{%hackmd @cimeesia/H18RVTzeK %} # A thank you letter from sia [TOC] ## TL;DR Thank you all for joined me, supported me to reach the height that I never thought before. Very appreciate. ![wedding3_result](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HkeJe5QSC.jpg) ## My management team ### To Bax and flipomatic It was nice to meet you both in MMT, we had very fun time during "What lies behind. What lies ahead.", and then we managed TNC's and Hero's "Immiscible Discord", and Hero's "We Escape to Survive" together, it was a good time ! (Wish I didn't hold you back) And, I impressed by your action that made any decision faster than others. It did help in my run. Thank you ! ### To HeroponJ Hello Hero, We know each other from the era of very early game, in official Discord server, but we started play frequently in these days somehow. In these days, I managed your run, and you managed my run. What a nice business :smile: Thank you for being my manager, I can feel that you are the one who did the hardest working, and you sacrificed your sleep time as well, just like what I did in your run :joy: Thank you ! ### To tsubasa Hi tsubasa, Glad I can have you to be my manager, because you are the only one SGT who had management experience I know. Without you, the night time of ours probably didn't have manager can cover. :joy: Thank you ! ### to werm Hello werm, thank you for being my manager. You did good !!! Remind me the experience of the first time of being manager, nervous, panic, anxiety of anything that might happen, but in the end, most of those emotions are just paranoid. I guess you are the same, get relieved after the event :smile: And finally is, thank you ! ### to Ori Hello Ori, although you didn't participate in the early stage of management thing, but I still appreciate that you could have chance to help my run in the last half of event. It did help a lot ! Thank you ! ### to gold Hello gold ! I'm sorry about you just got sick during my run thus you only have managed my few hours, but I don't care about the time. I do really appreciate your help still, because you did try your best, thank you ! ## My Caring Companion (Fillers) ### to KZ1643 Hi kz, I don't think my English ability is able to fully express my thanks, but, thank you very very much. You are the one who support me for **SUPER** long time, from the time that I hadn't even made decision of what run, to the end of event. This support is so precious and important to me. I'm pretty sure I will fill for you in "Hectic cafe" for many hours of shift, just like what you did in my run :smile: ### to friends who fill for me so much time :::spoiler Criteria (folded) More than 10 hours ::: <br /> (Sort A to Z) -222bAd-, AnteJoy, Anula, Ashouramaru, Beaumains, caesou, esmei, essence, Fyly (New acc), Maaya Ou, Nessa, NotGoose, Yoisaki Thank you so much for filling so many hours, you are my heros !!! ### to fillers who filled for me, even just an one-hour shift (Sort A to Z) .itz.coco_, 12kasuho, A4, abeecds, Acela, aki, ako, Aoba Suzukaze, Arcueid, Bantam Phantom, caesou, citro ✨, clemeycat, colorfulstage (Sabre), Crescent, donkplant, egg, ellie (scarame0w), em !!, Emai, Flop, gladi, grandma more more jump (loom), gwen, Hadzy, hae, hamster, Harmako (Mako), hoesmad (mimi), Hyacinth, irene, jade, jazzy calamari (jazzy), kace, kels, kirby, klinq, Kye, Linkle, Liz, lizzie, Lost, maria, mel, Memo, Mikado, mirai, Mitsuki, Navi, Nicole.C, nicoliie, nixie c:, nyom, p0ryg0n2, pacific, pbandjilly (jilly), pebblezsplash (trix), pugs filling problem (puglet), rav, redbean, release, rhea, rui :3, senkiie, Sera, sink, sivani, slaine, slay, Space, starfire (leila), thisissophia, tnc, Treelord, Vik363 (shiro), Will, woaichixigua (josh), xian, xuan, yassie, yozora!, Yuuki, yuyu Thanks to Mitsuki and Sera shared some tips about keep awake. :sunny: Thanks to "flower friends" :wink: come fill for me. Thanks to pory and xuan taught me about cc chill level. :snowflake: Thanks to Saki-oshi (gladi, Mako, jilly, Navi), your existence brings the cuteness vibe into the gaming room :heart: Thanks to the Tarnished come to fill me, and cya in Lands Between :man-gesturing-ok: Thanks to all of you, and sorry, I was too tired to remember what everyone chatted and did while filling for me. But ... thank you so much. :bow: **Without you, I wouldn't have made this far. Thank you again.** ## Special Companion ### Yaakova ![Yaakova's t3](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Bya6inEBA.png) _"Excuse me, please allow me capture your rank." -sia_ Hello, my worthy rival, To be honest, I thought I would lose to you when the event processed at Day5/Day6. And, after I read [your thank-you latter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BK2xn03DphDmRhYF3fDGriIUB1h2Cb11xqTaRYA9nKU/edit?usp=sharing), I realised that I actually would have lost to you in the end, if you didn't encounter that situation IRL. That's why I praise you, because your strength is ***REAL***, not gonna lie. Anyway, once again, congratulations on your 3rd place !! :tada: :tada: :tada: ### Maristelle Hello, my old friend, I know you didn't fill for me, didn't join my server either, but it doesn't matter. I know you were rooting for me and Yaakova, from the friend list comment system :joy: and that is fairly sweet enough. Thank you :hearts: ### Ham178 Hello, the champion ! We basically root each other thru the whole event in DM, so I don't think we need to say anything more :joy: Congratulations on your 1st place !!! ## Some other not-so-important things So here are my setup for the event. :::spoiler Screenshot (folded) ![myWedding3Team](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BkCW1p4rR.jpg) ![myWedding3TeamDetails](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HkQqlaNHC.png) ::: <br /> Account Enhancement - Character Rank are **all capped** on effect. - All Higher than CR50; 5%. - Character Area Item are **all max**. - All Lv. 15; 30%. - Group Area Item are **all max**. - All Lv. 15; 15%. - Pure (Attribute) Area Item are **all max**. - Duo Lv. 15; 15% (30% when full Pure cards). Item Preparation - 15 Wish Jewels - Since picnic Mizuki had already MR5 in long time ago, only 3 event cards need to be upgraded. - A lot of Skill Up Score with some more Wish Jewels - I forgot how much... - and only upgraded Kanade