# APAX Strategy ## Current perceived strategy for growth * Every hour worked must be billable unless absolutely necessary * More billable hours means more revenue * Unbillable hours means less revenue * This is how APAX defines "efficiency" * Increase APAX margins by hiring cheaper, less-experienced engineers * Our only way to grow this approach is do ***more*** of it * More projects * More employee capacity ## Scaling current approach to $10M * A pod is roughly **$1M** in yearly **revenue** * 50 weeks * 32 hrs/wk * 4 employees * $150/hr * You need **10** pods * *This assumes each pod is operating at **100%** efficiency* ## Efficiency as a metric * There seems to be ***no strategy*** for assigning less-skilled, less-efficient engineers to certain types of project phases / contracts: * APAX is sometimes ***rewarded*** for using less-efficient junior devs * Matinenance * Flexible budget * Flexible timeline * APAX is sometimes ***penalized*** for using less-efficient junior devs * Tech debt * Less confidence in effort estimations which negatively impacts: * Finite budget projects * Strict deadlines * The way APAX enforces efficiency: * Discourages internal hours * Incentivises APAX to use junior devs which: * Decreases quality * Decreases predicability * This is not efficiency and we need to ***stop calling it that*** * Maybe call it "*billable quotient*" ## Re-defining efficiency * Someone is more efficient if they output the same value in **less** time * Being *more* efficient would **not** affect revenue with a *static* team size: * We'd do more projects but make the same amount of money * Incentives for efficiency: * Competitive estimates which increases sales * Maintaining clients * Work toward the inflection point of billing for hours we didn't work * Fixed price contracts * This enables a **different** kind of scaling for APAX which doesn't require hiring ## Project inefficiencies and lack of process * APAX throughput is ***capped*** by the # of senior devs * Every project must have a senior dev * At least **50%** of a project's timeline is blocked by senior devs * Estimates * Blocks sales and the development cycle * No technical review is done of architecture or technology choices which: * Decreases predictability * Leads to tech debt which decreases employee satisfaction / retention * Project setup has zero process or restrictions * Often starting with zero code * Re-inventing the wheel: * Inefficient * Leads to knowledge silos * This negatively affects sales, growth and employee satisfaction / retention. ## New metrics needed * Predictability - How much of a project is reusable code? * Estimate confidence * How far off were we? * Estimate efficiency - Are we getting faster AND more predicatble estimates?