# General Grant Proposal * **Project:** Blockchian engineer in Pollen labs / PSE ## Project Overview :page_facing_up: ### Overview Pollen Labs continues its collaboration with the Next Billion team & aiding in public sector collaboration. We’re excited to keep engaging with Greg, whose in-depth blockchain knowledge strengthens our diverse collaboration efforts. As we kick off mid-year activities with the Next Billion Fellowship Cohort #4, there will be a need for hands-on blockchain deployment and guidance for the fellows in this space. This proposal aims to continue our engagement with Greg. ### Project Details 1. Assist fellows in navigating the blockchain space. 2. Collaborate with Pollen Labs members and fellows on application building. 3. Guide the team in technology choices and design. 4. Provide in-depth technological analysis and insights. ## Team :busts_in_silhouette: ### Team members * Names: Gregor Mirai * Email: gregor.mirai@gmail.com * Telegram: @unidwell * Github: https://github.com/unidwell ### Team's experience Greg has 7+ years of experience working with cryptocurrencies. The work involved integrating and working with diverse blockchains (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cosmos, Binance, Filecoin, and others) into client-facing projects (Exodus), creating indexing backends to provide real-time transaction access, working on modular assets architecture, scalability, managing code-debt, auditioning/reviewing the code to improve security. As a tech lead, he loves to bring team members up to speed and create a vibrant dev environment. ## Development Roadmap :nut_and_bolt: July - December 2024 Pollen Labs aims to support at least one fellow with in-depth technology development, ranging from feature enhancements to full-blown blockchain applications, depending on the fellow’s needs. Additionally, we will engage with other teams within EF to assist public sector collaborations. Greg will also contribute to feasibility analyses and deployment assistance. ### Overview * **Total Estimated Duration:** 24 weeks ( 7/8/2024 - 12/20/2024) * **Full-time equivalent (FTE):** 1([see](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full-time_equivalent)) * **Total Costs:** Amount of Payment for the whole project. ### Milestone 1 * **Estimated Duration:** 4 weeks (7/8 - 8/2) * **FTE:** 1 * **Costs:** $xx * **Estimated delivery date**: 8/2/2024 * **Deliverable**: * List of tasks performed and the time allocated to each task. * List of outputs: PRs, commits, write-ups, and etc ### Milestone 2 * **Estimated Duration:** 4 weeks (8/5 - 8/30) * **FTE:** 1 * **Costs:** $x * **Estimated delivery date**: 8/30/2024 * **Deliverable**: * List of tasks performed and the time allocated to each task. * List of outputs: PRs, commits, write-ups, and etc ### Milestone 3 * **Estimated Duration:** 4 weeks (9/2 - 9/27) * **FTE:** 1 * **Costs:** $x * **Estimated delivery date**: 9/27/2024 * **Deliverable**: * List of tasks performed and the time allocated to each task. * List of outputs: PRs, commits, write-ups, and etc ### Milestone 4 * **Estimated Duration:** 4 weeks (9/30 - 10/25) * **FTE:** 1 * **Costs:** $x * **Estimated delivery date**: 10/25/2024 * **Deliverable**: * List of tasks performed and the time allocated to each task. * List of outputs: PRs, commits, write-ups, and etc ### Milestone 5 * **Estimated Duration:** 4 weeks (10/28 - 11/22) * **FTE:** 1 * **Costs:** $x * **Estimated delivery date**: 11/22/2024 * **Deliverable**: * List of tasks performed and the time allocated to each task. * List of outputs: PRs, commits, write-ups, and etc ### Milestone 6 * **Estimated Duration:** 4 weeks (11/25 - 12/20) * **FTE:** 1 * **Costs:** $x * **Estimated delivery date**: 12/20/2024 * **Deliverable**: * List of tasks performed and the time allocated to each task. * List of outputs: PRs, commits, write-ups, and etc