# General Grant Proposal * **Project:** Backend & other development support for IOU & Pollen labs ## Project Overview :page_facing_up: ### Overview This proposal is to onboard a software engineer, Sero, to assist with miscellaneous support tasks such as backend development, TypeScript, and blockchain application building. ### Project Details #### IOU * Support service coding on POC: Specification available at this link: https://hackmd.io/BiNofD9oS4-tG7Vg3Rsd6g * Collaborate closely with IOU tech lead, Onur. * Code in Rust. * Provide end-to-end testing scripts. #### Pollen labs - Blockchain power eSIM - Backend support for blockchain-powered eSIM at various touchpoints such as apps and API endpoints. - Support team for production release at Devcon #### Pollen labs - Misc. * Next Billion Cohort #4: Sero will participate upon request if his skills are needed. * ETH SIM Support: Assist upon request. ## Team :busts_in_silhouette: ### Team members * Names: Sero * Email: admin@serotonindesigns.com * Telegram: seroxdesign * Discord: 0xsero ### Team Website * https://blog.serotonindesigns.com/ * https://serox.eth.limo ### Team's experience #### Public Goods Research and Development: - Worked with **Gitcoin and Allo** on multiple R&D projects to improve the gitcoin grantstack: - Done research and analytics on crosschain donation for Gitcoin's grant managers - Managed the development of a new gitcoin grantstack product in collaboration with the Arbitrum team for the LTIP grant program - A core developer of **Synpress**, an open source web3 end-to-end testing library and standard used by **Optimism, Octant, and Gitcoin** in their web applications #### Blockchain Development: - Worked on multiple core web3 infrastrucutre projects, including: - **Tellor Oracle:** Built the Sub-Graphs and contributed to the UIs, Tellor is an open source, decentralised alternative to chainlink - **POKT Network:** Developed the POKT website, built out data pipelines, and contributed to the community by writing documentation, guides, and providing bounties for OSS contributors #### Community and Education: - Founded [Warsaw International](https://www.meetup.com/warsawinternational/): a developer focused IRL meetup for international community members in Warsaw, I gave multiple workshops, and onboarded hundreds of people to web3 in the last 2 years. - [Taught a 1 week bootcamp for web3 dev at ETHDenver's buidlcamp](https://x.com/Vahidzarif1/status/1761797237275758813) ### Team Code Repos * Personal Account: https://github.com/Seroxdesign * Gitcoin R&D: https://github.com/grants-stack-frontier * Synpress: https://github.com/Synthetixio/synpress/tree/new-dawn * Tellor Subgraphs: https://github.com/tellor-io/tellor-autopay-ethereum-graph ## Development Roadmap :nut_and_bolt: 1. Set up service for IOU and related support: Target to complete POC within 6 weeks. 2. Support blockchain-powered eSIM backend: Aim for production release by Devcon (requires more than 12 weeks). 3. Assist with other Pollen Labs projects: Based on available bandwidth. ### Overview * **Total Estimated Duration:** 12 weeks * **Full-time equivalent (FTE):** 0.75 ([see](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full-time_equivalent)) * **Total Costs:** $xx. ### Milestone 1 * **Estimated Duration:** 4 weeks (1/7 - 26/7) * **FTE:** 0.75 * **Costs:** $x * **Estimated delivery date**: 26th July, 2024 * **Deliverable**: * List of tasks performed and the time allocated to each task. * List of outputs: PRs, commits, write-ups, and etc ### Milestone 2 * **Estimated Duration:** 4 weeks (29/7 - 23/8) * **FTE:** 0.75 * **Costs:** $x * **Estimated delivery date**: 23rd Aug, 2024 * **Deliverable**: * List of tasks performed and the time allocated to each task. * List of outputs: PRs, commits, write-ups, and etc ### Milestone 3 * **Estimated Duration:** 4 weeks (26/8 - 20/9) * **FTE:** 0.75 * **Costs:** $x * **Estimated delivery date**: 20th Sep, 2024 * **Deliverable**: * List of tasks performed and the time allocated to each task. * List of outputs: PRs, commits, write-ups, and etc