# Integrate Bash with VS2019 on Windows Recently, I want to integrate git hook into my project written in C++. But the most git hook scripts except framework like pre-commit or husky are needed to run on Unix-like system. Moreover, our team mainly develop on platform mainly on Windows. In order to let git hook scripts work smoothly and painlessly in the teams. I try to integrate bash used by git-windows and visual studio to make scripts work on Windows ## Required Install 1. Visual Studio 2. [Git on Windows](https://git-scm.com/download/win) , for I install git before install Visual Studio, I am not sure that install **git-on-windows** via Extension Manager whether auto-integrate or not ## Steps 1. In VS2019, function tab: Tools > Options ![Screenshot 2024-03-23 141007](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HkqK3l20p.png) 2. Then under Environments > Terminal ![Screenshot 2024-03-23 141358](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJSc3xn0T.png) 3. Add a profile "bash" for example, fill Name field and Shell location where you install Git. Usually install git On whole PC, the path is "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe", and there is also sh.exe you can choose 5. After Click Apply and OK buttons, you could see there is a bash profile on the view of terminal(Ctrl-\`) you can call to run a bash terminal in Visual Studio. Basically, as long as you open the repo or directory with Visual Studio, the terminal will cd to the path of this repo in default. ![Screenshot 2024-03-23 141935](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rkm62g3Aa.png) ## Others ### Take care your eyes: Change the font size of terminal Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors Show settings: Terminal, and you can adjust font size of terminal ![Screenshot 2024-03-23 142744](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkMeal30T.png) If you have other better solution, welcome to comment <3