# General Grant Proposal - Retroactive UX/UI Design Support [WIP] * **Project:** Retroactive UX/UI Design Support ## Project Overview :page_facing_up: ### Overview This proposal requests funding to onboard an additional, UX/UI designer to support various projects within PSE. The rapid pace of technological development and evolving user expectations necessitate agile and flexible design capabilities. By integrating the UX/UI designer, we aim to alleviate workload pressures on our current team, introduce fresh perspectives on user challenges, and enable a lean approach to design and rapid iteration. ### Project Details **Current ongoing project: ETH Sim** - UX/UI design for android application that trigger by physical sim card - UX/UI design for web application that enable network host to monitor usage & other platform actors to get job done - Information diagram and flow to help team communication **Misc. design support** Assist any design support for various PSE's projects, or non-techincal researches. - UX/UI design on web application and mobile native apps - Animation - Non-technical researches (light) ## Team :busts_in_silhouette: ### Team members * Name: Sebastien Dontigny * Email: sebastiendontigny@gmail.com * Discord handle: sebastien_dontigny ### Team portfolio * https://www.figma.com/proto/M5sA9lvxjRE1JrWbxLhuPb/Portfolio?page-id=0%3A1&type=design&node-id=749-47126&viewport=-21505%2C15082%2C1.44&t=v4dUyjmrhVBr76aN-1&scaling=contain&starting-point-node-id=749%3A47126&mode=design ### Team's experience - Freelance UX/UI Designer & Developer (2020 - Present) - Interpret diverse client requirements into compelling and accessible interfaces. Collaborate effectively with in-house teams or work autonomously to craft user-centric websites and applications. Utilize no-code solutions to transform designs into functional sites and engage in quality assurance processes to guarantee superior delivery standards. - Web Designer & Developer (2018 - 2021) - Conducted information architecture analysis on the existing site and executed a comprehensive redesign and build. Since the revamp, monthly visitors have surged from 1000 to 45000 monthly, reflecting the site's enhanced appeal and functionality. ## Project Detail * **Duration:** 3 months * **Starts at:** Jan/1st * **Delivery Date**: March/31st * **Total Working Hours**: 120.25 hours * **Costs:**: 7,515.63 USD (Rate:62.5 USD /hr) * **Timesheet**: https://track.toggl.com/shared-report/2378604068e3f791c4fbfaeb3b51960e * **Tasks**: - Task1, ETH SIM andriod app, user story, information architecture, mindmap: * https://www.figma.com/file/KnvuQc3hz5NTaR9LLxf7BB/ETHSim?type=whiteboard&node-id=751-1343&t=IkD5A1C1l6LI2QGm-4 - Task2, ETH Sim, app wireframe, lofi: * https://www.figma.com/file/Wak4yOl1WcUXEGnvE31fsr/ETHSim?type=design&node-id=689-26537&mode=design&t=WAhNJmlKVV83zmgE-4 - Task3, ETH Sim, app wireframe, hifi: * https://www.figma.com/file/Wak4yOl1WcUXEGnvE31fsr/ETHSim?type=design&node-id=529-15569&mode=design&t=WAhNJmlKVV83zmgE-4 - Misc. support: * Lottie animation, assist Chiali to complete animation for Anon Aadhaar * ETH sim app components * ETH sim, how it work infographic: https://www.figma.com/file/Wak4yOl1WcUXEGnvE31fsr/ETHSim?type=design&node-id=838-8183&mode=design&t=WAhNJmlKVV83zmgE-4 * ETH sim, competetior analysis & research - ongoing * Attend App related meetings ## Additional Information :heavy_plus_sign: