e68ca870fc3fb9a804cdab365a

Creating the bug bounty

  1. Click on Explore bounties.
  2. Click on Create bounty, and fill in the required form fields.
    • For the Token Address field, enter the address for TestToken(0x92C6bcA388E99d6B304f1Af3c3Cd749Ff0b591e2) an ERC-20 contract provided by Cartesi CLI for testing purpose.
    • Upload the counter-bounty.tar.xz file.
  3. When ready, click on the Create button.
    • Your wallet will ask you to confirm the transaction. Do it and wait until the notification with your transaction confirmation arrives.
  4. Once the transaction is confirmed, navigate back to the Explore bounties page and your recently created bounty must be listed there (sometimes it takes 2-3 seconds to appear).

Testing the bug bounty

All right! The bug bounty for your project was created and now you can send some solidity code to interact with it.

  1. Click on your bounty card in the Explore bounties page.
  2. Confirm that your wallet is connected.
  3. Click on Submit exploit and fill the required fields in the form. In the script tab, paste the code below that just initializes number to 1 and then call the increment method.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.27;

import {IRegistry} from "src/IRegistry.sol";
import {Counter} from "src/Counter.sol";

contract Exploit {
    function run(IRegistry registry) external {
        Counter counter = Counter(registry.get("Counter"));

  1. Click on Submit and wait until the notification informing that your transaction was successful.
  2. Once the transaction is confirmed, navigate back to the Explore bounties page and find the card for your bounty. You will see that there will be no red badge informing "Exploited" on it.

Isn't it awesome!? You submit a solidity code to interact with the bug bounty for the Counter smart contract running in a sandboxed production-level EVM (Reth) inside an altVM (Cartesi Machine)!

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Hacking the bug bounty

Now it is time to become a white-hat-hacker and submit a code to exploit the arithmetic overflow that was introduced.

  1. Follow the same steps of the last section, but this time paste another solidity code to exploit the vulnerability that was intentionally added in the Counter smart contract and click on Submit button.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.27;

import {IRegistry} from "src/IRegistry.sol";
import {Counter} from "src/Counter.sol";

contract Exploit {
    function run(IRegistry registry) external {
        Counter counter = Counter(registry.get("Counter"));

        uint256 currentNumber = counter.number();
        uint256 maxUint256 = type(uint256).max - currentNumber;
  1. Once the transaction is confirmed, navigate back to the Explore bounties page and find the card for your bounty. Now, you will see the red badge informing "Exploited"!
  2. If you navigate to the Vouchers List page, you will see a voucher that will allow you to receive your reward. list vouchers

Proposal to dig deeper

If you would like to explore more the smart contracts bounty feature, try to create a bug bounty for your own project or for a project that you like/support/use.

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Thank you!

Thanks for following this tutorial and learn more about Bug Buster!

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If you have any comments, suggestions and/or doubts, please don't hesitate to reach out through our Telegram group or X account.