# Mass Lodge Timeline (Option #1) ## Project Setup - NextJS / turbo repo **8 hrs** - Layout / tailwind foundation **12 hrs** - CircleCI deploying to Vercel **6 hrs** - Postgres locally w/ lando **2 hrs** - Postgres in the cloud **4 hrs** - Vercel DB? - Planetscale? - AWS? ## Data Layer Foundation - Setting up / learning drizzle **24 hrs** - Package to abstract ALL data retrieval / mutation (invoices too) **32 hrs** ## User Authorization - Clerk setup / learning **32 hrs** - Where is user data stored? - Do we need a postgres user table? Or just relational tables to associate users. - Permission system to be leveraged by middleware for all routes **24 hrs** - Invoicing role ## Reports Database Integration - Setup vpn access **4 hrs** - Package with raw SQL queries for clients, hotels, and transactions **60 hrs** ## Transactions Report - UI for listing transactions with filtering / pagination **50 hrs** ## Invoicing - Drizzle models / data layer additions **16 hrs** - UI for listing invoices with filtering / pagination **50 hrs** - UI for creating / editing **30 hrs** - Business logic for workflow enforced - Dynamic transaction list filted by client / date range - No pagination? - Approval workflow - Quickbooks package **120 hrs** - Handles communication with API - Handles formatting transaction data - Stores invoice id ## PDF Generation - Invoices **20 hrs** - Print-friendly styles